• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2015

Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!
Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).
In Jiffy Plugs:
Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100%
Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84%
Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100%
Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100%
Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100%
Scotch Bonnet, chocolate………………...GaGrowhead, 2nd generation……..1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, red…………………………….Spankycolts, 3rd generation………...……….1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/14 x 1, 1/15 x 1…..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, chocolate…………………….GaGrowhead, 2nd generation…………………………..1/15 x 1,1/18 x 1…………..……………….33%
Mystery Cross……………………………….Trippa, F3………………………………………..1/9 x 3, 1/10 x 2, 1/22 x 1………..……...…………100%
Jamaican Red Habanero………………….Devv, 2nd generation…………….………….....1/9 x 2, 1/10 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Primo………………………………………...MGold, 2nd génération………………………….1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/14 x 1, 1/28 x 1, 2/5 x 1.…100%
Goronong……………………………………Trippa………………………………………………………..1/7 x 2, 1/8 x 3, 1/11 x 1……….……….100%
Bonda Ma Jacques x 7 Pot, yellow……..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/7 x 1, 1/8 x 3, 1/9 x 2………………...100%
Naga Brain, yellow………………………..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/8 x 2, 1/9 x 2, 1/10 x1, 1/11 x 1…….100%
Datil………………………………………….Romy6, 2nd generation…………………………………1/11 x 1, 1/17 x 1,1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1………67%
In Aerogarden: 3 seeds per plug except Cabe Gendot, 2 seeds.
Cheiro Recife………………………………Stickman, 2nd generation………………………….……….1/17 x 1, 1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1…………..100%
Lemon Drop………………………………..onefowl1………………………………………………………1/20 x 1……………………………………33%
Cabe Gendot……………………………….Trippa…………………………………………………………1/16 x 1, 1/28 x 1…………….…………100%
Inca Lost……………………………………Peppermania 2012, 2nd generation
Charapita………………………………..…Stc3248, 2nd generation
Plants already underway - top, Aji Amarillo, peruvian market, 3rd generation. Bottom, Orange Manzano, Stc3248, 3rd generation:

jcw10tc said:
Good luck, looking great still.
Thanks, Justin.   Still just sort of limping along toward plant out days!
Plantguy76 said:
Your plants are looking great Paul things are ramping up now it seems for most everyone!
Looks like your off to a great season!
My first wave are about ready to be put out been working like a dog to get everything ready glad I am not alone in this great community here at THP !
It's great to have company, Jason!
Or maybe I should say 'Misery loves company'   :rolleyes:
We are into a cooler, cloudy and moist weather
pattern here, so all the plants are back into the
greenhouse except for Aji Amarillos and Manzanos.
Roguejim said:
Do you have the zoo doo in that 10-gal pot?
Hey, Jim.  Those 10-gallon containers had soil in them already,
so I just amended it with some ZooDoo.  I'm anticipating good
things from it     :pray:
FL Born said:
Looking great, Paul!!!
Thanks, Bill.  I hope things are good in Lady Lake!
Pinoy83 said:
why them babies still in there nursery pots....put them buggas in condos already lol, very very nice pauly, loving all your pines and maple, me im starting to grow hybrid hibiscus and adeniums lol, need to put some color in my yard 
i really love your garden big and clean and nice   One man's ceiling is another man's floor, my friend.  
I like your compact yard with awesome space utilization.  Everything right at hand  and its gonna be loaded with chilisssss soooonnn :onfire:  :onfire:  :onfire:
They are more than ready for new digs, Jericson!  
I love hibiscus, but they are sort of marginal in this climate.  
There are so many beautiful varieties of them.
stickman said:
I hear ya 'bout Ma Nature dragging her feet this time of year... good luck with the Ajis, I hope the weather holds for you... it looks like it's gonna take a dive here this weekend.  Guess I'll be taking one for the team... ;)
We're into a cooler pattern as well, Rick.
That's why every pod is a victory, brother    :party:
Hope you are getting your hands dirty at least a little.
tsurrie said:
Those Aji Amarillos of yours are gonna get sooo biiig ... 10 gallon.... that's a lot
Do you recomend going bigger than 5 gallon pots for where I am, the season is quite short from mid may to the end of september ??
That's still about five months, Uros.  A five gallon pot will grow a very respectably
sized plant, but I went to all 7-gallons my second season, and now have all
10-gallon and bigger.  I just like to have room for the roots, and they will fill
these pots with roots.   I suppose it's just a matter of how much space you
have for the containers.
Hope things are good in your beautiful country.
PaulS said:
Plant outs are sweet! Really tall :)
They enjoyed the week of sunny weather outside, but now are
back in the greenhouse for a little stint of cooler Pacific NorthWest
Spring weather!
Some of them are really too big to move around comfortably.
Jericson and Denniz put me to shame with their AeroGardens,
so I decided to start my veggies in mine this season!
Lettuce, Kale, Onions and Marigolds:

Not enough room in the greenhouse for these three, so they get lux accommodations under the T5HO in the garage.  Black Pearl, Brown Eggs, Inca Lost:

In a cool stretch here also. Probably 20 or 30 days yet before I can put in the dirt. Don't want to risk any stunted runts due to a cool spell. You plants are so big already you don't have to worry about that as much.
Nice vegetable garden you got going in the aero garden. Your peppers look great. They will get nice and large in a 10 gallon pot.
jcw10tc said:
In a cool stretch here also. Probably 20 or 30 days yet before I can put in the dirt. Don't want to risk any stunted runts due to a cool spell. You plants are so big already you don't have to worry about that as much.
You are right, Justin.  The large plants can fare decently on  cool night.  
Our long range forecast has only one day at 39˚ for the overnight low,
and that is this week. 
Essegi said:
Paul, your peppers really look healthy with stong consistency!
Thanks, Giancarlo - your conservatory plants are really awesome!
Actually, they all are!  The plants need to go into bigger pots; I'm short
on room, and they are too big and top-heavy to move around a lot
without great care.
Jeff H said:
Nice vegetable garden you got going in the aero garden. Your peppers look great. They will get nice and large in a 10 gallon pot.
Thanks, Jeff.  I planted them out yesterday.  I let them get too big; next
time I'll transplant into cups sooner, and then plant out later.
With the forecast in mind,  I think I am going to go ahead and start planting 
out in the containers within next few days.  the plants are too hard to
keep watered in the greenhouse; the warm temps keep them pumping!  
Plus, they are getting more and more difficult to move around without
damaging them.  I have broken off a few branch tips in the crowded
conditions.  Most are as adapted to warm sun as they will get; it has been
pretty hot in the greenhouse on the sunny afternoons.  They've also been
out in low 40˚ weather so I'm thinking they should be okay.
In the meantime, even though we have to live through PNW Spring, it does have its rewards.  
Just to brighten up the bottom of the page,  the red one is a Baden-Baden rhody, the pink a
Rosey Lights deciduous azalea:

Rosey Lights:

Another deciduous azalea, Golden Lights:

The 'Unique' rhododrendon is a favorite of landscapers and gardeners
everywhere around this area.  That's another Baden-Baden rhody
underneath it:

Pepper pix will resume as I start planting out.  If the forecast looks good,
maybe even tomorrow or Tuesday.  
PaulG said:
Thanks, Justin.   Still just sort of limping along toward plant out days!
It's great to have company, Jason!
Or maybe I should say 'Misery loves company'   :rolleyes:
We are into a cooler, cloudy and moist weather
pattern here, so all the plants are back into the
greenhouse except for Aji Amarillos and Manzanos.
Hey, Jim.  Those 10-gallon containers had soil in them already,
so I just amended it with some ZooDoo.  I'm anticipating good
things from it     :pray:
Thanks, Bill.  I hope things are good in Lady Lake!
They are more than ready for new digs, Jericson!  
I love hibiscus, but they are sort of marginal in this climate.  
There are so many beautiful varieties of them.
We're into a cooler pattern as well, Rick.
That's why every pod is a victory, brother    :party:
Hope you are getting your hands dirty at least a little.
That's still about five months, Uros.  A five gallon pot will grow a very respectably
sized plant, but I went to all 7-gallons my second season, and now have all
10-gallon and bigger.  I just like to have room for the roots, and they will fill
these pots with roots.   I suppose it's just a matter of how much space you
have for the containers.
Hope things are good in your beautiful country.
They enjoyed the week of sunny weather outside, but now are
back in the greenhouse for a little stint of cooler Pacific NorthWest
Spring weather!
Some of them are really too big to move around comfortably.
Jericson and Denniz put me to shame with their AeroGardens,
so I decided to start my veggies in mine this season!
Lettuce, Kale, Onions and Marigolds:

Not enough room in the greenhouse for these three, so they get lux accommodations under the T5HO in the garage.  Black Pearl, Brown Eggs, Inca Lost:

no worries.. i have yet to get anything in my aero for VEGGIES..lol. i love the shots!!! keep on growing man!
PaulG said:
Thanks, Justin.   Still just sort of limping along toward plant out days!
It's great to have company, Jason!
Or maybe I should say 'Misery loves company'   :rolleyes:
We are into a cooler, cloudy and moist weather
pattern here, so all the plants are back into the
greenhouse except for Aji Amarillos and Manzanos.
Hey, Jim.  Those 10-gallon containers had soil in them already,
so I just amended it with some ZooDoo.  I'm anticipating good
things from it     :pray:
Thanks, Bill.  I hope things are good in Lady Lake!
They are more than ready for new digs, Jericson!  
I love hibiscus, but they are sort of marginal in this climate.  
There are so many beautiful varieties of them.
We're into a cooler pattern as well, Rick.
That's why every pod is a victory, brother    :party:
Hope you are getting your hands dirty at least a little.
That's still about five months, Uros.  A five gallon pot will grow a very respectably
sized plant, but I went to all 7-gallons my second season, and now have all
10-gallon and bigger.  I just like to have room for the roots, and they will fill
these pots with roots.   I suppose it's just a matter of how much space you
have for the containers.
Hope things are good in your beautiful country.
They enjoyed the week of sunny weather outside, but now are
back in the greenhouse for a little stint of cooler Pacific NorthWest
Spring weather!
Some of them are really too big to move around comfortably.
Jericson and Denniz put me to shame with their AeroGardens,
so I decided to start my veggies in mine this season!
Lettuce, Kale, Onions and Marigolds:

Not enough room in the greenhouse for these three, so they get lux accommodations under the T5HO in the garage.  Black Pearl, Brown Eggs, Inca Lost:

holllyyyy hollly cowww i thought it was in the aerogarden at first lol the peppers...nice shot,
Nice rhodies.
Are the mirror strips on your Aerogarden the Light Booster accessory?  Are they weighted strips of mylar or something more substantial?  Do you have any comments on performance?
stickman said:
Go... go...go...go! :woohoo:
Starting today, buddy!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
no worries.. i have yet to get anything in my aero for VEGGIES..lol. i love the shots!!! keep on growing man!
Your own aeroGarden work is very inspirational, Denniz!
Sawyer said:
Nice rhodies.
Are the mirror strips on your Aerogarden the Light Booster accessory?  Are they weighted strips of mylar or something more substantial?  Do you have any comments on performance?
I think that's what they're called, John.  I got it as a freebie.
They are unweighted mylar, and definitely boost the light
level in the unit.  I use them all the time; they keep the small
sprouts from leaning in toward the center quite so much.
Pinoy83 said:
holllyyyy hollly cowww i thought it was in the aerogarden at first lol the peppers...nice shot,
Thanks, Jericson.
Pictures are awesome ... Aero garden is the way forward especially with the supplementary lighting - light booster accessory .. a must have ... great grow and beautiful azalea's
Hey Paul! Finally got a chance to try out your peach blend! Very nice powder. It's got that smooth, not mild heat that pairs perfectly with high protein dishes like chicken or eggs. Great job man!

I've been using the chocolate too. Almost gone now, mostly as a kick in salsas. Great stuff!

Also garden is looking fantastic.
PaulG said:
Not enough room in the greenhouse for these three, so they get lux accommodations under the T5HO in the garage.  Black Pearl, Brown Eggs, Inca Lost:

That's a cool pic! It could be like a facebook banner or something like that, I don't know. The dark and light contrast on the plants looks awesome.
Too much awesome for me to even start a comment, I don't know where to start, everything looks great, love the look of the black pearl and the one on far right, inca lost? Plants outside look fantastic as well. 
"That's why every pod is a victory, brother"
You just don't know how much that phrase ran through my head last year!
The yard shots are beautiful....I have to admit to Hosta Envy!
Those lux treated plants are beauties as well.
Good luck on the plant out Paul!
Amazing!!! Congratulations!!!
I have a question. I purchased an Aerogarden and I would like to use it as seeds starter. So when you transplant the seedlings, you put the Aerogarden sponge in the dirt or not. Because it's difficult to free the roots from the sponge.
