• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2020

Devv said:
Hopefully sunny days as the temps wane..
Sort of a PNW mix, Scott  :rolleyes:

Piment de Espelette - Semillas la Palma, first pod:

CGN 24360 - ‘BB Habanero’ catchthebear,
new growth finally filling out a little:
Three c. Chinense wilds starting to look a little better,
albeit still kinda small  :eh:.
Clockwise, starting at the left.
  CAP 691 Red Fire c. chinense - PtMD989 via Bhuter via fiogga
  PI 260501 Yellow Jellybean  c. chinense - PtMD989 via Bhuter via fiogga
  Wiri Wiri c. chinense - Guyana wiriwiri via CaneDog:

DownRiver said:
Plants look great Paul. Love the size of the Peruvian Red Rocoto. It's a shame he doesn't have a bunch of friends hanging around!
thanks, DR!
The Peruvian Red produces great pods,
sometimes literally like apples. Also
usually very productive. Hoping for
the same this year. 
A bit of improvement in the weather has spurred
some growth in the annuum segment of the grow.
Most chinenses still looking pretty ragged.

These are all in 3-gallon pots.
Ajicito from Glen in Panama. Nice round of new
growth, with a few flower buds evident. The best
of the chinenses:

Spanish Piquillo, seed from Semillas la Palma:
I've been really enjoying your recent pics, Paul. Your wilds are looking like little trees and the several of the pubescens seem to be starting that up-the-middle growth and putting on height.  The recent warmth seems to be helping pretty much everything to start getting busy.  Great to see.   :thumbsup:
CaneDog said:
I've been really enjoying your recent pics, Paul. Your wilds are looking like little trees and the several of the pubescens seem to be starting that up-the-middle growth and putting on height.  The recent warmth seems to be helping pretty much everything to start getting busy.  Great to see.   :thumbsup:
Yeah, things seem to be looking up a bit.
Hoping it continues for the next three months. 
Your own grow I’d looking pretty stellar, my friend!

The XL Brown Rocoto is getting to be a monster bush.
It should be a tree in a couple of months.
Mr.joe said:
I have a couple of them and they are all loading up very well. I still haven't harvested one, but soon.
Will be looking for your taste test, Joe.
Hoping that my plant throws some decent pods,
as well.