seed-plant-vendors Pepper Joe

I ordered my first season's seeds from pepper joe a while back. He has a small selection that he grows out each year. He will send you seeds in little coin envelopes and always sends some free varieties with each order. I had excellent germination rates from all of his seed with the exception of one variety that I ordered. Considering how it was my first season and I was germinating OUTDOORS in soil (dumb dumb dumb) I was very pleased with the germ rates and I assume most of my problem seed was due to poor growing skills in my first season. I also germinated two more of his seeds the next season that had been stored in a drawer for a year, and both germinated.

I will say that he has a higher rate of hybrids than most growers. I'm not sure how he isolates his plants if at all but I've gotten hybrids from him. I also reallllly wish he would post more pictures of his pods because it's really hard to tell what you're going to get. My Bhut Jolokia seeds that I got from him didn't get a chance to fruit the first year, but the second year the plant I grew out ended up not being a true Bhut. I'm not sure if it was a hybrid or what, because it had a pointed shape that looks like a lot of the smaller bhuts I see on the web and definitely had C. chinenses genetics, but it was nothing like the large, wrinkled, superhots you see coming out of the NMCPI. Also probably around hab heat or slightly above, not superhot. I'll post pics on request.

Overall I'd say he's a good source for novice growers but I wouldn't recommend him if you're trying to get superhots and such. There are more reputable sources out there. Overall probably a C+/B-
Thanks Wolfie.
We appreciate you as a customer and sign up for our Facebook page and Free Newsletter, "Chile News & Views".
We try to stay with you every step of the growing process through these vehicles.
I'll pass your compliment along to Penny at
She's had a lot of success growing "Red Star" Tomatoes this season which she plans on making a signature item.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe

Hey Scratchzilla,
I wouldn't be the best one to answer your question as I don't grow peppers indoors....only to start seeds and over winter plants.
You may want to start a thread with the question in the Growing Hot Peppers or Hot Talk forum.
I do know that some of my customers that grow hydrophonically order more peppers that grow short and bushy as opposed to taller varieties.
Good Luck with your project Scratchzilla and keep us posted.
Hey Gang....update:
We're cocked and loaded....
My Moruga seeds are now harvested, packed and in the shopping cart.
Ready to order at

Brain Strain 7 seeds are ready as well.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
I'm pleased so far with the seeds I've bought from pepper joe. I haven't tried growing all of them yet, but of the 6 types, I planted three seeds each, 2 had 100%, 3 are at 66% and one has done nothing, but it hasn't been too long yet. The scotch bonnets sprouted within days and within a week, the biggest is working on its second true set of leaves, and the Butch Ts sprouted alot sooner than expected.... I'll try to isolate pics, I have pics of all of my plants in my growing hot peppers thread.

Pepper joe has even given advice of helping some plants along that weren't from his seeds, those plants can also be seen in my thread.

Hopefully he has some luck with the Shima Togarashi seeds I'm sending him, I saw a plant for sale out here, it was sad looking, about 3' at most with about 20ish peppers on it, but it looked like it has been growing for a few years at least based on the trunk.
one of the cow horns i grew turned out to be a bishops crown, it was one of my free seeds and i got so it's not a huge deal. my butch T has only grown about 6" since march and all my other plants are 2-3', the naga morich is spot on and is a WICKED orange, I can't wait to try it!
If you don't get your Chocolate Habs promplly replaced by my customer service department ...
I'll have to figure out what I'm doing wrong by next year, but with this batch of seeds I put 6 right into cups with dirt and put 6 into a baggy with a moist paper towel. 2 of the cups germinated, and only 1 of the seeds in the bag showed any signs of life. I think I killed that one putting it into a cup though, as it never poked back up out of the dirt. So that's 2 out of 12 I managed to bring to life, with a few left in the packet to try again next year. (I should really check if it was 15 or 20 that originally came in the packet, so I don't start trying for next year to find only 3 left...)

Two should be enough though, and I look forward to having some chocolate habs ready to produce early next season. Thanks Joe.
No superhot pods yet b/c of the heat, but my cayennes, jalapenos, and bonnets I got from Joe are going crazy. all my plants are growing like crazy right now. Expecting an explosion of pods when the weather cools a bit. Great buy this year.
THANKS for the input JacopP, Wulf, YumYumYellow and RHM3769. We do appreciate your business. YumYum....send me your mailing address and I'll get you some Cow Horn Pepper seeds right in the is a cool pepper to grow...great for drying and powders.
I'd love to see some pics if you get around to posting them here.
With the intense heat this summer I'm hearing from customers they have to coax some of the SuperHots along to ripen. Until the cooler evenings arrive soon, I'm recommending they step the fertilizing up to weekly (fish emulsion is my top choice for quick release...I like Bone meal for slow release applied at blossom time and mid-summer) and spray with an epsom salt solution in between ferttilizing. Needless to say mulching helps in this intense heat and a good thorough watering every few days that it doesn't rain. . Containers seem to be out performing traditional gardening and raised bed gardening for hot pepper production, particularly if kept in partial shade. That's why I love containers so much...the versatility that they provide. On a recent survey on my Facebook page a whopping 60% of customers that answered the polling are using either containers, or a combination of containers and garden space. :dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
The superhots I got from you are chugging along nicely and ripening quickly. No worries about the cow horn, the bishops crown must have just been a stray seed as I got other cow horns growing(yay for extra varieties! I wanted to try the bishops crown anyway!). The cow horns are very cool, very BIG peppers!
OK Pepper Joe - so far so good. I purchased a couple of packs of your Trinidad Moruga Scorpion seeds in July and this is what they look like as of this morning:


Out of the two 10-packs of seeds I've got 16 seedlings. Can't complain about that!

This is my second pepper grow this year (west central Florida; I should be able to get another one in) - the seeds from the first one were from other suppliers and did not produce anything resembling the package labeling. So, if the above plants actually turn out to be Trinidad Moruga Scorpions, you'll be my new hero.
Hi LeeRoy,
Seedlings are looking good. You should be pleased with your Morugas, the seeds came from the original strain tested at the NMSU. I paid a fortune for the seeds...but at least I know they are from the direct source.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
OK Pepper Joe - so far so good. I purchased a couple of packs of your Trinidad Moruga Scorpion seeds in July and this is what they look like as of this morning:


Out of the two 10-packs of seeds I've got 16 seedlings. Can't complain about that!

This is my second pepper grow this year (west central Florida; I should be able to get another one in) - the seeds from the first one were from other suppliers and did not produce anything resembling the package labeling. So, if the above plants actually turn out to be Trinidad Moruga Scorpions, you'll be my new hero.

The seedlings from Pepper Joe's seeds continue to thrive - I just transplanted them to their permanent plant sites and updated my grow log. This is a total DIY try-it-and-see approach to hydroponics.
Was happy with my order except for the PJ cayenne. Large, flavorful fruit with NO heat. Really strange. This is my first year growing hot peppers, but I can't see how it was an issue with my approach to growing that could affect the heat only.
Hi Huddyball,
Glad you are happy with your order.
My Pepper Joe Cayenne is typically a little hot. I have some Cayennes that really kick butt for my Italian Long Hots.
We just had some cut up in fresh slices and added it to a hamburger sandwich and it had some real kick to it.
Email me at my personal email address and let me know if you ordered the Italian Long Hots...and which...if any...other Cayennes and I'll send you a surprise in the mail to handle that Cayenne heat.
Fiery REgards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
I have ordered from pepperjoe a few more times always reasonably fast shipping when Canada Post had it's mail strike pepperjoe was kind enough to send replacement packages overall great service great product I just wish they were in Canada....
Pepper Joe, this is probably something I should PM to ask rather than clutter this topic with, but depending on the answer it may interest others.

I notice you have an ad for Penny's Tomatoes on your site. Are you associated with them in any way? My fiance is asking me to order her some tomato seeds and I'd also like to order some more peppers some time soon. Is it at all possible to combine an order from you and Penny's Tomatoes into a single shipment to save on shipping charges?