seed-plant-vendors Pepper Joe

I ordered my first season's seeds from pepper joe a while back. He has a small selection that he grows out each year. He will send you seeds in little coin envelopes and always sends some free varieties with each order. I had excellent germination rates from all of his seed with the exception of one variety that I ordered. Considering how it was my first season and I was germinating OUTDOORS in soil (dumb dumb dumb) I was very pleased with the germ rates and I assume most of my problem seed was due to poor growing skills in my first season. I also germinated two more of his seeds the next season that had been stored in a drawer for a year, and both germinated.

I will say that he has a higher rate of hybrids than most growers. I'm not sure how he isolates his plants if at all but I've gotten hybrids from him. I also reallllly wish he would post more pictures of his pods because it's really hard to tell what you're going to get. My Bhut Jolokia seeds that I got from him didn't get a chance to fruit the first year, but the second year the plant I grew out ended up not being a true Bhut. I'm not sure if it was a hybrid or what, because it had a pointed shape that looks like a lot of the smaller bhuts I see on the web and definitely had C. chinenses genetics, but it was nothing like the large, wrinkled, superhots you see coming out of the NMCPI. Also probably around hab heat or slightly above, not superhot. I'll post pics on request.

Overall I'd say he's a good source for novice growers but I wouldn't recommend him if you're trying to get superhots and such. There are more reputable sources out there. Overall probably a C+/B-
Well the price is good if it works I will buy more I think the problem is Canada post they have been delivering inconsistent times and last month they left my new hps setup outside at my front door....I live with another guy and we use to get mail 4 days a week minimum the last 4 days nothing...
Hey Tyler,
Yea the reviews on Myco Blast and Soil Blast have been fantastic at my end too.
I've sold quite a bit...and the company, Supreme growers has a great rapport with they sent me about 100 complimentary packets which I've passed on to our best customers and at Garden shows...
With all of that product out there several reviews/emails have come in and customers love the stuff.
Some did side by side comparisons of pepper plants with and without and the difference is remarkable.
Hopefully I can get some feedback here too.
Or if anyone wants...start a Micro Blast Gro Log in that forum to see what the results look like.
Great Gardening,
Pepper Joe
Great Tyler.
I have a deal on the Soil Blast and Myco Blast at 10 for $20....that brings the cost down to just $2 bucks per pack...and yea, they'd make great gifts with Christmas on the way.
Great Gardening,
Pepper Joe
I took advantage of the 3 day special 'FREE Shipping' and ordered the HP22b along with the MycoBlast & SoilBlast. Should be getting them anytime soon and can't wait to get started. Will report back once I get them going.

The cool thing is when you order from Penny's Tomatoes you get 3 free packs of tomato seeds. Pepper Joe's sends you two free packs of hot pepper seeds when you order you'll get 5 packs of free seeds total (a $17 value PLUS save the $4.50 shipping charge at Penny's....not bad)
So now with all of that said....I guess I need to offer that to ALL THP members so that the rest of the members don't get pissed off at me.
So consider the offer good for all....just follow the above instructions when ordering.
If you're not familiar with Penny's Tomatoes check them out at

Seeing that both companies are affiliated, did you ever think of throwing some tomato seeds along with every pepper orders and vice versa? Just a thought (cross promotion).
THANKS for your order and being a customer, ER.
I have thought of doing just that...but some Chileheads don't grow tomatoes, and some Tomatoheads don't grow Hot I don't want them to consider the Free Seeds as having no value to them.
That having been said, we'll be glad to give YOU ER...a mix next time you order. Just give me a heads up first.
Pepper Joe
Hey Scratch how's it going.
We've received a lot of positive input and pics on the Filius Blue, Yatzy pepper, Chocolate Habanero, Purple Jalapeno, Giant Jalapeno (for stuffing) and the Atomic Starfish.
Obviously there is a lot of buzz about the Carolina Reaper...the most recent posts for the Reaper's Gro Log here at THP indicate decent germinations and plants are starting to pod up.
For 2013 I think some of the exciting stuff is the Yellow Moruga, Yellow Devils Tongue (our Pic below) and several of the SuperHots in new colors. The Jwala is a pretty cool new pepper. Oh yea, and my brother Bill has been developing the "Willie Pepper Tree" that is huge and grows a ton of Smaller Cayenne type peppers that he's been cultivating for 8 to 10 years. There are several new varieties of sweet peppers. We're doing the Peter Pepper in Orange and Yellow now as well as a Peter Pepper Rainbow collection. Speaking of collections, the "Box of Dynamite is a collection of the Worlds Hottest Peppers. This is just to name a few items that come to mind right now. There are several more new varieties and collections.
These new items and more will be online around late December, and we're currently printing 60,000 mail order catalogs to be ready around then.
Thanks for inquiring Scratchzilla.
Take Care,
Pepper Joe

Yellow Devils Tongue.jpg
Well it did seem more like marketing than a genuine answer from pepperjoe telling you exactly what he recommends or likes....but on the other hand he did answer the question. My hp22b is starting to flower germination rates are good as pepperjoe said. The bhut jolokia is nice but if your not into heat he sells a wide variety,
Well it did seem more like marketing than a genuine answer from pepperjoe telling you exactly what he recommends or likes....but on the other hand he did answer the question. My hp22b is starting to flower germination rates are good as pepperjoe said. The bhut jolokia is nice but if your not into heat he sells a wide variety,

Look upwards on your computer screen three posts and you will see that the mod removed the ad that Joe put up. Removed as in it is no longer here on the board, and only on topic things such as reviews and answer to questions are left behind.