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Pepper People are the Best

Came home to the greatest surprise today!  :P  
You guys know how fun it is to get a package in the mail,,,and then that feeling gets multiplied by 10 when a friend sent it!
So my mind is going 100 MPH,,what is this?? I see the return addy and a big smile comes across my face!
Windchicken hooked me up  :onfire:  F1 Nagabrains!! 
They are beautiful,and much appreciated man!

Thank you Gary,You are awesome brother! 
Found this I'm the mail today from my man Wes! Thanks bro that's a killer box of goodies!


coheed196 said:
Awww shucks. I feel like the kid getting picked last for the kickball game lol.
You might feel that way, but I don`t. BECAUSE OF YOU!!!
Here`s what Vincent sent me. i was so excited the box exploded all over my computer keyboard...........

And in the same postal delivery, Judy at www.pepperlover.com had sent me these beauties,

Finally, I also got some huge Bahamanian goat peppers from Roguejim, the very kind Mr Jim O`Connor,

Loved the mailman today! 3 boxes of goodies waiting for me!
1st up-bought another of Mike's (smileyguy697) boxes of pain. Beautiful peppers again, and if it's anything like the last box I got from him, will taste amazing and likely melt my face off lol. 

Next-got a very generous offer from MGOLD86, and received a great selection of pods and a bag of amazing smelling powder. Bonda, yellow 7 and yellow TSMB are new ones for me, so had a little taste of each. All 3 are delicious!

And lastly, snuck in on Pepperlover's Primo giveaway. Great looking mix of fresh and dried Primo's. 

A huge thanks to Mike, Matt and Judy! Can't wait til next season so I can start showing some of the generosity that's been shown to me since I joined. You all rock!
In between jugglin work and catchin PA's prettiest smallies!  :dance:
My brother John aka Prodigal Son, had time to pick and send me a sample of his finest pods!!!

A VERY large sample!  ;)

These are the best lookin pods ever broham!! 
Just gorgeous!!!

Thank you cracker! These came with perfect timing ,,brightest spot of my day
Been kinda bumbed this season because i have some yellow 7 Seeds but forgot to plant them. I ran across them in the basement after it was way to late and I'd been kicking myself for forgetting. Any how i remembered how thick and solid the pods were and what wonderful flavors they had and made a comment to justaguy about his peppers. He asked for the addy and that's all I've heard. Sat i checked the mail and to my surprise found this!


They are everything I remembered bro! Thanks a ton and you have some beautiful pods my friend! Nice heavy dense pods that i been treasuring since i opened it! Gonna turn them into puree today and enjoy them the next couple weeks! You rock bro! Can't thank you enough!
Justaguy said:
Glad they made it. Figured the Morougas would go nicely and the Nard would sweeten it up.

One of the morugas went in chilli and I'll use the other couple here soon! As for the puree it turned out great with wonderfull color! Tbh my gut hurts atm cause once i filled my jars and canned them i used a huge glop and was using it like ketchup for my fries w dinner. Thank you again!

Btw i was wondering if that's a nardello. Hadn't tried it yet but she's a gonner tomorrow! Lol
 This thread should be pinned. It shows that this is the most giving community on the planet. 
Last two days my mailbox has been on fire  :flamethrower:
Came home Wednesday and Annie57 hooked me up with some beautiful Orange Thai's. Anyone who has not had the pleasure of dabbling in these is missing out on a great pepper. 
Thank you Annie

Literally melt in your mouth 

And then my main man prodigal_son hooked me up with another scintillating box of fire. Jay's red bhut/scorps,  yellow bouquets, Giant red cross from Vlad, Huge Black Naga, Small red are juicy nectars of goodness Bode mystery also from Vlad, bahamian goat peppers ( bonnet shaped) Zahorian Triangulo, and my wifey's favorite cumari du parra. Thank you JB U da man. 

Both boxes went into making this a 5 star meal at mi casa

Pepper people kick ass !!!!