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Pepper People are the Best

Came home tonight and found some steam coming from the ice covered mailbox.
Care package from Barley-pop57.
This stuff is freakin AWESOME!!!
Greatly appreciated Mike!

Just wanted to share a thank you to bondgirl69.  She only has 5 posts from Netherland and was willing to share some seeds.  I did not have either one and it was the last spot .  I told her she could give to whoever, like a newer member or so.  Well although I won't get both she is going to send me one.  Very nice on her part.  Now knowing they are coming from the Netherlands....well US Customs should have fun...lol
Anyway just wanted to give Mel a shout out.
UPDATE----REC'D SEEDS FROM BONDGIRL69 TODAY 2/19/14.  GOT SOME ADJUME AND A SURPRISE---BOLIVIAN BUMPY  seeds.  Need to research as I am not familiar with either.  Anyway she was very super sweet and nice and as I commented earlier she could have gave to newer members or whoever---but I am appreciative and again sending kudos her way....THANK YOU!!!!!
Barley-pop57 said:
Just wanted to share a thank you to bondgirl69.  She only has 5 posts from Netherland and was willing to share some seeds.  I did not have either one and it was the last spot .  I told her she could give to whoever, like a newer member or so.  Well although I won't get both she is going to send me one.  Very nice on her part.  Now knowing they are coming from the Netherlands....well US Customs should have fun...lol
Anyway just wanted to give Mel a shout out.
Cool... ;)
 Got some sweet ass packages from two kind chiliheads last night. The first one was actually two for one. My brother Stefan ( meatfreak ) sent me a huge package of seeds and powder about a month ago. The package never made it :mope:  . Someone at US customs is enjoying his amazing powders and seeds at this very moment . Well the kind hearted soul that Stefan is he decided to send me another package in hopes there were still a few honest customes/mail peoples left ;) . Low and behold there are a few honest ones left . Thank you Stefan . You outdid yourself again :dance:  

 And my man KingDenniz  also surprised the hell out of me with a sweet package of his own. He know's how much I love my Florida Gators 

And threw in some exotics as well

 Thank you Denniz and Stefan . I owe u guys HUGE  :fireball:
meatfreak said:
You enjoy it, Jamie. You've been nothing but generous to this pepper community, I'm just happy to give something back!
I second that. Always willing to give without hesitation. Provides some heat when most of us have dead plants

Enjoy brother.
Hope there's space in your aerogarden for the indigo tomato !!
I just want to thanks PaulG and Lourens (PeriPeri)
for their kindness and generosity

I went to the post office yesterday and got this :

From PaulG


He includes these seeds :
Bonda Ma Jaques
Costeño Amarillo
Sepia Serpant
Goats Weed

Is that Reaper different from the Carolina Reaper?
Thanks a lot PaulG! :D

And from Lourens :

Some Douglah pods for my birthday! Thanks a lot Lourens :)
Will be doing a taste test soon!

Pepper People are the BEST!
I just want to give a shout out to J.T. Delaney for his generosity. He turned me on to seed swapping and I completed my first ever swap with him about a week and a half ago. Last night I came home to a package of 4 varieties of peppers and 4 varieties of tomatos. Way way WAY more than what I was expecting. Thank you so much Joe!
Now need to figure out something interesting to send his way as an extra thank you!
filmost said:
I just want to give a shout out to J.T. Delaney for his generosity. He turned me on to seed swapping and I completed my first ever swap with him about a week and a half ago. Last night I came home to a package of 4 varieties of peppers and 4 varieties of tomatos. Way way WAY more than what I was expecting. Thank you so much Joe!
Now need to figure out something interesting to send his way as an extra thank you!
Filmost,your post brings me a smile,reminds me of my first trade.
I thought it was a simple trade,1 for 1,,when I got extras I was so excited!!
That persons generosity made me become more generous in kind
I stopped by the Grab-n-Go fridge of a cafeteria at my client's building today, hoping to pick up some decent sushi. (I'd been there once before and had done the same.) Unfortunately, all they had were California rolls - not bad, but not what I wanted. So I went to the station where two guys worked on making the sushi, and asked if they'd make a dragon roll for me. They asked if I wanted anything special, and in turn I asked if they could make it spicy.
"We can make it as spicy as you want it."
     "Ok, do it."
:raises eyebrow: "How hot do you want it?"
     "As hot as you can make it."
"Um, are you sure about that???"
     "Yes, do it up."
While the first guy was making the basic roll, we got to chatting about hot peppers, and I said I grow hot peppers, hotter than anything they had behind their counter. Turns out both of the guys are into peppers. We started talking about different ways to use them, and you could just see the gears spinning behind their eyes. I told them I'd be happy to bring them some dried pods, and boy did they get excited about that. When the first guy was done making the roll, he handed it to the second guy to finish it up. If you're familiar with a dragon roll, you know normally they take thin slices of avocado and lay them across the top of the roll. This guy sliced up half an avocado, fanned it, and put the entire thing on the roll. Then he heaped it with spicy crab salad, diced an entire jalapeno to sprinkle on top, added a nice splooge of sriracha, some teriyaki sauce, green onion, and brightly-colored roe - more than on any other dragon roll I've ever seen. I am here to tell - by the time he got done putting everything on top, that was the largest dragon roll imaginable! The guy had to laugh, as he almost couldn't get the lid on the container - but he still only charged me the same as for any other dragon roll. WIN! Then they said "you come back and we'll be happy to make you sushi any way you want it, any time!"
So yes, my task before bedtime tonight is to get a couple nice packs together - - gotta spread the love!