Be careful what you ask for when it comes to
He noticed I was interested in some rocotos and offered to send a few seeds. This is what I received:

Check out that custom-made packaging job!
In addition to the TWENTY different varieties of seeds, he also sent some of his custom jellies, a Sugar Rush Peach and a Mucho Nacho, PLUS an awesome relish!

So far, we've hit the Sugar Rush Peach jelly (repeatedly). Here was our first taste. Wonderful flavor.
Then one night I had the urge for chicken sliders, so I made some. The light bulb went on – SB's RELISH! This turned out to be an excellent idea. It was fantastic!
But I didn't stop there. We also cooked a pot of beans, which I usually flavor with hot sauce. Nope. RELISH! Wow, what an awesome combination of flavors.
We still haven't hit the Mucho Nacho jelly, but its' time is coming soon.
Needless to say, I was totally caught off guard with Skullbiker's generosity. I was surprised and humbled. Definitely made my day.