
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I found Judy thanks to THP, and now it is my first stop when looking for peppers. I've discovered many interesting peppers thanks to her site. She is really filling a niche not addressed elsewhere on the internet. He speedy shipping, terrific pricing, and bonus seeds have turned a first time customer into a loyal fan.

Thanks Judy!
All her powders are top class- i sent them all around the world for Xmas and people loved them . I made up sauces, salts and all sorts. I praise her so much, she even threatens to send me more, my mum ends up being the victim of her Brain Strain prowess.When people are charging $30 a bottle of sauce, count yourself lucky St Jude is about.Not to deride any $30 dollar sauces , but with postage, it's difficult. I get loads for my bang, I want some yellow strain powder please and mix of yellow hab,scorp, 7pod, scotch bonnet and yellow anything .Call it Judy's Smile & Sunrise.Yes, my nose has turned very brown, apologies, but I love her products.Come on Judy , a yellow formula please.
Haven't read anything but positive things about Judy at so I decided to order a couple of seed packs from her. Shipping was extremely fast and she threw in three extra seed packs of varieties I didn't have. Couldn't be any more pleased with my purchase. If you are thinking about buying from her, don't hesitate. She does an awesome job.
Quick question about I see all sorts of various names for peppers Jim's XYZ, etc. Some others have numbers too. Are most of their seeds hybrids? Are they good at labeling which ones are?

I too am new to purchasing from An all I can say is a first time buyer is now a long time purchaser. The ordering was easy and, shipping was super fast. Seeds all look of excellent quality. Haven't started them yet, but from the reviews of this site. I have no doubts! An the extra seeds are always a bonus!

Thanks Judy!
Quick question about I see all sorts of various names for peppers Jim's XYZ, etc. Some others have numbers too. Are most of their seeds hybrids? Are they good at labeling which ones are?


If you mean plants that are listed numerically with a prefix (PI, CGN or Cap). They are collection markers for respective gene-banks. So basically, these plants may have not been labelled "commonly" as yet and are often wild species.
Well this is my second post on this thread, and the reason Judy gets rave reviews is simply she is the best out there.

The following pictures are not my order, they are the freebies she put in my order, thank you so much Judy.

PS. Im looking forward to tasting your "Dragon Breath" powder on the weekend (if i live through it). :D


One very happy customer & these remember are my 'freebies' i only ordered three seed variety's & some powder ($24.00 worth) now can you see why everyone raves about her.

I'm just starting to explore truly hot peppers and ordered from because of this post. I'm starting out with Dorset Naga, Trinidad 7pod Original, and Trinidad Scorpion Original. Let the anticipation fueled sprints to the mailbox begin!
For my seeds from pepper lover. Had an extra 4 thrown in which was great. However, I ordered some choc and orange hab seeds but received two packets of orange hab seeds instead. But I'm not too fussed. As I got red trinidad scotch bonnet, brown scotch bonnets, tobaccos and some most prolific thrown in for free. :)
I ordered in November and the envelope never arrived at my home in darkest Africa. I made this known to Judy after the Christmas rush and she promptly repacked and resent everything.

My seeds arrived safely a day or so ago!

While I never received any free seeds, neither was I promised any, and I am very happy to recommend to anyone for peace of mind.
Just got my order from That's a two day turnaround on my order...nice. I got substantially more than I ordered too. When I lived in New Orleans we called that lagniappe. A little lagniappe will get you return business every time. I think I'm going to order a few more tonight. Thank you Judy and PepperLover.
