Speaking of cats...............these are the barn kitties at the Third Turtle................I left one day to pick up two kittens from a rescue operation......came home with four (anyone see a pattern here)......the next week, another starving cat showed up. I have officially reached my cat quota.
I highly recommend adopting pets..............
This is Jack, Norman, and Russell.......Jack and Russell are the kitten brothers and Norman came home with them.....

Tobias showed up later as a sack of fur and bones



Jack and Russell


He was the first kitten I brought home, but he preferred the company of our neighbor's cats. He visits frequently

I highly recommend adopting pets..............
This is Jack, Norman, and Russell.......Jack and Russell are the kitten brothers and Norman came home with them.....

Tobias showed up later as a sack of fur and bones



Jack and Russell


He was the first kitten I brought home, but he preferred the company of our neighbor's cats. He visits frequently