Yea, they aren't cheap over here in the states either!
Now I just need to decide what kind of spider to get..just one..and that's it.

Now I just need to decide what kind of spider to get..just one..and that's it.

xgrafcorex said:Got my snake back today after almost a year and a half!
Here is a pic of it when I first bought it..not sure what sex it is yet unfortunately.
texas blues said:That's a keen looking spider but here in Las Vegas....I kill everything. We have a population of black widows and recluse that just have not quit. I must have killed 50 black widows and recluse right next to my back door last year. I'm already dreading this summer.
Cheers, TB.
Omri said:millworkman @ I'm not sure how to tell you this... but I'm in love with Bailey!
chillilover said:Here's my camel shrimp, green brittle star, chocolate chip starfish and purple lobster.
rainbowberry said:Aw, is that a black Lab puppy Armadillo? My Murph's just had his bits done and he's walking about with a lampshade on his head, dumb dog just walks into everything with it on, he's knocked chairs over, got stuck on the back door, scrapped paint off the wall, to name a few. Poor Murph, it doesn't help that his collar to stop him licking his crown jewels has pink paw prints plastered over it, what an insult when you feel a bit less of a man already.