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photography Pet picture thread!

JuanHubero said:

With dogs, you just need to present them with an alternative that is far more appealing in order to get them to stop with behaviors that are bothering you. 

     Dogs are cool like that. They have the hardware that makes that possible. Cats need to be duct taped to the ceiling.
Cats can be trained too.  They are just much more limited in what they can learn, and you can forget about teaching them to perform tricks on command.
Thats what my cat Tony thinks about it all :)
Spend some time at my dad's house this weekend.  Decided to try and take all 4 dogs for a walk.

I even got all 4 to sit at the same time, but the puppies (the black and white husky in the lower corner and the white husky looking at the camera) need way more leash work. 
Here's a funny shot of my dog Bacio showing his affection for hyper jumpy puppies. Bacio has had 2 hip surgeries and isn't as mobile as a normal dog, so he's very uncomfortable being in an enclosed area with the two balls of energy, but all they want to do is jump on him and lick his face.
I guess it's my turn to show some pics of my babies. so here we go in the order in which we got them.
1 is Ziggy that one of my husband's collegues found running around in the town where he lives when Ziggy was about 7-8 weeks old. He asked if we wanted him because they weren't allowed to have pets where they lived and they already had 2 cats. He's now 13 years old.

2 and 3 are Sunny and Freddy who are brothers. My son lost his 1½ year old cat and was very unhappy. Then fortunately my friend Lotte called and said they had just had kittens and asked if Alex wanted one. Naturally he did and he chose Sunny. When I heard where the other kitten was going I told Lotte that I was taking him too. So that's what we did. They are 12 years old.


4 is Bibi. Again it was my friend Lotte who called and told me she had to get rid of her cats because the doctor said that they were making her daughter's astma worse. She asked if I would take them. I had to think long and hard about that but because they were Sunny and Freddy's mom and aunt I couldn't let them go to someone foreign. What if they didn't treat the well..... So Bibi (who's the mother of Sunny and Freddy) moved in with us and her sister Christa moved in with my parents-in-law. Bibi is 13 years old.

5 is Yankey. She was found by another of my husband's collegues when one of the other collegues was leaving work and was driving away from the parking lot. He stopped the third collegue because his car was making strange noises. When they opened the hood she was sitting in the air filter box a little 6-7 weeks old kitten. They called my husband and they took the air filter apart to get her out. Ny husband brought her home to find out if any one was missing her. We put up posters with her photo and our phone number and asked around where he works, but noone knew her. By that time we'd fallen in love with her and we kept her. She's now 7 years old.

And finally there's 6 who is Charley. He showed up on our terrasse skinny and miserable looking with fleas and whatever else you could find. He wouldn't talk with us and ran away every time we opened a window or the terrasse door. But we started feeding him twice a day and he started being there to get his meals on the table on the terrasse. After a while we could stand inside the house with window open and touch him and my husband caught him and we brought him to a cat's home where they could neuter him and find him a good home. I told them if there were any problems to call us. After a few days they called us and told us that he was way too feral to find a home for and we decided to get him and then he could be feral in our garden and we could feed him. After being gone for a week after we came home again, he must have remembered that we used to feed him and that was pretty nice. So he started coming back and with time he decided that he trusted us again and we could actually open the terrasse door and be outside when he was there. Then apparently he decided that the part about being feral and living in our garden was not for him. First he moved into our basement and slept, then he moved upstairs to the living room and finally he moved further up to our bedroom.  He doesn't trust anyone but us but feral he's not! Charley is 3 years old.
Shorerider said:
Nice looking dog, what's the breed?
It's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever... He has a nose like nothing I have ever seen and loves to fetch...
Lots of hunters use them to retrieve ducks, they have webbed toes and love the water... Every time I take him over to my brother's house I can't keep him out of my brother's pool... LOL
Thanks STH, Mali's Mother is Bull Arab x Irish Wolf hound, and her Father is purebred Whippet. Both of which had great temperaments which is why she was chosen. She will probably be mid sized but could possibly go either way of her parents, as her mother is quite large. 
Her name came about from the seeds I got from a very generous THP member. 
Shorerider said:
Thanks STH, Mali's Mother is Bull Arab x Irish Wolf hound, and her Father is purebred Whippet. Both of which had great temperaments which is why she was chosen. She will probably be mid sized but could possibly go either way of her parents, as her mother is quite large. 
Her name came about from the seeds I got from a very generous THP member. 
Despite my quibbles over the temperament of the whippet (at least, relative to greyhounds) - great looking pup! =)
On Saturday morning, Duncan was curled up with me on the couch while I watched the morning news, completely dead to the world...

I get up to pour my second cup of java, and when I came back he is stretched out like this.  His entire lower half was hanging off of the couch, and he was still fast asleep.
What a weirdo.