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photography Pet picture thread!

Thanks guys. He has been improving, he can go to the bathroom himself in the cart, and he has been eating. We start acupuncture and therapy this week. But even if this is as good as it gets, I am content just having more time with him. The hardest part now is carrying him up and down the stairs multiple times a day, but at least I will be totally jacked from now on.
So you're gonna look like Popeye?
I hope the treatments will help him get even better. Maybe a chiropractor could help too ?
Ace is growing nicely! 4 months old last week.
RIP William (2003-2020).
I had to put my sweet William down this morning.  He had a tumor under his tongue and lower jaw.  It was too painful for him to eat or drink or groom himself.
I don't like Mondays.


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Alpaca Punch said:
RIP William (2003-2020).
I had to put my sweet William down this morning.  He had a tumor under his tongue and lower jaw.  It was too painful for him to eat or drink or groom himself.
I don't like Mondays.
Sorry for your loss.  
Alpaca Punch said:
RIP William (2003-2020).
I had to put my sweet William down this morning.  He had a tumor under his tongue and lower jaw.  It was too painful for him to eat or drink or groom himself.
I don't like Mondays.
so sorry for your loss, it's such a painful and emotional experience to lose a precious family member.
peppersproutfarm said:
Feeding time. Most of our "pets" give back in some way. These lovely ladies produce all the eggs we need.
[SIZE=10.5pt]What breeds to do you have?  We currently have two each Buff Orpingtons and Golden-Laced Wyandottes[/SIZE].  When we lived in California a few years ago we had Speckled Sussex, my favorite of all the layer breeds we have ever had; quiet, docile; friendly and great layers even in 110+°F to 20°F.
Alpaca Punch said:
What breeds to do you have?  We currently have two each Buff Orpingtons and Golden-Laced Wyandottes.  When we lived in California a few years ago we had Speckled Sussex, my favorite of all the layer breeds we have ever had; quiet, docile; friendly and great layers even in 110+°F to 20°F.
Americana(4), speckled sussex(1), swedish flower hen(1), black sexlink(1), game hen (1) Rhode island red (1). my americanas are the best layers.supply of blue eggs all year long