Yin and Yang.

Rawkstah said:This old lady... She's 12 now. We don't hike or camp as much anymore but that's ok. Sometimes we take trips to the lake, but her favorite spot is usually on a pile of pillows these days.
DING!!DING!!!DING!!!!!!!! to this!!!!!texas blues said:Every day Trouble and I.
Go for walks in our neighborhood.
Always under control and on a leash.
She's such a pretty girl.
And kids always ask to pet her.
I always politely say no.
Because sticking your face right up against hers.
And groping her.
When she doesn't know you.
Makes her nervous.
And like all animals when this occurs.
Can feel threatened.
And rightly so.
You're a stranger and not part of the pack.
I would feel so horrible for a well meaning innocent kid.
To be bitten by my dog if she felt threatened.
Even unintentionally.
And then what would happen?
My dog taken away by animal control?
Labeled as vicious and put down?
Me being sued to know end?
Teach your kids this.
Today a little girl about 7 years old.
Wanted to pet Trouble.
"Why can't I pet her?"
"Would you let a boy you didn't know kiss you?"
"But I don't like boys anyway."
Then the mom shows up.
"Oh she's so cute!"
"Why won't you let her pet her?"
"Because I don't make bad decisions mom."
salsalady said:
Stettoman....I had to laugh cuz when I looked at the picture at first, and read that it was a half-n-half golden and white...I'm like....OK...the front half is golden retriever and the back half is white shepherd.but I get it with old dogs. Love them so much.
Sandy -dog
Smokerz- cat
Janis (there's a story for that cat!)
all dogs and cats that have gotten old and passed away with us
Currently have-
Joe (the neurotic Red/Jack)
Pudderz (aka PuddyKat aka Princess)
It was used for size scale. This was taken about a month ago.texas blues said:Give that pretty girl.
A bigger bed!