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PFR Prime Pods

Are you growing more than 1 of each Douglah source, and if so are the pod shapes consistantly the same as in your pic? You really wouldn't think there'd be so much difference in pod shape but they're probably not super stable considering how quickly the Douglah's seemed to have been produced.
Potawie I have 2 plants from TriniHottie source that look the same and the one from Chris. The pods I grew from Sara look like other chocolate C. Chinense in skin texture and shape. The skin is much thicker on Sara's pods as well. The pods from Chris I prefer with the classic 7 pods shape and wrinkled skin. I will be saving seed from cmpman1974 strain of Douglah. Thanks goes to both Sara and Chris for their seed trades. AJ my plants are already in their late July/August lull. Thanks so much for all the very nice comments. My new favorite pepper this season is the Mustard Habanero, thanks again Wally.
I have seeds from both sources too but I only started ones from Chris. I just assumed they were the same since I believe his were from Sara too. Further stabilizing is likely needed.
Oh ya, very nive pods PRF
Excellent haul of heat PRF. Seems those brainey 7's look a bit different the second year. Still evil and bumpy looking but not quite as wrinkled longitudinally as in the early skin porn pics. Is that fair to say, or did they look like this last year?

Edit: Hmmm, seems I've lost my mind. These still look like the skin porn pods. Guess I was out to lunch or something...
More pics of harvest. It is raining today so all shots taking inside so sorry for the quality. Three different chili flakes I made from last years frozen crop this week. Frozen over 6 months and all did fine, like it was chopped yesterday. The chocolate tray has Jamaican Hot chocolate up top with Faria, Chocolate Hab at 3 o'clock, a couple Chocolate Fatalii one 7 Pod Jonah and two Trinidad Douglah at the bottom, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet at 9 o'clock. The yellow tray has Big Sun Scotch Bonnet left, Jamaican Scotch Bonnet up top, Yellow Scorpion CARDI right, and Yellow Habanero bottom. Not bad for August 1st.



When you get enough to fill the tub up are you going to jump in? Fantastic season you have going Cappy, congrats.
Fantastic photo's there PRF!
Excellent comparison with the different sources showing the variation in pods.

What a harvest and nice presentation. Gotta love the different colours too.

Nice variety and mix of dried seasoning PRF. Pretty pics!!!

Started up the dehydrator myself this morning. It looks like we'll both have a surplus. ;)