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photography Photo Album

You lie
gnslngr, Yep, that's the pink/purple leaf pic I was talking about! I'm glad you got over here to the photo album. And your other pics are sweet, too.

Every part of the world has unique beauties and unique pieces of history like the notches in the tree stumps for the spring board. I'm really enjoying all the different views people are offering of how and what they see in the world.

Spongey caught a cool tiny spider on that pink rose. I wish I could smell one of them roses.......
Salsa lady, those were the dreaded aphid! there were about 15 on this rose! and i love smelling them! they are so amazingly fragrant and each one has its own scent! he has like 50 bushes at their house
WHAT? APHIDS? Well, color me PINK! :oops: Ok, I apologize to Scovie.

That's why I hang out in the FOOD threads, not the GROWING threads! :lol:

It's still a beautiful pink rose. My parent's had one nice rose bush that we called a peace rose. Yellow/pink with the most amazing scent~
You silly ladies, Spiders have 8 legs. 4 on one side, and 4 more on the other side.

And those Mud Bugs look damm tasty!
I love Spring in Texas....this is what it looks like the first of April each year...yup....those are Blue Bonnets

Holy Smokes AJ!!! Our bluebonnets aren't even thinking of peeking out yet!!!!!!! What a beautiful, Spring-escent photo! It makes me smile! :)