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photography Photo Album

my back yard




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hey Y'all.. I'm thinking, every month, we have a gentlemans vote on BEST PHOTOGRAGH.
What say you?

All of the food Throw Downs have a theme, usually a Hot Pepper.
In honor of The Hot Pepper....
This month, (to start off) lets do your...


THird THursday EVERY Month..... Cant wait to see what y'alll bring.

July 19th= BEST PEPPER PICTURE. 7 PM Pacific Time. Let's vote!
Hahaha Chewi! That's like 4:AM Friday in Düsseldorf. :rofl:

Yeah, I just thought it could be fun to build skills, and have some fun.
That's quite a picture of that spider babybabybabybabybabybabybabybabybabybaby Momma.
I love macro photogrophy.
We have some great photographers here. I am a poser with a cell cam but I'm game to join in. Would it be better to have the pepper pic in August instead? Some folks have short seasons,and some varieties take a good bit of time to mature. Not saying the shot has to be of a ripe pod. Whatever is decided will be fun. This has been a great thread for the last year.
Poser, yeah. Um. I don't think so!

Good point with the peppers not quite ripe. So instead let's do something Hot.
I know it sounds vague, but it could be fire, a mirage, a hot pizza just out of the oven, workers in a hot kitchen,
something that emanates heat.
We're just spitballin here so if that's to challenging let's keep working on it.
Anyone think I should start a new thred with a poll just for entries and voting?
If this gets off the ground, and we do it every month, this thread could be confusing for entries, and voting.

Just putting it out there for suggestions....
I love this idea, Scovie. I still think the first one should focus on peppers only... hot or not. Anyone can walk into a grocery store and make a purchase or photograph there. The "things aren't ripe yet" should not stop you.

I think you should leave the monthly challenge idea in here until it grows legs and gets bigger than what this thread can handle. I do think maybe you could specify an entry and an end date before voting... and also how long voting goes. Like maybe enter your pic(s) the third week of the month (starting that Sunday Pacific time) until end of Thursday (Pacific). 48 hour vote after that.

Does this make sense? Feedback, peeps.

This way the thread stays open to any and all photos, but at least we have a window to make posts AND know what we are voting on. Just a thought.
hey Y'all.. I'm thinking, we have a gentlemans vote ....

REALLY?!?!??? :rolleyes: I PROTEST ON PRINCIPLE! Or Ethics, ....or descrimination......or...SOMETHING! :


ABSOLUTELY! (dealwithit!) :lol:

I love this idea, Scovie. I still think the first one should focus on peppers only... hot or not. Anyone can walk into a grocery store and make a purchase or photograph there. The "things aren't ripe yet" should not stop you.

I think you should leave the monthly challenge idea in here until it grows legs and gets bigger than what this thread can handle. I do think maybe you could specify an entry and an end date before voting... and also how long voting goes. Like maybe enter your pic(s) the third week of the month (starting that Sunday Pacific time) until end of Thursday (Pacific). 48 hour vote after that.

Does this make sense? Feedback, peeps.

This way the thread stays open to any and all photos, but at least we have a window to make posts AND know what we are voting on. Just a thought.

Maybe let's not make it a "challenge" or competition, just a "post your pics of XYZ" People probably have tons of pics in their files, and bringing them out for a topic would be fun. It might be hard for peopole to get a great pic of Weather, or Flower, or Flower-with-Bug, or Chile, or Kid, or.....you get the idea.... within a certain time frame.

Maybe just say "post pics of whatever" and see what shows up!
In honor of The Hot Pepper....
This month, (to start off) lets do your...


BAM... as simple as that. Like Sum said: don't have peppers growing, go buy some. Like SL said: pull out an oldie photo if need be. I reckon keep the "first one" loose (but still on theme, of course) and see if it takes off?

I vote new thread though. It might get a little cluttered and/or confusing in here?
SL brings up a good point.... people might have old photos that are GREAT. So far there has been no stipulation of PoL (proof of life). I'd have no problem with someone posting a pic they took a decade (+) ago... as long as it is on theme and posted within the "window".

Maybe the theme should be anounced at the beginning of each month. That gives people plenty of time to work on their perfect pic. But the window of submission , I think, is an important aspect... purely for "voting" reasons. It helps us know how far back we need to read in the thread. And then only those that fit the theme are up for votes.

If someone has a great picture that they want to share that's off the theme topic... share it. More power to them. I just think we need to let the idea of a photo contest get a "grass roots" following before multiple seperate threads (like TDs) occur.
I agree with buying the pepper if you have to but maybe not so much for archived photos. I also agree with having a seperate thread but maybe having them linked in some way if it is possible. This thread has been fine without the smack talk and gibberish. I am not opposed to gibberish but there is a time and place for it. I myself don't want want to dig through 8 pages of Tom Foolery to see a pic. That won't push me away from this thread,but I am thinking about others that it might.
Maybe just say "post pics of whatever" and see what shows up!

SL! That's what this thread already is! :rolleyes: sheesh!
We're trying to do a Throw Down type competition, so get on board girlfriend!

Sum hit the nail on the head, if we announce the theme at the end of each challenge, that gives us a month to get the pic.
I was wondering about PoL also. I think this could be another "gentlemens" agreement, therefore no PoL should be needed.
It's not so much about winning as it is having a time frame to compete and helping each other out with advice, etc...
I like what PS said too about 8 pages of Tomfoolery to see a pic. We should wait tho I think until this gains traction.
See what happens. I don't know how to link posts together or if it's even possible, but like the TDs, there could still be 8 pages with only 5 entries.

Keep ruminatin' y'al...

Sic, that pepper looks friggen HOT.
Scovie, I wasn't clear in what I said. This thread is the "post pics of anything" and I like it that way.

If people want a photo challenge thing, I think a separate thread can be started, and it can continue from one month to the next just by editing the title. When I said "post pics of whatever", I meant -
July-post pics of chiles
August-post pics of flowers
September-post pics of weather
October- post pics of wild animals
November- post pics of pets

and then see what pictures show up, new photos or archived ones, either is fine. Knowing that we have posts from all around the world, and when we have flowers up here, it's getting into winter down under, I think archived pics should be allowed.
Ahh. OK SL, I get it now. That is a good point. This could easily turn into a "Competition only" thread, and that wouldn't be cool for those who still just want to post their 'whatever's pictures'. I wouldn't want to alienate them, or make the feel like they were interrupting something.

Besides... It looks like JaG has me on the chopping block for all of this chatter...