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photography Photo Album

I was bored, stuck in traffic (passenger not driver). I took this with my phone and edited it with an app.  
Rawkstah said:
this one looks like it could potentially kill me. 
Haha ... yer I guess it could fly and accidentally stab you in the eye with its long pointy beak ... and the eye wound could turn septic ... and then delirium sets in ... and in your confused state you could stagger onto a highway ... and get cleaned up by a greyhound ...
So yer, you're correct, it could potentially kill you.
OK, birds closer than I thought ... makes sense ...
I know the IQ of the Canon tele's pretty well ... whereas I have very limited experience w/ the normal, wide, and UWA lenses ...
I have a vI 70-200, which I love, and I know the v2 is a significant improvement ...
I was messin' around with a reversed 55mm ol' school Minolta lens with 68mm of extension tubes and a lichened-up stick about a month ago. Didn't do much with the images then, but I ran across them last night, and these two seemed interesting for some reason. I don't know. Maybe my eyes were just tired and bored. Thought I'd thread bump with a macro share.


I also watched Avatar not too many nights ago... maybe that's what did it. 
That's the most cardinals I've seen together, ever!
I'm reading The Forest Unseen right now. There is a chapter on songbirds in the cold. Gives me a different perspective on that shot.
Keep feeding them, JHP! They burn a huge amount of energy shivering to keep from freezing to death.
SumOfMyBits said:
That's the most cardinals I've seen together, ever!
I'm reading The Forest Unseen right now. There is a chapter on songbirds in the cold. Gives me a different perspective on that shot.
Keep feeding them, JHP! They burn a huge amount of energy shivering to keep from freezing to death.
That will be our holiday card for this year. I had up to 18 males in the tree and once but only had iPhone...grrrr
crappy iPhone pic
Most Cardinals I have ever seen in one place as well...we have an amazing view out the kitchen since all my time is spent cooking and washing dishes hahaha