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Here"s another one from your side of the Cascades Jim and Ann. I don't take I 90 back from Colville because scenes like this should be taken in slower from a two lane highway.

Nice CA!!! Sometimes it is good to take it slow enjoy the beauty of our state. I love Washington both western eastern and our mountains not to mention our wonderful ocean....

That just kinda sounded like a tourism commercial.... not on purpose.
I agree CA, That's exactly why we live here. The nearest traffic light is 40 miles away, and there's only 4 in the entire county! The biggest county in WA has only 4 traffic lights!
4 traffic lights?
downtown Omak, walmart corner, the new gas station in So Omak......where's the other one?

Largest county in the state, smallest population, (4?) traffic lights, 40 miles to the nearest WalMart :woohoo:

just a couple real life pics and the rest of the story-

trying to get a good picture of a cat is tough~~~~

our back door-

the rest of the story- that big yellow lab used to be able to fit through the cat door, (for about 4 weeks) when he was a puppy. The plywood on the door- our next door neighbors were at the hospital for baby #2 during the summer. Thunderstorm came through around 10:00pm, and their german shepard dog clawed the cat door out of the 1/4" plywood panel that was the door's lower panel, clawed a hole into the plywood large enough to squeeze into the house. She stayed with us that night.


what can I say? chile pepper wreath for $6, gotta get it!



the story of the town that was-

once upon a time there was a tiny town called Carlton. It had a store with gas pumps, a motel, a restaurant with an RV park, a river rafting business and a historic tiny structure that was the original post office of the town.

One day, (*about 4 years ago....*)Mr. BigBucks came to town. He had a great vision of moving his family out of the city and living the good country life. So, he bought the country store/gas station, then he bought the apartment building across the way, then he bought the restaurant/rv park....and did I mention he bought a $850k house?...and then he bought the property that had the river rafting business.

fast forward a couple years- the store is closed, no gas, the restauraunt is closed, the old post office is ravaged, the river rafting company is gone.....

the 850k house- they got evicted so before leaving the house they turned off the heat, but didn't turn off the water pump. Winter Freezing Weather.... and there was an ice cascade outside the 2nd story windows. House ruined.

I think that is my native territory calling to me. Growr.

BTW Scovie dear, this thread is awesome.

That is all.
There's only ONE Scovie!
You're damn right this territory is calling you, This is where Papa Squatch reigns. (not to be confused with cop-a-squat)

This guy that lives here a few years back, got a Sasquatch suit, him and his buddy's (in their 20's) went up to the Loup Loup campground at dusk. He would see a car coming and head across the highway. Freakin people out!
After about 3 cars passed, he thought to himself, "S**t! I'm in the Methow Valley, I could get shot!" There were articles in the Omak paper the following week "Sasquatch sighting on Loup Loup pass". damn funny.
Romy, I don't think I've ever seen Poinsettias out of a pot! Those things are HUGE! & beautiful!

LOL JT, which one is your house? hahahaha!
SL ~ that sucks. Big $ messes up alot when they fiddle away. The people that bring things along slowly and peacefully get bought out and their life's work goes down the drain.
Were you home when the neighbor's dog clawed through? I bet that sounded fun.

JayT ~ That is my kind of decorating.
Carlton.... Close the gate when you leave. LOL

So I was outside having a smoke, and the light was perfect, and the moon was, well... there.
It wasn't dark outside at all, but I set the ISO to the lowest setting, zoomed that suckers 30X all the way out and look what happened!
I'm getting better at this thing I think...

NICE moon shot! That has great resolution. I've been trying for years to get a good moon shot, but the 2002 Kodak just can't pull it in like yours did. Just for fun, can you enlarge and crop the image?

JaG- we were home as we were responsible for feeding their dog while they were gone. They had a planned c-section, and the dog usually stay outside just fine. What we didn't plan on was the thunder storm. It still amazes me that their dog came to our house for safety. We heard the scratching, and by the time we got out of bed to see what was going on, she had clawed her way through the 1/4" plywood into the house

Off Topic but related-
salsakid was ~8 years old, it was the dead cold 15F of winter, 10:00pm and the kid was really sick. Fever of 103+F, he was delerious but finally fell asleep. I was exhausted and went to bed. 20 minutes later the phone rang. It was our neighbor saying the Kid was over there and "was everything OK". He had gotten up, hallucinating crazy things, said he went out of the house to get away from something and the ground was rolling so he ran barefoot and in his jammies, through the snow, about 1/8th of a mile to the neighbors house. He ran to a "safe place", the neighbor's house. After we got him home, I slept on a futon mattress in the doorway of his room.
That's funny Seth! Actually the only real "trick" to that moon shot was a remote control. I bought one for $11.00. When I put that camera on a tripod, it wiggles just by pressing the button.
When that thing is zoomed all the way out (or is it in?). just pushing the button blurs the shot, so the remote is really necessary for those "moon shots"....

waiting for the full moon...
Haunama Bay, Oahu, HI. Taken from a helicopter tour me and the wife took back in May of this year.


Another angle


Coffee fields on Oahu


View of Waikiki Beach from the hotel, Diamond Head crater in the backgrond


Close up of Green Sea Turtle taken while snorkeling in Haunama Bay


Same turtle


White tip Reef shark in Haunama Bay
