• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

Time to get this Grow off the ground...

Well sort of...at least the indoor part of it.  Here's the current look at some of my outdoor containers. We've had higher than normal snow amounts since December. A couple of hard frosts to boot. That may kill alot of the spring White Fly that have been dominant the last 2 seasons.
A Couple Shots from the Most Recent Seasons

I've started out my seeds for many years in Dec/Jan, and no doubt will provide nice plants with rewarding harvests.
But when you have to start indoors under lights it comes with a cost of time, material and utilities. With some thought I've finally come to (my senses)  a conclusion. As of Febuary 1st I have roughly 14 weeks to plant out. I'm confident that I can raise healthy plants indoors in that span. So this year will be the test...who knows maybe next season will be a March startup.......a march to the finish !

This was my largest harvest last season, late August, 40+ lbs......a few hrs and many beers worth of picking.  
The harvests after this were a few bushels here and there down to the 5 bucket pulls once a week come late September.
Enough of the Old and in With the New...
Lights...Action......Camera !

Speaking of lights...my current and permanent grow area has been moved down to the sub basement. I gave up a spare bedroom which has been converted into a guest room........ :rolleyes:
I currently have alittle over half the room and lighting setups that I had last year.  I'm planning to use every bit of it.
When running over 4k of power you need to have enough "juice"  to supply the lights safely. Inaddition to the circuits I had in the past for the basement grow I've added 2 additional 20a dedicated runs. Also for those who don't, having a smoke detector within perimeter and a fire extinguisher nearby would be a good idea, especially when running HPS units.
I'm still in the process of mounting some lights, and unless they're being hard wired its a good idea to keep the power cables off the floor

Here's a photo of the plant framing before the shelving is put into place. The deminsions are 54" wide and 12' long.
There's 3 tiers....top has 7 six bulb high bay T8 fixtures, middle tier (shown) has 10 four bulb close spaced T8's with a 6 bulb T8 at each end. The bottom has currently 4 six bulb T8's with a few more being added. The sides have 70% Aluminet shade cloth with can be rolled up unto a pvc pipe and secured to the ceiling. The cloth can let air circulation through by the means of a fan(s). The ends of the framing have foiled faced styro insulated panels.
Here we have cups ready to go, each cup may have anywhere between 2 and 20 seeds depending on the variety.
I'm starting out alittle different with the seed soak this season. In the past I've used Potassium Nitrate (Salt Petre) for part of the soak. I'm out of it and its too late to order....what I'm doing instead is a 2 hr soak with 10% Hydrogen Peroxide/ water mix.......drain out then a 24hr soak with a brew of Chamomile Tea (4 tea bags to a gallon of distilled) plus one drop of Superthrive to the gallon. I haven't used the tea before but have heard excellent results in regards to damping off prevention or seed fungal issues.
The mediums for the indoor grow.....Hoffmans for the seed starter. For the potting up I'm using a mix of Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Pro-Mix. These will get equally mixed into thirds. My usual Fafards MetroMix is not in stock. These will give great results as I've used them in the past.
a few more shots later after dinner...........did some body say Octopus in Red Sauce.....yum
thank ya...,thank ya,

Here's about 1/3 of my plants hardening off....I ended up with around 425 two gallon container plants. I'm usually involved in plants sales at local conservatories and garden clubs during the month of May.....but the interest locally also has me selling my vege crop out of my yard. I want to thank the returning THP members that came out to purchase plants, also the members that I haven't met before, some that rang my doorbell early on a Sunday morning, a few that were out late at night with their flashlights.......... :lol:
I hope all your plants are healthy ! ... Knock on Bark none of my plants have any peat issues...no mites, aphids, white fly nor mealy's.......not saying that  things can change.......but I'll take the challange....It's funny, I've seen on other garden sites folks selling their plants that are aphid infestive....... :shocked: ......begging for the sale......... :stop:  :lol: . Ya might as well just pull the trigger.......on the bottle of Sevin............lol

This was the day that I wanted to finish screening the container medium.....but "Sunny" staked his claim in the wheel barrel....he can be stubborn...............ha

Here's the back garden are cleaning the beds and containers....Additional compost will be added amongst amendments to the planting holes.....castings, bone and blood meals, 10-10-10

Indian Carbon

a mix of c.chinense

more of the same...

Purple Pequin....seeds courtesy from John (P-Son)......whose one of the most generous members here.....also a master grower/gardener..... :cool: .

Here's 5 Galapagense..(seeds also from P-Son).....what's different with these compared to the 6th what that I have is these were root pruned while indoors 3 times and grown in 4" pots under metal halide lights. The 6th plant was grown under flouros the entire time. Each season I  try something different indoors, whether it's cloning, crossing, overwintering, grafting/airlayering (tomatoes) or root pruning , I like to challange myself. 
The root pruned plants have many upward stems, while the untouched plant has one main stem and many laterial branches...... You may ask what did I do this........primarily for overwinter purposes....The root pruned will get ow'd for next year...hoping to have strong bushes, branching right down to the base of the plants.

The lone untouched Galapagense plant. Many branches forming throughout the may stem....a few flowers to boot !

Here's a Galap flower
more shots in a few....thanks
Nice experimentation Greg ... so potentially the root pruned plants will have much bigger yields once they branch ... ?? I assume that is more to do with the lighting differences though?
cool......may need a few more bumps to get this up to speed........that is todays photos.....tanx

These are a few of the root pruned Galap's. It's hard to tell, but there are many individual stems growing from the base.
Ok...enough with these

Here's the flower bed, perennials and annums...plus 22 twelve gallon  nursery containers with an additional 20 ingroung plants mixed in. Within 2 months this will be filled in and the mulch won't be visible.

Fish Pepper plant in the center flanked by 2 Purple Pequins

A Tovarii....the only one I have....It now sets in a 10 gal pot

Here's some volenteers that cam up and I repoted them before throwing down the mulch. The funny thing about these are they coul either be Maui Purples or Purple Bhut Jolokia's...both were grown around the same spot last yr......just have to wait and see

The current conditions in the back garden......about 30 eighteen gal containers and a few 12 gal, plus the beds for tomatoes, beans, and climbing cukes

The main garden..

another angle of the yard....some of you may wonder what I'll do with all the pods. Alot for me........ :lol: ......and after alittle research last season I found out there are more Jamaican Jerk shacks in the city then you could shake a pair of steel drum mallets at........ha
Anyways, some jerk stops would be interested in fresh pods, but those are only seasonel. The best would be qt jars of pickled whole pods or flakes or powder. Hot wing joints are interested in pepper flakes....Scorpion or better.......lol

A shot down a row

Various Bonnets
I'll be back in a bit

Sturdy plants, many flowers......only a few ripe pods .....so far

3 NagaBrains.......Jamie's (Romy6) via Gary (windchicken).....these plants rock !. 
I have a few more both containers and inground.

NagaBrain pod, typical shape on this plant.........I want me a ripe one !

Jigsaw......many flowers......no pods yet

Dorset Naga......might have a ripe one soon

shot of the cukes.....got them in alittle later, but they're on pace with the nice weather

It's been an odd Spring....the orange blooming Asiatic Lillies are usually done and gone by now. I will cut them back and plant additional Coleus on my East facing exposure border

Canario....this plant is in the bed that gets morning sun from 8 til 2 in the afternoon

Canario pod...many more hiding in the canopy

I made 48 pints of Tropical Habanero Salsa for the farmer's mkt......sent them with a vender. Best part about it she sold all but 3....and I didn't have to be there........lol
dam......it's tough when one can't count to 10 (photos)
Excellent update Greg. Worth the wait.
Of course, everything is looking good, I wouldn't expect anything else.
I can't believe I beat you by at least a few days on a Jigsaw pod. Just found my 1st yesterday. :dance:
I need to get back to tea brewing. Did a couple batches then got lazy. Time to get back.

Zimbawie Bird's...........nice yard candy.................anyone have a tooth pick ..........seedy little devils

Elysium Oxide Bonnet........one of Mike's (capsidadburn) creations

Surinam Habanero...typical, early pods can be somewhat smaller and may not be true...Heck, just dice'em all up and smear it on a cracker...heh

One of my favorites........if I were to only grow a few supers this would be one.....Naga Morich. A heavy producer and hitter.

Burgandy 7 Pot..........sure it looks like I sprayed the pods for the Glamor Shot......lol....But we've had a day or two of rain.
Not bad though.......had a bonus with the lightning light show

Here's a NagaBrain from another plant...........showing the Naga side of things.....
Looking foeward to seeing what else happens with this plant.....The heat remains the same (Robert Plant)..............lol
Wild Sonorran.............chiltepin

Yellow Bhut Jolokia

Some of the best tasting Cherry Tomatoes......Orange Sungold

Concho's Jalapeno...Stefan (meatfreak)....we've had a couple bad hail storms the last month...no vehicle damage here but a mile away there were 150 people in line at the auto insurance company. This plant suffered major leaf damage, but has fought back and will continue to produce. I like this Jalapeno along with a select few for taste and heat.

Original 7 Pot strain..........can't wait to burn..........check it out
back in bit.........thanks
Thud. That's the sound of my jaw hitting the ground. I love the tea setup. Very pro. . The plants are amazing. Do you hand water all of them? Very beautiful garden. I made the mistake of showing your pics to my girlfriend. LOL. Guess what? She wants me to step it up a notch in the yard.

more snack food while checking on the grow.............Charapita.............thanx Shane

the ornamental Purria............it's edible though

Here's one for ya....I grow a couple varieties of Orange Habs....Orange Devil and the Orange Yucatan. This plant was grown from some freeby seeds from Judy (PL). I grew 8 plants and kept 2, all have this bonchi shaped growth,,,narrow leaves abd are loaded with pods. I don't expect these plants to shoot up periscoping growth. Most likely the growth will stay lateral............maybe a "winterover" style plant.....hmmm

St Martin Red Habanero........seeds from the mkt while on vacation........god producer......makes a tasty hot sauce

Some Reapers, Carbons, and Bhuts............oh my

Overhead of the Orange Devil.....some folks don't care for the Orange Hab taste............try cooking with them........not many pods taste great raw

Here's the lighter varigated Jamaican Red Habanero, I see Jamison has some of these seeds also. The majority of pods start out dark green. Both varieties ripen dark red.........great tasting pods....seeds right from Jamaica.........from Ramon (WalkGood)..........miss ya dude !

Upright Thai variety........don't know what kind. Seeds were from and Asian grocer here.....no english on the package.

Threw this one in to wake you all up............vivid West Indian Habanero

Difficult to see but this Aji Limon is bearing down with chili's.
 a couple more shots........and that's all she wrote..

Sunrise Scorpion............crunchy thicker walled pods...........with the Trinny flav.....and heat

Jamaican Habanero....one of many

MoA on the bottom..............Jamaican Scotch Bonnet on the top (seeds from Jamaican mkt pods). I would think that any open mkt vender's in Jamaica are selling pods grown from MoA seeds...............they do furnish the farmer's with seeds................it's called quality control..

Calabria 18 chili's........let these ripen red and dry them out.   Perfect crushed red pepper for pizza.....nice flavor, nice heat....perfect for the pie.

Goat's Weed.............something about that name

Not many of you grow this....Trippa probably does........"NagaBon"

Zapotec's...........seeds, Gary (windchicken)............just waiting for these to cork
that's it for the pepper shots.........here's a foodie

Market Habs, Chicken Quarters, Scallions, Jamaican Allspice, etc .................you get the picture

Powder the Allspice, whip all the marinade ingredients in the blender......Slash the Chicken, place in 2 gal ziplock bags with the marinade up to 48 hrs.

smoke low and slow over Pimento Wood if you have it ...for 3 hrs at 210 temp..........you kow the rest................Yum !
Thanks for checking this out.....be back in a week or two with some more pod shots
It's worth the wait for Greg to show up to the party, im sold on as always at his foodie pics, making me hungry all the way over here in Cali Greg..
Glad to see you're back in fine form despite cold temps and hail Greg! I'm lovin' the Jerk chicken too! :drooling:  Excellent foodie pics as usual. Have you ever made puree from the Yellow 7s? I've been using it to make Jerk marinade, and I think it's fruity qualities make it a good choice for that role... I just use a little less than I would of Habs... say a level tablespoon per batch. Cheers!