• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

Time to get this Grow off the ground...

Well sort of...at least the indoor part of it.  Here's the current look at some of my outdoor containers. We've had higher than normal snow amounts since December. A couple of hard frosts to boot. That may kill alot of the spring White Fly that have been dominant the last 2 seasons.
A Couple Shots from the Most Recent Seasons

I've started out my seeds for many years in Dec/Jan, and no doubt will provide nice plants with rewarding harvests.
But when you have to start indoors under lights it comes with a cost of time, material and utilities. With some thought I've finally come to (my senses)  a conclusion. As of Febuary 1st I have roughly 14 weeks to plant out. I'm confident that I can raise healthy plants indoors in that span. So this year will be the test...who knows maybe next season will be a March startup.......a march to the finish !

This was my largest harvest last season, late August, 40+ lbs......a few hrs and many beers worth of picking.  
The harvests after this were a few bushels here and there down to the 5 bucket pulls once a week come late September.
Enough of the Old and in With the New...
Lights...Action......Camera !

Speaking of lights...my current and permanent grow area has been moved down to the sub basement. I gave up a spare bedroom which has been converted into a guest room........ :rolleyes:
I currently have alittle over half the room and lighting setups that I had last year.  I'm planning to use every bit of it.
When running over 4k of power you need to have enough "juice"  to supply the lights safely. Inaddition to the circuits I had in the past for the basement grow I've added 2 additional 20a dedicated runs. Also for those who don't, having a smoke detector within perimeter and a fire extinguisher nearby would be a good idea, especially when running HPS units.
I'm still in the process of mounting some lights, and unless they're being hard wired its a good idea to keep the power cables off the floor

Here's a photo of the plant framing before the shelving is put into place. The deminsions are 54" wide and 12' long.
There's 3 tiers....top has 7 six bulb high bay T8 fixtures, middle tier (shown) has 10 four bulb close spaced T8's with a 6 bulb T8 at each end. The bottom has currently 4 six bulb T8's with a few more being added. The sides have 70% Aluminet shade cloth with can be rolled up unto a pvc pipe and secured to the ceiling. The cloth can let air circulation through by the means of a fan(s). The ends of the framing have foiled faced styro insulated panels.
Here we have cups ready to go, each cup may have anywhere between 2 and 20 seeds depending on the variety.
I'm starting out alittle different with the seed soak this season. In the past I've used Potassium Nitrate (Salt Petre) for part of the soak. I'm out of it and its too late to order....what I'm doing instead is a 2 hr soak with 10% Hydrogen Peroxide/ water mix.......drain out then a 24hr soak with a brew of Chamomile Tea (4 tea bags to a gallon of distilled) plus one drop of Superthrive to the gallon. I haven't used the tea before but have heard excellent results in regards to damping off prevention or seed fungal issues.
The mediums for the indoor grow.....Hoffmans for the seed starter. For the potting up I'm using a mix of Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Pro-Mix. These will get equally mixed into thirds. My usual Fafards MetroMix is not in stock. These will give great results as I've used them in the past.
a few more shots later after dinner...........did some body say Octopus in Red Sauce.....yum
Greg, watching your grow, 2 things brother. 1. It never gets old and 2. I'm always learning something. I just can't fathom putting together all those trays and working on the level you do. Well, I'm one to talk now that I'm up to 144 seeds started but I am more at ease now that I'm getting seeds to start popping. I really had a feeling that it was just not warm enough in the room i had them in.
Have a great weekend Bro, it's getting to be Beer:30 here :)
HillBilly Jeff said:
Everything is looking great.  I am not jealous of all that potting up you got ahead of you.  Great looking pics and love the food pic.
We're about a month out now!!!
Good call Jeff, about a month away. This weekend should be a great weather wise, with the exception of some heavy rain on Sunday.
I'm hoping to start screening out last years container soil. Many containers to do but the soil has been too wet to screed through the 1/4" mesh.
I'm liking your raised beds....I hope you need to use a step latter for those large 7/Pot plants.....ha

Jeff H said:
Did I read that correctly? 300 to pot up from 5" pots to 2 gallon? I'm trying real hard to stop up-potting at 5" or 1 gallon pots. I do have a few in 2-3 gallon pots, but not many.
That is quite a bit of potting soil you will be using.
Correct on the amount......I have around 400+ 5" pot ups. Ususlly I'll go from 3" to 1 gal indoors. In past yrs I had two grow areas wih ample space.. This yr and in the future I'm down to one. The 5" containers are not much smaller than a one gal. So my next step is the 2 gal trades which are actually a bit larger that a 1.5 filled.
I'm to the point where I need to move the largest plants up into 2 gal and move them under the metal halides. I'm running out of had space under my flouros...part of the reason. I also am involved in a few plants sales in May. Mostly Tomato and mild Pepper plants,  some perennials. There's been a bigger draw with the super hots the last few seasons and I have repeat customers that rely on the plants. The hots will get potted into the 2 gal while the tomatoes and mild peppers into one gal. I prefer to do this outdoors not only for space reasons but I can use some of last yrs container medium to fill the containers,
You're right about a lot of bags of soil, that's why every spring I get a few yards of a garden mix dumped off at my house...that will replenish the existing remaing container medium. My raised beds get a top off...

Here's a photo from a few seasons back. This was taken around a few weeks prior to bringing outside to harden off. There's over 80 2 gal containers with over 300+ 5" pots in the grow rooms. The weekend was the time to water and inspect this plants....and also sweep and mop the floors...ha
I hope not to pot up anywhere near this amount indoors.....again

stc3248 said:
Dang Brotha...sorry I have been gone so long, but you know, life happens! I did read BHG on my plane rides though and got a little more spice for life. Speaking of life happening...it sure is happening at your joint! I wish my cats shared Sunny's distaste for pepper plants, but no such luck. 
Your plants look as expected perfect and stunning...with the usual trips to google to research what the heck they are. You have taught me and so many others so much through your posts. Keep them green and the pics flowing brother!!!
Thanks Shane-o...life does go on...like running downhill...faster and faster !
Glad you got a chance to check out the mag.....those cutting board peppers are some of my favorites. Can't wait for a few Hatch ...off the grill.
I look at google also.....mainly to get the spelling correct.....and that still doesn't always happen......lol
Have a great weekend...and a few shiners..
The seed starting medium is a fine mix of Hoffman's seed starter with an addition of vermiculite. It can pack down easily so I pre wet the mix. Once the seeds get planted I place the humidity dome on. I'll bottom water only. Once a few seedlings appear the dome comes off and the tray gets put under the flouros. I'll continue to bottom water even if the top of the medium remains dry. The seeds are sunk 1/4" deep the water will wick up to that area. Top watering or heavy misting will mat the soil down and the chances of rot increase. You only want to crack the safe...hull.The root will drive itself town to the moisture. The vermiculite not only aerates the soil but retains moisture also. Most fresh seeds will pop...some take longer...and then you have the older seeds which have a lower %.
I can't wait to get the plants into the sun.......Once I bring them out to harden they will remain outdoors......no other soil brought in...and no bugs needed. The tomatoes will be the 1st wave under the hope frames....3  weeks.

RocketMan said:
Greg, watching your grow, 2 things brother. 1. It never gets old and 2. I'm always learning something. I just can't fathom putting together all those trays and working on the level you do. Well, I'm one to talk now that I'm up to 144 seeds started but I am more at ease now that I'm getting seeds to start popping. I really had a feeling that it was just not warm enough in the room i had them in.
Have a great weekend Bro, it's getting to be Beer:30 here :)
Bill I'm glad to hear you're having success with the seed startup. Having the longer season that you have, you could probably startup anytime...so it's never too late. Warm is the key to get most seeds running. a good soaking the day before will speed things up.
Have a great beer drinking weekend
Haha. I went back and found your glog last year to refresh my memory on how you did all of the plants once you brought them outside.
I must say, that is a heck of a lot of pots and tubs you have all over the patio, not to mention the raised beds.
Good luck with it this year.
That pic of the plants in the kitchen, super looking plants! I don't know how my wife would deal with that, her space and all that ;)
Thanks for the response on the seed starting medium. This was my first year using the Jiffy plugs, OK for maters, peppers and spices didn't like them. I had to real careful about getting them wet, even when the plants were older of the stem got floppy. Basil just hated them! I'm rather new to starting from seed, but it is more fun!
Have a great weekend!
Thats a ton of plants Greg!  All perfectly beautiful.  My wife says your kitchen is gorgeous minus the plants hahaha.  Looking forward to your plant out.  Looks like your getting some rain too!
No apologies, no excuses..........just an update.....
Sound the horns !............I finally finished planting my last pepper plant today.
Here's some Calabria 18 flowers.......tooting away.....

a Guatemalen Yellow Rocoto bud.

Hand Grenade flowers, ...2nd year growing these gems...seeds courtesy from Stefan (meatfreak)

some of you may have seen this shot in the MoA thread. ....dense like a rain forest......I have around 15 of these. This plant was just removed from a 5" container and potted up to a 2 gal. This shot was taken over a month ago, since then we've had 2 hail storms which shredded most large leaves from my plants........no prob though, I like to remove the older larger leaves from the bottom of the plants. Nothin like promoting new growth up top.

Here was the 1st round of plants to get hardened off....all in 2 gal pots..........in the mean time....

I finally decided to get on the AACT brew train.........the past few seasons I've been getting my tea by the gallon from the local brew shop. Although it's always free, and 1 gal did help out with the indoor winter grow (small plants...that is)....I always seemed to spend 30 bucks or so each time I stopped there.............lol
I found the plans for this 32 gal trash can (25 gal brew) at the U of Oregon web site. Simple to put together........and the plants are lovin it !

Here's the air pump.....the site recommends a 60w...but bigger is bedda and I went with the 85 watt.............motor boater

"The left ear of a giant"..."The right ear ?"..."The knee of a eel ?"..."A terrible nice"......"no no no.......a large, red eyed, no nosed...nothing"
Cracker Jack.........anyone ?........ :lol: .........Well none of those ingredients go into my Witches Brew ....but here's what's shaking......

Compost, Castings, Kelp, Humic Acid, Dehydrated Tea, Blackstrap Molasses......a couple of lids ....... :shocked: ......of a mix of Alalfa, Oats, Cotten Seed..
There's enough here for the whole season.......with the exception of additional Molasses.

Black Gold.....Texas Tea..........I make this brew about every 10 days. 25 gallons will hit all the plants either by soil drench or foliar feed
back shortly with some more.....