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food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

My crappy pizza. Store brought spicy meat with a pack of chicken ramen on top. With lots of crappy tesco sriracha. I can't add pics as I don't know how.
INM Sauces said:
My crappy pizza. Store brought spicy meat with a pack of chicken ramen on top. With lots of crappy tesco sriracha. I can't add pics as I don't know how.
There is no way you can talk about ramen dumped onto a cheap pizza and not post pics.  I demand a redo :rofl:
INM Sauces said:
My crappy pizza. Store brought spicy meat with a pack of chicken ramen on top. With lots of crappy tesco sriracha. I can't add pics as I don't know how.
Then again........this is a very scary combo!
Keystone Light.
Bud Light.
Busch Light.
Its all good.
All the vets here on this site know that its cheapness.
And it sorta'kinda' tastes like real beer.
But we don't drink it for that.
We drink it for the buzz and because its cheap.
When I want champaigne I drink Clicquot.
When I want scotch I drink 12 yo Macallan.
When I want good tequila I drink The Kah or Don Julio.
And when I want good tasting beer, I drink Alaskan Amber, Pinkus Alt, Pilsner Urquell, et. al.
When I'm cookin' and drinkin' beer for effect and the buzz, I go for cheapness.
Right now I'm drinkin' a Spaten Optimator.
No pics because the critics of cheap beer don't deserve it.
And for the record.
Paulky just did a tour in Afganistan.
Please let the man drink the beer of his choice in peace por favor.
That damn swabby deserves our thanks and respect!
Carry on sailor.
I could not agree more.

Lots of folks concerning themselves w/ things that aren't topical ...

I ate ramen noodles for 4 days just to be able to find out what wagyu was all about. I do not regret doing it, and although I wouldn't chose 4x days of ramen for a night's beef over again, it doesn't mean I won't be having ramen again anytime soon again, either - because Iberico is still out there ...

Value policing of others on the internet is weird to me ...

It's because PK is taking those sharp color-corrected photos now - raised the bar on himself ;)
I wanted something spicy ...


That shit ... that shit is spicy ...




Everything getting happy ...




chillax and wait for the smell to find me ...


after the flip ... comes the slice and simmer ...


fresh curry leaves, most of a stick of butter, most of a can of sclafani ...

plated up on sticky rice ...


belly warming, easy.
Dang Paulky! That truly sucks.
Anyone else wonderingabout UncleGiggles? Dude joined and posted one post of some chicken that could kill a horse then vanished. Im guessing he found out that chicken was rotten :rofl: