Old picture of me with my first acoustic. [It looks like I am eating something... I don't really remember.

] It is a Jasmine by Takamine. Cheap guitar, but it has a great sound and a ton of sentimental value. This guitar has taught many people how to play. My nephew has it right now...
This is my Mexican made Fender Strat. It has been through quite a bit, and is definitely starting to show some wear.
This is my Ibanez Acoustic. I play this one on occasion at church, but mainly around a camp fire, or in my living room.
This is a Galveston Classical that my wife bought me for Christmas a few years ago. Pretty inexpensive, but it is fun to play around on. I need to do some adjustments though.
This is my American Standard Telecaster. I love this guitar. It plays like butter. [Granted, I am not really sure what that means...]
Same guitar, but I changed the pickguard just to switch things up. This is how it looks now.
I also have an Ibanez electric that I am not too fond of... I bought it from one of my wife's friends as a favor, and she never bought it back... so I am stuck with it. I am not even going to post a picture.