Potawie's Pepper Progress 2008

My seeds were started at different times but as early as December and as late as 2 or 3 days ago. I try to time it so that when it becomes greenhouse season that I have enough plant to make it worthwhile heating.
The tomatos I'm growing this year are:
Cherries/small: Redrobin, Florida basket, Sungold
Paste: Opalka,
Large: Omar's Lebanese, Supersteak hybrid, Zogola
Others: German red strawberry, Powers heirloom

Eggplants are:
Macchiaw hybrid, Fairy-tale hybrid, and an Italian type.

For clones/cuttings check out Fatalii's site
Ciao Potawie-

Opalka is my #1 favourite tomato, bar none. Have you grown it before? It's an absolute machine and makes the best sauce, salsa and V-8 juice. I think you'll enjoy Powers Heirloom also. I find it to be the best tasting white paste tomato and it's highly productive as well. I've made white salsa using white bells, white habs, and Powers Heirloom tomatoes. I'm growing Rosa Bianca, Casper, Listada di Gandia, and Black Diamond eggplants. I'm growing 65 tomato varieties that I won't list here, but I'd be happy to provide my grow list if anyone's interested.
Is the Powers heirloom not a yellow paste?
I love Opalka too, no need for me to ever grow any other normal paste type.

Ciao Potawie-

Powers Heirloom is considered 'white' although it's more of an ivory or very very pale yellow. White tomatoes are rarely pure white, but typically an ivory colour. Other 'white' varieties include Snow White Cherry, White Queen, Shah Mikado, Cream Sausage, and White Oxheart. Powers Heirloom has a sweet flavour, but it's not bland by any stretch. It has a dense flesh, but not dry like Opalka. I'm keen to hear back what you think of it. :)
I am growing Opalka as well for the very first time. Very excited about it. I heard a lot of good thing about this variety - production and taste. I am growing San Manzano as well.
Power Heirloom sounds real nice. I will definitely add it to my grow list for Next Year.

Man.... I need a bigger garden... :)
All your plants look really good and didn't you get a case of aphids?...if you did I can't see any damage to your plants....very healthy..what all are you going to grow topsyturvy this year?
Still lots of aphids but the worst looking plants are in ICU, not in the greenhouse. My biggest Naga Morich is suffering again from the buggers but my upsidedown naga has never had an aphid yet. I'll try to get pics of the bad plants but I really hate photographing ugly plants

I'm thinking of trying a sungold cherry tomato and a Fairy tale eggplant in homemade upside down planters. I got a bunch of 5 gal pails free from a florist that should work fine. Now I gotta rig up a good support for them.
you gonna build tripods to support the upside down planters?
three eight foot 2 X 4's, a single 8 inch 1/2" diameter carriage bolt, six 1 1/2 inch washers, and two 1/2" nuts. Drill hole 2 inches from the end of each 2 X 4, centered side to side, stack 2 X 4s on top of each other, put washer on bolt, go thru first 2 X 4, put two washers on then thru 2nd 2 X 4, two more washers then thru the 3rd 2 X 4, washer then first nut to set the "spread" of the tripod...once you get the tripod where you want it...secure first nut on the carriage bolt with second nut as a locking feature...you can figure out a way to hand your planters from the bolt at the top of the tripod....

simple, cheap, easily disassembled.
Ciaoies Potawie-

Sungold F1 is a tall plant, growing as tall as 10' in ideal conditions. You might try Ditmarsher or something dwarfish for your upside down planter thingie. I'm not saying it can't be done, but what will happen is it will grow down for a bit and then try to curve upwards so it can get more light. I grew Yellow Pear, silly me, in a hanging basket one year and it was a very funny-looking U-shaped 8' plant when all was said and done.

Sanj, San Marzanos are what my Nonna always grew when I was growing up. They're kind of the 'gold standard' for Italian sauce, but there are others out there that are better.
Sorellina said:
Ciaoies Potawie-

Sungold F1 is a tall plant, growing as tall as 10' in ideal conditions. You might try Ditmarsher or something dwarfish for your upside down planter thingie. I'm not saying it can't be done, but what will happen is it will grow down for a bit and then try to curve upwards so it can get more light. I grew Yellow Pear, silly me, in a hanging basket one year and it was a very funny-looking U-shaped 8' plant when all was said and done.

You realize you're challenging the container king, don't you? If anyone can do it, Potawie can.

I grow large tomatoes in hanging basket's all the time, I just drape them over the Shepherd's crook they're on. I plan to do a yellow current tomato in an upside down planter this year, and they sprawl every which way.
Man that greenhouse is as big as my back yard.

Wish i had more space.

cheers and great plants mate.

tops stuff!
Ciao Pam, I didn't say it couldn't be done, lol, but it IS ungainly. Having a sturdy support and plenty of soil with straw mulch is key. Containers dry out quickly.
I just finished making an upside-down planter for my Fairy-tale eggplant. It got a little damaged in the planting process but it should be alright.

Ciaoies Potawie-

Fairy Tale F1 doesn't get huge, it should be a fairly good candidate for your upside down treatment. The fruit burden wasn't super heavy when I grew it last year either. Have you grown this one before?
Ok Kontainer King, walk us through this. What's the ring that the plant is coming through? Are you making your own foam pad, or doing something else to keep the dirt from falling through.

I was thinking about doing that with a couple of 5 galleon bucket, too, but I was going to use weed paper around the plant to hold the dirt. I'm not sure if that will be sturdy enough for the weight of the dirt.