Potawie's Pepper Progress 2008

Julianna, This is only my second time growing eggplant from seed and I've never tried growing the fairy-tale but I noticed they were popular at a veggy farm I went to and they look cool.:cool:

Pam, the ring was already there on this particular pail so I just cut within the circle. I didn't use any foam or weed cloth, the root ball was big enough to hold it in place as is. I didn't have a lid for the pail so for now I have a burlap bag covering the top. I also drilled holes in the pail on both sides and just simply tied a rope on both sides and this rope is bungied to the frame of my greenhouse for now.
Here's a pic of some recently re-potted Chinese 5 color pepper plants. These are my favorite ornamental and this is my 4th year growing them. Unfortunately the aphids are really liking them lately and I really don't want to spray anything with the ladybugs and larvae around so lots of squishing.

Here's a pic of some recently re-potted Chinese 5 color pepper plants. These are my favorite ornamental and this is my 4th year growing them. Unfortunately the aphids are really liking them lately and I really don't want to spray anything with the ladybugs and larvae around so lots of squishing.

I feel your pain!

I'm physically washing the leaves of some of mine in the sink every other day. I don't know why the aphids would prefer red Corno Di Toro peppers to the yellow, but they do.
Here's a pic of some recently re-potted Chinese 5 color pepper plants. These are my favorite ornamental and this is my 4th year growing them. Unfortunately the aphids are really liking them lately and I really don't want to spray anything with the ladybugs and larvae around so lots of squishing.

POTAWIE, how tall do the 5-color get I am growing them for my landscape this year maybe I should have planted more of those since you speak so highly of them.

The 5 color can get to be a decent size if started early but I think they are generally a medium sized plant. Here's one of my favorite pics from 2005 but notice the leaves aren't purple on this one yet. They did go a little purple eventually
Looking forward to your grow this year POTAWIE, how beautiful is that pic of your "5 colour", over here its known as "Rainbow Chilli" stunning looking plants!

Cant believe you grow stuff in that climate of yours.

You know I love that picture Potawie, it's saved on my computer. There's a Brazilian rainbow too but it has white flowers, not the purple like Bolivian rainbow. What colour flowers does the Chinese 5 colour have?
They are purple flowers if I remember correctly. I think it was said that the Bolivian rainbow had a better taste but I've never grown them yet.
Ciao Potawie-

Your plants are just gorgeous! You're doing an outstanding job there. I'll be sure to take more photos of D's peppers. I know there's one of his Bolivian Rainbow somewhere, I just need to find it. I liked them for pickling. They add just the right bite (to me, I'm no pepperhead like you guys) for cucumber and bean pickles, plus the colour remains even after the canning process.

Tell me, when do you start sowing your seeds? And do you do the whole lot in the greenhouse or do you start things inside the house?
I start pepper seeds as early as December and usually finish most by March. I usually start using my greenhouse only during the sunny days late winter/early spring and then I heat it for the spring and shade it in the summer. During the winter it becomes a cold workshop and garden shed and a place to put my junk.:lol:
The 5-color pic was before I had my greenhouse when I would have to carry plants in and out for months. Now I'm spoiled in that way, but heating a greenhouse in Canada isn't easy or cheap and I'm running out of dry fire-wood.:(
Potawie, the 5 color is gorgeous...it kinda has the pod shape of a fat pequin...is the heat level on a par with the pequin types?
Not quite the same Omri, your Israeli grows in clusters and the 5 color pods start out dark purple and purple flowers.
AJ, I would just consider them an ornamental. They are quite hot but not particularly flavorfull.
Is is light conditions that cause leaf color change like that. Reason for asking is that all of my royal blacks are....umm...green. All but 2 leaves, and I think they are all supposed to be.
The Royal blacks should get dark once they get more direct sunlight or more intese blue spectrum light. Here's some I grew last year

Hmmm. The "black" must be refering to the pods, because they look purple leafed to me. Nice looking plants though, hopefully I have luck like that.