Julianna, This is only my second time growing eggplant from seed and I've never tried growing the fairy-tale but I noticed they were popular at a veggy farm I went to and they look cool.
Pam, the ring was already there on this particular pail so I just cut within the circle. I didn't use any foam or weed cloth, the root ball was big enough to hold it in place as is. I didn't have a lid for the pail so for now I have a burlap bag covering the top. I also drilled holes in the pail on both sides and just simply tied a rope on both sides and this rope is bungied to the frame of my greenhouse for now.

Pam, the ring was already there on this particular pail so I just cut within the circle. I didn't use any foam or weed cloth, the root ball was big enough to hold it in place as is. I didn't have a lid for the pail so for now I have a burlap bag covering the top. I also drilled holes in the pail on both sides and just simply tied a rope on both sides and this rope is bungied to the frame of my greenhouse for now.