Potawie's Pepper Progress 2008

gardenkiller said:
Hmmm. The "black" must be refering to the pods, because they look purple leafed to me. Nice looking plants though, hopefully I have luck like that.

Well the pods are purple too but dark. Its actually the mother (or father) of the black pearl
DrHavanger said:
Will these plants stay green under a less intense light source, say a cfl or floro tube?

It would depend on the intensity as well as the light spectrum. Its mostly blue light that causes the anthocyanin pigments or purpling.
:drooling: wow you have some lovely chilli plants there potawie
how did you get the naga plant to get so big?

all the best
Nagas usually grow quite quick for me, I don't know why. This year however the aphids have taken over and are continously sucking the life out of my plants.:(
Potawie if you could share with us the secrets of your growing...
fertilizers,special soil, soil amendment,vitamins or anything else you providing them with??
great plants,great picks
I think I've shared most of my secrets here over the last 3+ years. I usually use pro-mix BX and sometimes add mushroom compost or aged cow manure to my final size pot and/or garden. I use very little fertilizer, and generally use something well balanced like 20-20-20 with micronutrients and later in the season something like 15-30-15 for the final flush or something high in Potassium if I plan on overwintering.
Here's a Tobago seasoning plant where the aphids ate the new top growth, and now its branching out. This is likely going to be a huge bush by October.:) as long as the aphids give it a rest.

I'm growing Tobago Seasoning too and I thought I was doing something wrong as the plant is really short with massive leaves, for height it's one of my shortest ones. Mine looks like yours Potawie, maybe the leaves are darker though.
Unholy Cow! Look at the size of those leaves!!!!!

: runs off and searches The Chilie Man .org's db :

Wait...what the? That thing has no heat?!?!?! What's up you two? You're not turning soft on us are you?
I'm growing several mild C. chinense's this year so I can have peppers of all heat levels. I like to introduce non chileheads to peppers incrementally. Making them suffer is fun too:lol:, but then they are thrown off peppers forever:oops:
I'm growing several mild C. chinense's this year so I can have peppers of all heat levels. I like to introduce non chileheads to peppers incrementally. Making them suffer is fun too:lol:, but then they are thrown off peppers forever:oops:
Chain them in your basement. that's what I do. :whistle:
Eventually they'll like it. :halo:
I'm quite interested to see how these mild C. chinese's taste since I've never tried any, well I guess the little rubber nipple is one I've tried.
from what i noticed from the mild chinese's at the supermarket ; ). they taste very close to the same.. but maybe that's because none of the supermarket varieties are especially hot and are supposed to be? i donno. i would like to know also btw :).
imaguitargod said:
How odd....aAll the people I give major burns to come back for more the next day.

I have people that refuse to eat food I've cooked because they are scared of the heat...LOL...Even when I tell them ahead of time that I think it's mild :P
Pepperfreak said:
I have people that refuse to eat food I've cooked because they are scared of the heat...LOL...Even when I tell them ahead of time that I think it's mild :P
People here love to try my cooking. they're like "I eat Tabasco! I can handle heat...", so i give them a bite (I don't actually bite them, well not most of them anyway... just give them a sample of the food) and they usually run around screaming. :hell:
Obviously I won't give them anything REALLY hot, and I always warn them.
I think that the vast majority of people I know, have already tried my cooking and have already ran away screaming :mouthonfire: :lol: I have about 4 friends that can take it and come back for more. In fact we all share/swap samples of our cooking. Sometimes it feels as if we (all men) are in some sort of sowing circle...LOL
planting seeds circle... i thought you were new to this ; ).

people also don't trust we know what mild is lol. i've been watching hippy and i want to eat whole pepper pods like him. he's a sav so my friend and i have been working up we had 1/2 a serano he thoght it was going to be like a jalapeno!! hahaa i told him after he swallowed.. i don't have any milk and omg.. his eyes almost popped out of his head.. i have to say tho chinense is my favorite.. can't wait till i can handle a hab!!
You're right...I am into this :) Very much so...I just love Habaneros, they have really good flavor, IMO. Until recently, I too thought a Serrano was like a jalapeño and was caught off guard, thankfully I had milk and bread. I can take the heat from most peppers from Habs down if I'm expecting it. Kind of takes your breath when something is hotter than expected...LOL I remember years ago when I use to think that Jalapeños where too hot. So, you'll get there with the Habs :)