Potawie's Pepper Progress 2008

Here's a few plants that are new to me this year. Thanks again to Koolguymike for the seeds.

Here's a Quintisho with pods forming

and an Orange Cheiro pod

The original plant(2006) was never kept once I had successful cuttings. I don't know how big the big one(year+ old) will get but it was a good size last year, and at this time(March/April) was about the same size as the plant in the second pic above.

The big one is the plant on the left, summer 2007


Plants in Trinidad dont look anything like these... those are beautiful and so much peppers on them...
Thanks for the kindness! There was a time this year that I was ready to give up on all my plants. I got really frustrated with my aphid infestation but thankfully things are under contol once again and I'm one happy Potawie.
Thanks for the kindness! There was a time this year that I was ready to give up on all my plants. I got really frustrated with my aphid infestation but thankfully things are under contol once again and I'm one happy Potawie.
You're no dount the most talented gardener around here. you do so well, and sometimes even under harsh weather.

Say... I found quite a lot of ladybugs wondering about the work place. is that a good sign, or does that mean the aphids rule this place?
Thanks Omri:oops: Around here people get infested with Asian ladybugs over the winter, especially in old wooden houses and old windows. I don't know why they'd be in your workplace but it must be food and/or shelter related.
Thanks Omri:oops: Around here people get infested with Asian ladybugs over the winter, especially in old wooden houses and old windows. I don't know why they'd be in your workplace but it must be food and/or shelter related.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. :)
There's hardly any serious shelter, and I don't believe they need any (it's nice and hot outside), so they're looking for food (oh dear).
I just finished making an upside-down planter for my Fairy-tale eggplant. It got a little damaged in the planting process but it should be alright.

Just curious as to how the eggplant is doing?...I might try to grow one of my Prosperosas this way....I am really tired of staking all my eggplants.:?::)
Its doing ok but I just found a bunch of aphids so I need to get it outside for a good spray with the garden hose. I'll update my progress with the upside-down planters once they start looking good
Yesterday while trying to re-pot my Guadaloupe hab, I had an accident and broke a main branch which was about a quarter of the plant and had about a dozen new pods:( I'm quite pissed off with myself but I guess I'll try to make some cuttings, although I don't really need any more plants right now.
I feel your pain POTAWIE, particularly when so much care is put into them & something like that just pops up and takes away all that you were looking forward to.:neutral:
Well here's the damage and its bigger than most of my plants:( You can't really see all the new pods but there were quite a few.

Potawie, your photos and plants always look so amazing. I am sure that you of all people will be able to nurse the hab back, you seem to be a pepper miracle worker :lol:
Opalka is my favorite tomato. I have pics somewhere

I have 10 of opalka tomatoes ,
Please tell me if yours look like they lacking water?
mine always look this way like low turgor