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Potawie's summer of 09 porn

The rain finally did some damage, twice to the same plant. Half of this Aconcagua got broken off earlier in the week, and now the other half. There was so much weight on this plant that even with stakes it was starting to hang over the edges of the pot.
I think I got approximately 4-5 lbs from the plant and have been making a lot of stuffed smoked peppers.
They look like great stuffers.

I foresee the same problem with a loaded Ancho that forked 3 ways on its first split. Already had a few bells break from the weight. Next year its cages for these instead of stakes.
I thought I'd post some pics of my dwarf lemon since I took a bunch of photos today, and I know Cheezydome loves these lemons so much:) and ya I did eat the one I grew last year and it was ok, but the tequila was better;)

Small lemon

Here's a cluster of flowers ready to open
Lemon trees aren't suppose to grow in Canada. I guess capsicum isn't either. I always wanted to try a lemon tree but was scared being north of the tropical zone. Nice fruit.
Chiliman sent me some seeds from one of his dwarf lemons and darned it I don't have two of them growing. I'll be quite satisfied if it grows let along produce fruit in 10 years. I really dig dwarf fruit trees.

Looks like POTAWIE land continues to be a place where all things grow. Way cool man.
Here's an update on some of my most productive C. chinenses. I've already picked lots of ripe pods but these plants just continually produce despite the cool wet weather

BigBang naga(from cutting) with major pods happening. Hard to see when everything is so green

BigBang naga(mother/donor plant) closeup

My red arrowhead C.chinense hybrid loaded with pods

Giant (not)white habanero. These pods are all a good size
I thought I'd share this cool pic of my garden in the morning, just as the sun comes through the trees. The mornings have been very cool this summer, and it feels like fall already

I thought I'd share this cool pic of my garden in the morning, just as the sun comes through the trees. The mornings have been very cool this summer, and it feels like fall already


Awesome pic. Looks like a small cloud Forest
Agree on the picture. Looks like you're at the base of a huge mountain range. Add some fog and I would be looking for gorillas!

Beautiful place you have POTAWIE, congrats.
I think he lives in Barbados and says he's in Ottawa. I can't believe the size of the chillis let alone growing Lemons with that climate.:shocked:
My dwarfed jalapeno M is starting to get some nice ripe pods with lots of corking. I've been waiting a while for ripe jals


Here's another small jalapeno M plant with pods of various sizes
I haven't had much time to take harvest pics this year but today I took a day just for picking and processing.

Bigbang naga(2nd year)

Giant (not)white hab

K3 (Arrowhead shape)
Douglah pounding out the pods

Here's most of today's harvest, although my 10 dehumidifyer trays are full as well

And another angle