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Potawie's summer of 09 porn

Here's most of today's harvest, although my 10 dehumidifyer trays are full as well

And another angle

I alway knew it was just a matter of time till we starting seeing these huge tomato and chili harvest from you Potawie. We cannot grow tomatoes like that in the south, the blacks really look good. Are those yellow paste tomatoes or lemons? I really like all your stuffing pepper, mmmmm. My Yellow habs are just so-so hot how's yours. Bump for some color on this page.:cool:
Thanks for the kind words guys

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
My Yellow habs are just so-so hot how's yours.

I'm not really growing any yellow habs, but lots of different yellow chinenses. I've got yellow 7, Scotch bonnet TFM, Bonda ma Jacque, Fatalii, and my Kapowie yellow(likely f3) or just KY for short:) The KY is probably a little milder than some but I usually love the productivity on this one although this year the aphids really got to them. The S.B. TFMs have a great flavor and descent heat, one of my favorites. The Bonda ma Jacques seem to be real producers and also great flavor and quite scorching. The fatalii has always been my favorite but the production is not quite as good as some of the others for me although its not that bad. Next year I plan to grow more Bonda ma Jacques and KYs than anything else since I want to rely more on plant with the combination of great flavor and great productivity for me.

The yellow toms were supposed to be an open pollinated version of sungold cherry tom but it appears to be quite a bit bigger than a cherry tom. I think I also have some "snow white" toms that are growing larger than they're supposed to??
Wow POTOWIE!!! That looks like a vegetable vendor's layout in the streets of Madrid on Sunday. Very impressive, you must be supplying an army. :)
I find myself coming back to this so I can stare for a while. Looks like you're setting up your own farmer's market. POTAWIELAND sure can grow some serious produce.
I've used most of the toms and sweet peppers up already and the hotties are either sauced or dried, but lots more out there to pick when I get some time

Here's a few recent cool pics

Tobago sweet Scotch bonnet-CC Great chinense taste with no heat

Riesentraube toms

Yellow 7-SR

Fatalii overload
I tried to over-winter a lot of plants but many didn't survive. I wanted to push the limits and see if they'd survive with cool temps and very little light growing in my crawlspace but it didn't work too well:( I probably have about 10 2nd or 3rd year plants growing right now and most are chinenses which seem to overwinter best for me. Its almost time to start picking out candidates for this year's overwintering:)
Late summer here has been near perfect and I finally got time to take another harvest pic but now I need another long weekend for processing, and a bigger dehydrator.

That is an awesome harvest! Looks like a booth at a farmers market. I just cant fathom all of those pods all in one location. I think you may have beat your last year yield.
Jeez Potawie...I agree with PF...I thought I was looking at the farmers market...great harvest...