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powder-flake powder question

I have a problem, partner has emphysema..grinding powder in the house is not an option. Any suggestions? I made salsa last year and froze most of the peppers for future use. This is a big question as I overplanted, nagas, trinidad scorpions, 7 pod plus over 50 different peppers mostly hot so it'll be pepper heaven around here.
pepperfever said:
I have a problem, partner has emphysema..grinding powder in the house is not an option. Any suggestions? I made salsa last year and froze most of the peppers for future use. This is a big question as I overplanted, nagas, trinidad scorpions, 7 pod plus over 50 different peppers mostly hot so it'll be pepper heaven around here.

Pick a nice day, run an extension cord out into the yard, grind there. I do that anyway, just take the blender outside and let it set until the powder has settled down.
I haven't tried grinding peppers yet, but last year when I was chopping/mincing peppers that were given to me, my wife banned me from the house. I retreated to the detached garage. It worked out great! I have a fridge, music and a nice workbench that I cleaned off for the occasion.
I know that it can be a problem for anyone who suffers lung/breathing problems. My Mum suffers from Asthma and I can't chop up Scotch Bonnets or use black pepper when she's around without her choking. Like Pam said I think the way to do it is outside, as long as she's not out there with you. Those particles get breathed in very easily.
Pam said:
Pick a nice day, run an extension cord out into the yard, grind there. I do that anyway, just take the blender outside and let it set until the powder has settled down.
I second that! I just did that the other day but in the garadge. There's an outet in there that I used (10 degree weather no less, but I'm determined).
imaguitargod said:
I second that! I just did that the other day but in the garadge. There's an outet in there that I used (10 degree weather no less, but I'm determined).

:lol: My garage is heated and has everything I need. This is my space...
I say outside as well.
I have laid out many a family member with my hot pepper antics!!
nothing better than a nice fall day in the sun grinding peppers, drinking beer and roasting hotdogs .
I agree with everyone. Doing this inside is NOT safe and NOT recommnended. I learned the hard way when my two year old daughter started sneezing like mad (along with me). Be safe. :)

do the peppers lose any of their heat or taste when thawed after frozen?
They won't lose heat or flavor they'll just be a little mushy.

ditto - seeds tend to discolour once frozen but I don't believe this has any effect on heat or flavour. I have read somewhere that the peppers will deteriorate after 12 months, but then so will most frozen foods. double bag to avoid freezer burn.

a couple of other tips:
  • de-stem before freezing
  • don't totally thaw the pods if you are going to slice them prior to drying
  • use kitchen scissors instead of a knife
chilliman64 said:
ditto - seeds tend to discolour once frozen but I don't believe this has any effect on heat or flavour. I have read somewhere that the peppers will deteriorate after 12 months, but then so will most frozen foods. double bag to avoid freezer burn.

a couple of other tips:
  • de-stem before freezing
  • don't totally thaw the pods if you are going to slice them prior to drying
  • use kitchen scissors instead of a knife

Good tips CM64...

I have to tell a story about making pepper powder...

My first time grinding peppers was 3 years ago...I took orange habs, tabasco, and cayenne that had been dried and put them in my food processor....ground them to a fine powder and just had to have a smell...turned the processor off...opened the top and stuck my nose about an inch from the powder and tried to breathe in....air got about 1/4" up my nose before I sneezed...glad I had my eyes shut...i blew pepper powder all over...my face, in my hair and ears, on my hands and forearms...yup...had a complete hunan upper body....lesson learned...DO NOT STICK YOUR NOSE CLOSE TO PEPPER POWDER AND TRY TO SMELL IT...
lord, i would have never heard the end of it if she had been home...I was home alone part 3
outside is the go, i have a garage now to experiment and play.
im banned from doing any chilli stuff in the house now, apart from bringing in and chopping for dinner,due to clearing the house on many occasions making powders, sauces, oh and dont throw a steak onto a hot fry pan, then toss in chopped habs, that made the house unable to be gone back into for at least half an hour.
or if you have unwanted guests, that would at least runem' off for a while..
I guess I'm lucky being single, and no apts on either side of me. Although, the last time I made sauce ya couls smell it down the hall a fair piece... :twisted:

I use a old coffee grinder for powders, and no problems. I just cover with a damp towel while grinding to keep errant dust from escaping and let the dust settle for a minute before opening...I made that mistake ONCE. ;)

I use a mini-Cusinart for flakes and general chopping...seems to seal well. Still use a towel though.

My hint..if ya wear contacts...don't. I always wear my glasses while dealing with chilis.

My old Osterizer serves duty for sauces, and has very good seals on it. Always leave the top cap a bit vented if it's hot liquids, or it may explode from the steam.

My .02,

theHippySeedCo said:
im banned from doing any chilli stuff in the house now, apart from bringing in and chopping for dinner.
If my Mum is ever in the kitchen when I'm chopping Scotch Bonnets/Habs she has coughing fits and my sister-in-law has sneezing fits. Anyone else get this? :confused:
rainbowberry said:
If my Mum is ever in the kitchen when I'm chopping Scotch Bonnets/Habs she has coughing fits and my sister-in-law has sneezing fits. Anyone else get this? :confused:

From just cutting them? My mother has told me they smell hot when I'm working in her kitchen, and warn me not to get the juice on anything else; but no sneezing or coughing, and she thinks mild salsa is almost too hot.