PRF October Harvests

Yet another huge October fall harvest all picked this morning from my garden. Plants stopped flowering during last weeks cold spell but lot more green pods still on the plants. A big seven pod harvest as they always ripen late in the year. All of this harvest will be dehydrated over the weekend. Only possible because of my chilehead friends here at THP. Thank you.:onfire:


Now that is a great looking harvest! BTW, how many more do you have still out there. Also, I think if I saw that snake in my garden, I would have been sh*tting down my leg! Snakes freak me out way more than spiders. :lol:
great harvest pods are very very slow to ripen...

they will last you for a long long while...
Thanks again everybody!

Hey I think we should get this naming of the Seven Pod right and call it by it's correct name. Researching on the CARDI website I found, "A catalogue of commercial hot pepper landraces of Trinidad and Tobago". It was written in 2008 and published from Trinidad & Tobago. In it are pictures and description of all the hot pepper landraces of T&T, including the Seven Pod and not the 7 pot. I also grew out the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend that was being passed around and I now believe that to also be a Seven Pod. The landrace Moruga Red(spelling corrected) has smooth and shiny skin. Here is the CARDI link;

With all that being said I have bunches of seed that is a mixture of all the different Seven Pod strains I grew. Many different seed source, but all rough pimply skin. Ask by the correct name or I may just pass you by. Lots of brain strain and morouga blend, some jonah and some staight from Sara but all the same Seven Pod. Dehydrator running overtime, what do you all think?:?:
Thanks for the link Cappy, that must be only a few of the peppers that they have shown, is there anywhere on the site that writes about new strains ie. Trinidad Scorpion yellow? I had a quick look a couldn't find anything, Also someone sent me a pepper named the CARDI purple, would you know anything about this one?
Up until now I thought "7 pots of food" made the most sense. Cappy and the CARDI link make a strong counter argument. Getting some brain strain Seven POD seed is enough to convert me; PM on the way, thanks Cappy. It's interesting that CARDI is apparently doing so much work to stabilize these landraces, but when we grow them out there's so much variation. It's fun and frustrating at the same time. One things for sure, all these Trinidad types make for giant harvests of super hot "berries".