PRF October Harvests

Believe it or not it was a late nite and early morning but the sauce is done! The sauce turned out very nice using pineapple, onion, garlic, ginger, thyme, allspice, cinnamon, lemon/limes, brown sugar and molassas. Little bit of salt and just enough vinegar and strained so the sauce is smooth like baby food. Sauce making is hard work, my back and shoulders are tired.:lol:

I am not selling these are donated as party favors for a big bash coming up next month. I have several canning jars for myself. Don't ask where the party is just so you can get some sauce Noah!
Oh.....sorry....just stopped by to see if you had perfected that time machine, because, you see, it's not actually october yet my good man and HOLY PHUCK!!!!


Oh...sauce. Yes, that looks good!

Nope sorry Ian these are spoken for and my personal stash is all canning jars that I break down to a handful of rotating woozies at home. This sauce is a little different in that it's best used on chicken or pork as it's really a hot jerk sauce. The smell of the pimento won't leave the house and only 1 tbs. of freshly ground berry was used in the recipe. It is so darn hot lost count how many 7 pods bhuts scorpions went in the pot.:lol:
You are going to be dealing out some serious pain Cappy. I can't help but smile every time I look at those photos. That truly is a mess of peppers and an amazing site.

Congratulations on a great year of growing peppers.
That second photo would be a perfect background for the computer.:hell:

Also got a great label there :rofl: A shame your not sellin any. Im weak when it comes to peppers for now, but looks beautiful. and frelling hot!
Unbelievable pictures Cappy! That 1st pic of the harvest and the hot sauce bottles pic are all time classics. Nice job man, I know you have to be tired.
you arent kidding about the fram thing, jeez man your putting in some serious work bub. Someday PRF someday i might be like you. till know i will struggle to keep em producing.
Does your sauce say the el fuego sphincter sauce? if so thats hilarious nice one man thanx for sharin!
very nice harvest many pods do you have left on your plants....are they still loaded and trying to push out pods before it freezes?...

my plants are loade but not even ripening yet...I am starting to get concerned that it will frost/freeze before I get any ripe ones...

the sauce looks like it will light you up and taste delicious at the same time..
AlabamaJack said:
very nice harvest many pods do you have left on your plants....are they still loaded and trying to push out pods before it freezes?...

my plants are loade but not even ripening yet...I am starting to get concerned that it will frost/freeze before I get any ripe ones...

the sauce looks like it will light you up and taste delicious at the same time..

Just recently my biggest plants put out major new growth and flowers, literally thousands.
AlabamaJack said:
very nice harvest many pods do you have left on your plants....are they still loaded and trying to push out pods before it freezes?...

my plants are loade but not even ripening yet...I am starting to get concerned that it will frost/freeze before I get any ripe ones...

the sauce looks like it will light you up and taste delicious at the same time..

I think that was my big harvest this year but I have a lot more pods to pick. I could do another smaller harvest today but am going to wait couple more days. I was getting ripe pods outside up until December last year so I may have a cold night or two but still have 50 more days left. Everybody has some green pods with their final harvest of the season. Let me tell you this sauce is fire and lives up to it's name. It really is as hot a many extract sauces, I have had a hard time finishing some food with this on it. I have also really enjoyed all the wonderful comments, thank you.:)
Serpent in the garden of eden telling me to eat the fruit from the tree of Good and Evil. It is going to be in the 90F the next couple days, should help ripen a few green ones. I may try to overwinter a few choice plants but for the most part I feel it is easiest and most productive to start new every season. I may actually get my first Yellow 7 Pot pod from AJ's seed stock next week, nice size pimply pods all over a couple plants started in June.:eek: