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seeds PRF seed tray '09

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Yes they got one heck of a bargain. Where else are you going to find the variety of peppers that we grow. I told them I would be able to supply them with peppers every couple weeks so 3 trays is only a start. Thanks AJ, congrats on your sale today.

Cappy, I'll bet you could get $10 for one plant when growing season gets closer and people haven't planted seeds yet. Craigs List baby! Your "bad" plants will be monsters in about a month. You can pay for all that Pro-Mix. These guys have one gallon containers cheap (other sizes too) - http://www.greenhousemegastore.com/Elite-Nursery-Container/productinfo/CN-NCE/
I've tried selling seed on craigslist for the past month and only got 2 takers. They each bought a bunch of seed so I did make some money but what a PITA. I'll take the garden center their plants and then I'm done. I don't think I want to sell individual plants on craigslist. These are extra seedlings that would otherwise just go to the compost bin. I'm just glad they will find a home. I can give you a two for one at that price if you want Tony.:P
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I've tried selling seed on craigslist for the past month and only got 2 takers. They each bought a bunch of seed so I did make some money but what a PITA. I'll take the garden center their plants and then I'm done. I don't think I want to sell individual plants on craigslist. These are extra seedlings that would otherwise just go to the compost bin. I'm just glad they will find a home. I can give you a two for one at that price if you want Tony.:P

If you were around the block, I'd take you up on that. especially with some of that exotic stuff you have. If I were you, I swear I'd hang on to a couple of extra and try them on Craigs about April. Show a picture of the plant, make them buy 2 for $20 or something so it's worth the ag.
Next two trays are in the oven and under the MH. Took two weeks till transplant last time. Mostly all C. Chinense this round again. Thank you THP for the parcel and all the seed swaps. I could never imagine planting such amazing peppers even last year this time. Still have annuums to do.:cool:
Cappy...how many varieties do you think you will end up with ... your methods amaze me...I need to come spend a couple of years with you and your family.... :lol:
You know your always welcome here AJ. I have started 38 different pepper varieties so far, I just do what has worked well for me before. I almost fry my plants under the MH for the first weeks in the cell tray, makes them grow some roots.
An update on the peppers from the first tray. The first pic is after being put in cups and the second is a week later. I think my plants respond better to the natural light at this age, not stumpy like being under my MH. In a few more weeks they'll be perfect for the big lamp. The third pick is the garden center tray. New growth seen everyday.


PRF you're on an outstanding run!! Look at all that beautiful green!

I see you're using the two cup method when you repot. I use a couple of marbles between the cups to provide some extra space for any excess water. Yours look pretty tight, are you using anything between the cups? I am by no means suggesting you change anything, that's for sure. I think you and AJ must have two green thumbs?

Thanks for the inspiration.
The cup just sits in the other, I seperate with a finger when I water with very little runoff. I know you know caroltlw, but I was hoing more would see the benefit of natural sunlight early on. I have a big glass table set up in from of a slideing door, major bright sunlight. I think it gives my plants a more natural appearance and good strong root growth. Then I give them the juice.
all the plants look uber healthy man...

I have a front window the wife is thinking about letting me use...wonder if I can talk her into moving the sofa 4' from the window....if not, I have a side window they would get sun for about 4 hours...

You have made me see the "light" in more ways than one...

you commented on another thread that the 3" square containers were great...problem is, they are already crowding one another for light...I think these are the ones I will put by the window....

great tip Cappy....
So, does less light create bigger leaves and thus the crowding? Mine get overlap too, but it seems my leaves are a lot smaller for their age than the purely indoor plants.
Carol, from what I have read and experienced last year starting under lights, the plants grew huge leaves and once I moved them outside, the number of leaves increased but the size got smaller...

I read somewhere that in "low-light conditions, the leaves will increase in size to collect as much light as they can..."

I experienced that exact scenario last year..
AlabamaJack said:
you commented on another thread that the 3" square containers were great...problem is, they are already crowding one another for light...I think these are the ones I will put by the window....

AJ try an experiment with a few plants that are freshly potted up from your 72 cell tray. I did this by accident last year with my peppers only because I had no more space. I see a major improvement to the health of my seedlings giving them a couple of weeks in a sunny window. No way you can do that with the volume of plant you do AJ, but for the average grower it should help them with their results. My secret is out.
yup...got a south facing picture window in the living room of our house...gonna ask Linda If I can have that window for a couple of months right now...

Doh....she said why don't you just use your greenhouse....dangit that woman is smart...plants going into greenhouse...one more week and the temps will have settled in on 70s/50s....
Pam said:
*If* you have a window that gets sun all day.

True Pam. But we as growers go to all extremes to have the nicest plants and the sun is free. I moved some funiture around this winter to take advantage of my window space. If you only get a few hours of sun, move the plants under grow lights at night.
The first ones I am going to move are the comparison Fataliis..they have been seeing ~30-40L lumens for a month now so they should be the best suited to move...then I will move about 60 in the grow box where they are now for about a week, then move out and repeat process...

sorry for the hijack ....

returning to regularly scheduled programming....