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seeds PRF seed tray '09

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
and finally the Fatalli that wants outside so bad it sit by the door.

Holy moly. What size cups are those? Just so I can get a sense of perspective.

Do you find Africanized bees easier to train or will the domestic variety suffice? Do you have to dance for them to get your message across? :lol:
Pepper-Guru said:
Distance is the only way to ensure true isolation.

No, bagging works very well, as long as you use a fine enough material for the bag, or as long as you don't bag tomato hornworms in with the plants.

Still can't believe I did that.
I understand you view completely Pam, but I have to say that there are many more growers here at THP that care for this hobby more than any seed seller that's in it for the money. I find many of the variety of seed I prefer to grow are only found around here at THP. It is up to the grower to weed out any plants that looks different. Even in my seed tray if a seedling doesn't look like the rest it get chopped. Too bad I was hoping for a trade with you being so close. We can trade peppers.;)
Pepper-Guru said:
Distance is the only way to ensure true isolation. And if grown inside, then different rooms should suffice as long as pollen doesn't hitch a ride from one room to another by means of your hands, clothes, shoes, etc etc.

I don't think you can ensure purity, even by distance, although you can definitely increase your odds. I think complete isolation or isolation of flowers with glue or the tea-bag method is probably easier and more effective than planting a mile apart;)
I usually isolate plants indoors and in the greenhouses where there are no pollinating insects and very little chance of pollen transfer unless its done by myself, and I also "lend" some plants to a "neighbor" a few miles away for even more isolation.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I understand you view completely Pam, but I have to say that there are many more growers here at THP that care for this hobby more than any seed seller that's in it for the money.

Apparently they don't care for it enough to do something as simple as bag a branch so that they know what they're giving you is what they say it is. Of course, seeing as how the chances of them not having gotten pure seeds from the last guy they traded with is pretty high, I guess they figure it doesn't matter. Which is why I'm forced to pay those cold and hard-hearted bastards at seed companies for pure seed.

Why, I outta sue you hooligans for forcing me to deal with them nasty seed company bandits!

I find many of the variety of seed I prefer to grow are only found around here at THP. It is up to the grower to weed out any plants that looks different.

Well, therein lies a honkin' huge part of the problem, doesn't it? Most of the time they don't look different. And since the trade trail of potentially polluted seed goes on and on, and the potential for more pollination pollution occurs at each stop, somewhere down the line someone is going to say "Hey, how come all my Nagas look like Cayennes?"

Even in my seed tray if a seedling doesn't look like the rest it get chopped. Too bad I was hoping for a trade with you being so close. We can trade peppers.;)

Oh, you're welcome to some of anything I have. It's about sharing, not acquiring.
I will share my seeds with anyone who want a trade. Heck I didn't hear anyone say a word about all the 7 Pod seed I gave away last year. Who says seed company seed stock is pure? Who says they grow in isolation? I have strains that started from just one seed like the 7 Pod. Teach me how to bag some branches and I'll take the time with some plants this year. Carol I'll hook you up later this year.
Personally I only have the time and effort to isolate a few special plants each year and I don't worry much about the non-isolated ones since they have all bred true for me so far, and I do have back-up seeds of the originals.
Amen Potawie. I get only one maybe two crosses per season and have back-up if needed. I try to improve my own stock each season by taking seed from the only the best plants and their peppers. I would like to think the health and thus seeds from my plants is better than the average joe selling seed. Everyone who received seed from me should label it 7 Pod Cappy.:lol:
nope not gonna do it Cappy....gonna label mine 7 POT Cappy... ;) :lol:
I have two views about seeds:

If I plan on selling the plants or produce, I want them to be what they say they are. I only deal with a couple of companies and they have been diligent about the seeds they sell.

If I am growing the plants for myself or to give away, I don't care if a radish has crossed with a cantaloupe and a get a radaloupe or cadish.

One company I got seeds from last year had Belgium Giants. They were poor producers and when opinions were asked, I gave my experience. As it turns out, they were not Giants - my toms had a pumpkin-color juice and real giants have a pinkish one, according to everyone else who has grown them.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Amen Potawie. I get only one maybe two crosses per season and have back-up if needed. I try to improve my own stock each season by taking seed from the only the best plants and their peppers. I would like to think the health and thus seeds from my plants is better than the average joe selling seed. Everyone who received seed from me should label it 7 Pod Cappy.:lol:

Ya, I believe in improving on stock by choosing the most desired features, and its not really possible to do this when isolating with glue/teabag/tulle and that's why I prefer lending plants out or utilizing the house and greenhouses. Ideally I'd only like to give away/trade seeds after a year of me testing for purity, but it doesn't always happened that way, and it seems most people don't really care.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Amen Potawie. I get only one maybe two crosses per season and have back-up if needed. I try to improve my own stock each season by taking seed from the only the best plants and their peppers. I would like to think the health and thus seeds from my plants is better than the average joe selling seed. Everyone who received seed from me should label it 7 Pod Cappy.:lol:

Geeez, calm down, I thought I was the one who was supposed to be touchy. My point about the crosses is that you don't know how many crosses you have or you sent out, the differences aren't always evident in the first or second generations. I'll repeat that, you don't know. You think it's pure, and you hope it's pure, but you have absolutely no way of knowing that. When I offer seeds to someone else, I tell them what I did to isolate the seed. They can make a decision for themselves if it's adequate, no hard feelings if they aren't interested.

Who says seed company seed stock is pure? Who says they grow in isolation?

A company that sends out untrue seed quickly gets a reputation. Search Riemer's on this web site for an example.

On the back of my freshly purchased with my own money Fish pepper seeds packet it says:

Seed Savings Instructions: Peppers will cross-pollinate, so seperate by at least 500' or plant in insect proof cages covered with window screen. Select peppers that are ripe, fully colored and show no signs of disease to save for seed. Remove seeds off core and onto a paper plate to dry.

~Satisfaction Guaranteed~​

*I* prefer to order seed *for myself* from reputable, established seed companies. Don't know why so many of you get your panties in a wad over that, but wad away, they're your panties to wad as you see fit. Or, perhaps, more correctly, "when you have a fit."

And, the offer still stands. You are welcome to some of any seeds I have. I usually give away whatever I don't plant in the spring and anything I'm asked to save seed on in the fall. As I said, it's about sharing, not acquiring for me.
Pam said:
A company that sends out untrue seed quickly gets a reputation. Search Riemer's on this web site for an example.

Alas, Pam, Reamer's is hardly suffering from their poor business practices. If you complain, all they do is ban you from ordering from them in the future (sort of like punishing a kid for misbehaving by making him go have fun!).

How often to peppers cross over? 10%, 20%, more? I have my plants in pots right next to each other. I'm sure that doesn't help.
wordwiz said:
Alas, Pam, Reamer's is hardly suffering from their poor business practices. If you complain, all they do is ban you from ordering from them in the future (sort of like punishing a kid for misbehaving by making him go have fun!).


Yeah, but who orders from them twice?
bigt said:
How often to peppers cross over? 10%, 20%, more? I have my plants in pots right next to each other. I'm sure that doesn't help.

I don't know that I've ever seen a percentage. I suspect it depends on things like the concentration of pollinating insects or how much wind as well as how close they are together they are. The likelihood of cross pollination probably varies from week to week.

I'll give my books a quick look later on.
I believe it depends a lot on the variety as well as the population of bees and other pollinating insects. Plants with erect flowers like C. frutescens are probably more likely to cross than others.
Only Iggy like the Fatalli? Carol they are in 17 mm flower pots, 13 plants in a 15 tray holder. I think this would make a nice desktop. I'd love to grow many of your baccatums next year. Grew Inca Red Drop last year and have Lemon Drop now.
they all look so healthy and uniform Cappy...the uniformity is outstanding...