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Lol. Thanks Rabbit. The worst people I have ever encountered are in California. They are amazed that I have shoes and don't speak with a drawl. California....the state with the most trailer parks in the nation. Every state has red necks, and that isn't a bad thing.
People who generalize about others in a negative way are trying to make themselves feel better for their own shortcomings. They want to pretend that they are in a club of "cool kids" who are better than another state or race or whatever.
I hesitate to say it, but I am in Louisville. It is an awesome town. But most of the rest of the people in the state do call Louisville "the big city". Pretty damn funny.
Oh this thread has gotten too good. Too bad I'm way too drunk to post anything really relivent at the time being. This thread will have to wait until tomarrow for me. (wow, I just spell checked this thing three times and found a ton of errors..........proof reading=good... :lol: )
I'm too cheap to pay for broadband for my work laptop that I use when at home, so here I am, shuffling along on dialup at the verrryyyyy slllowwww speed of 26.4 kbps.

gotta get my own pc, gotta get my own pc, gotta get my own pc...
chilliman64 said:
I'm too cheap to pay for broadband for my work laptop that I use when at home, so here I am, shuffling along on dialup at the verrryyyyy slllowwww speed of 26.4 kbps.

gotta get my own pc, gotta get my own pc, gotta get my own pc...

"work" laptop? sounds like a business expense. get your company to pay for your internet :D
ross said:
uh i am from NC, and there are plenty of backwards people here.

A couple of 'em even have a sense of humor.

Pam, South Carolina lobcock, and barefoot to boot.*

* pun intended
ross said:
haha. you should have responded with something that i have to google to find out the meaning. you are slipping.

You...you...North Carolina Macroverbumsciolist, you!
DevilDuck said:
Pam.... Hatch is where all of the green and red chiles are grown. It's about 3 hours south of here.

My peppers tend to be really slow at first, but then when you least expect it....BAM!!! Millions of peppers all at once. And sauce making begins.

I have seen some specials on the Hatch chili festival. Is it the "Big Jim" that is so revered there? And I am pretty sure that the growing season there is relatively long. It is just your elevation that makes yours short right?
I guess... Summer is pretty short. Once September hits, it's all over but the freeze. I can usually baby my plants up until early November, but the yield drops way off.

I'm not sure about the variety grown in Hatch. From what I can gather (I haven't done a lot of research either), Hatch Chile is the variety grown.
Pam said:
You...you...North Carolina Macroverbumsciolist, you!

DevilDuck said:
Great...another word I have to look up.

could have been worse...

floccinaucinihilipilification... now that word is worthless...

Or if you really want a word. check this one out. (an actual word)

cheezydemon said:
That is not too bad really. What makes hatch so great?

Lava fields. That stuff makes for some really fertile soil. I get desert sand mixed with whatever I throw in with it. The good stuff always settles to the bottom and the sand comes to the top. I've stopped trying to fight it. I turn the "soil" every spring, but right now all you see is sand.
DevilDuck said:
Lava fields. That stuff makes for some really fertile soil. I get desert sand mixed with whatever I throw in with it. The good stuff always settles to the bottom and the sand comes to the top. I've stopped trying to fight it. I turn the "soil" every spring, but right now all you see is sand.

I live in the Sandhills of South Carolina, so I feel your pain! And if you get through the sand, there's a nice base of red clay. It's taken me years to get enough organic matter into the soil that I can call it a garden and not a sand box.
cheezydemon said:
Lol. Thanks Rabbit. The worst people I have ever encountered are in California. They are amazed that I have shoes and don't speak with a drawl. California....the state with the most trailer parks in the nation. Every state has red necks, and that isn't a bad thing.
People who generalize about others in a negative way are trying to make themselves feel better for their own shortcomings. They want to pretend that they are in a club of "cool kids" who are better than another state or race or whatever.
I hesitate to say it, but I am in Louisville. It is an awesome town. But most of the rest of the people in the state do call Louisville "the big city". Pretty damn funny.

Now.....I never said I wasn't ....KIND of a redneck:lol::lol: (My liking to live off the land as much as possible is the relation.)It is odd how so many people judge quickly though.;)Yes I also know of the California thing you mention. I get that alot out here as well. While I'm not a big fan of alot of the laws in California I have no problem with the people there either. I've got quite a few family members out there. The point you brought up is the point I was making as well. There's good and bad people EVERYWHERE!!! I like to judge each person on there actions.
Dethwind said:
could have been worse...

floccinaucinihilipilification... now that word is worthless...

Or if you really want a word. check this one out. (an actual word)


DevilDuck said:
HA!!! I don't even get the red clay base. It's sand for 40' at least, then you hit rock.

We made raised beds out of untreated pine (12" by 12' by 3'boxes)we filled the boxes with a good amount of "garden soil" mixed with manure, all bought at Lowe's Home center. The boxes work great for keeping weeds out, but they might help you as well by giving you some controlled soil on top of the sand. Then again it sounds like you are doing pretty well with 5' plants!:shocked: