• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
Going to attempt to get a few more plants in the third bed today.... and get the strawberries in thecinder block holes but I'm not sure.... supposed to be getting the office/craft room/spare bedroom put together....
So we ended up finishing my son's bedroom insteas last night. Got 8 more of the seeds from Dia Atton in cups germinating.... my hot jJamaican and okinawan hot pepper seeds are showing tap roots... the aji limon in the cup with dirt survived, put dirt on the pimenta de neyde sprout....

Everything getes an epsom salt feeding toninght....
Leaves starting to get bigger.... pimenta de neyde and aji limon in tge cups are still alive.... gotta find a spot where they will get z bit more sun now....

Got one butch t seed showing a taproot now....
Knocked over one of the strawberry plants last night watering so I went ahead and moved it to its final home in a cinder block....

I guess it got warmer than usual the past few days at the house.... pimenta de neyde sprout didnt make it....
No signs yet of too much epsom salt.... gotta get my snail bait out, been seeing a few here and there since the ground is staying moist... gonna try to run out to lowes this weekend and grt some of the mulch and stuff I need.... waiting on stuff to germ still for the unfinished beds.... no point it getting it all and have it sit around....
One of the 5 looks like it is starting.... so I'm still waiting on bolivian rainbow, bishops crown, atomic starfish, fire cracker, crimson torpedo and the golden habs....
Not counting the pequins I git from dried store bought pods or the 8 others I started from my mixes.... finally got a chocolate hab to germ, two from the butch ts, the cgn habs, hot Jamaican and okinawan hot peppers all have a few going....

Gotta work out something for the tomatoes, they're starting to get side branches growing, no buds open yet.... strawberries still going....

Tallest plant right now is maybe 5" from ajijoes hot mix.... my super hot mix plants are pretty short but are getting larger leaves....

Have to decide what to do about a few others not in the ground yet, they essentially topped themselves, nothing growing directly on the ma in stem but starting some side growth. ...
Edit:  Only issue I have with my phone is the lack of auto-correct....  Slowly gonna be getting some pictures up today....


My restart germination setup....  Thermometer isn't set with the right time and date....  And it looks like it says 93, but it was 83 at the time I took this.  Bag of grass seed in the back....  and my ferts and pest controls....  Kind of hard to see the neem oil stuff in the back....  No, the bug spray isn't intended for the plants....  Works pretty fast on the 6 black widows I've found in the garage and outside in April 22....  Not afraid of spiders, but I don't play nice with black widows as I'm sure they wouldn't play nice with my 2 year-old son if he ran into one....

Speaking of playing nice with spiders, I'd have no issues if I found one of these running around the garden....  Too bad it was at the shop at not the house....
So my uploads are out of order from how I took them, so I might have one or two mislabeled on the posting, not running outside and comparing the pictures to the plants and then checking my chart....  First off, the easy stuff:  Tomatoes





Yellow Fatali:

Rocoto amarillo:

AjiJoe's Hot mix:



guess its making me wait to post more....
Thanks.... they're not smaller than they should be for having been sprouted for about a month now? Either way, its better than nothing germinating.... except I had to regerm almost half of my varieties.... still have 11 pics of plants to post from today....

I have 21 cups with seed either aboit to get dirt and move outside or waiting on germination.... 8 of the cups are mixed seed and only have one per.... some that are about to get dirt have multiple sprouts, have to decide on whether to keep all and put some in containers somewhere or keep the biggest....

Put too much planning in what I wanted and what would be planted where, its starting to become a hassle in changing my chart with what will go where....

Realized today my hose needs to be about five feet longer to allow me to safely water the last brick bed.... I can reach it if I turn up the water, but since it gets a bit more shade than the others being so close to the fence I was planning on planting it a lot sooner than the others once the seeds for it germ and a higher pressure and less control over the water with seedlings doesn't seem like a good idea.... so I might be either waiting a lot longer than anticipated to plant there or spend the money on a longer hose or water by hand until they get bigger....

Just figured out my plan.... some essentially topped themselves.... I don't see them getting much taller from the main stem.... they'll go in the cinder block holes along with the basil and strawberries.... alternate them and leave spots for me to step on to reach into the middle of those beds.... it opens up quite a few spots for multiples of my restarts....
Ill try to get the rest posted tomorrow.... spwnt more time on my graduate admissions essay than anticipated followed by trying to get back into my other hobby that doesn't require as much time or manual labor as pepper gardening....
Probably too early again, but moved the two aji limon seedlings to the third bed....  considering they were knocked over by something this morning, I figured I might as well deal with whatever shock transplanted them would have done as it wouldn't be much worse than what the fall did to them....
Trimmed the tomato plants somewhat to remove the lower leaves with spots and whatever leaves were close enough to touch the ground....
The aji limons survived. Gonna be putting 6 more varieties in dirt the bext day or two.... butch t, 7 pot primo, chocolate hab, okinawa hot pepper, a cgn hab and hot jamaican.
Really gotta figure something out with these new seedlings.... looking at at least 75% rates on stuff.... my okinawa hot pepper, ive had bad luck with them so I threw 8 seeds in the cup.... this morning, I have 7 taproots....

Being the only one in the house who uses peppers and hot sauces, 48 plants is overkill....
So it turns out I had a few baby horn worms on a tomato plant.... rather than just kill them, pinched off the leaves they were on and crushed them....
Nothing new for the peppers.... no deaths, at least....
Wind is knocking the tomatoes over....

Butch t and okinawa hots are getting dirt tonight....
And I doubt I'm gonna get anything from the atomic starfish, bolivian rainbow, golden habs, crimson torpedo or fire cracker.... seeds are starting to grow mold....

Restart again or give up and use their spots for what I have sprouting?
Too bad about the tomatoes.  Have you considered staking them?
If you've got plants for all the space you have, I'd say go with what you have.  But you should grow what you want to grow.