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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
They're somewhat staked.... only a foot tall right now.... it wasnt a blow over they can't recover from, and its probably doing more harm than good, but I moved a brick close enough to them to get them standing up straight....

have space for everything.... only issue is I'm on my second round of germination for some types I wanted to grow.... third round if count last year.... kind of torn between going for them again or keeping the extra seedlings I have going right now... really leaning towards keeping a seedling or two of what has been sprout ing and gives those space and hold on to the extras.... if my bad luck with certain ones continue, ill give the extras homes... if they sprout, give the extras away or somethibg, I guess....
Expecting to come home to some dead or dying plants after work.... first, I mixed up so pesticide oil stuff, not neem but essentially the same thing, last night and sprayed everything.... saw an aphid or two and a white fly.... it just dawned on me I mixed it based on the directions for a gallon of water and my spray bottle is only 750 ml.... hopefully no ill effects as I didnt use even half of the sprayer and I didnt do a full soaking on tops and bottoms of the leaves.... next, naintenance stopped by earlier today to spray for ants and spiders.... not sure if its from the maintenance they did in the back yard or from the warmer last few days or from everyine that seems ti be moving out ir mire frequent yard work, but ive seen a huge increase in the number of spiders, ants, earwigs, silverfish and pillbugs in the backyard lately.... the wife didnt make sure they didnt spray around the plants.... the hiusing office doesn't know what the crews use in the sprays so I couldn't research beforehand.... they have no reason to spray the plants and they dint spray with enough pressure to cause any kind of major splashback or a mist ti inadvertantly drift into them.... but I dont know how mucb they spray to the point itll soak deeo into the ssoil.... and third, since they sprayed inside also, I didnt get a chance to check on everything during lunch like usual.... so my new seedlings are probably baking in their clear plastic cups with lids to ratain heat and moisture overnight.... the olan was to remove the lids this afternoon and relocate if needed for sun/shade....
Me too.... the tomato stems are getting thick, bigger than a sharpie.... my tallest pepper plants are coming up on 6" now.... shouldn't be much longer before some start really taking off.... some have s lot of side growth....
Butch t seedling was lost....
Got a second chocolate hab sprouting....

Other than that, looks like the oil apray last night only affected a basil plant....
So that gopher or whatever came back.... was checking for pests last night, found an unusually dark patch of dirt outside one of the beds si I got closer to check it out to see if maybe I splashed water over there earlier withiut realizing it, and it started raising up.... dropped a brick on it.... more to flatten it back out and hopefully scare it off than kill it.... didnt work, it went back and built it up some more....

In oyher news, I played a bit of golf with the army of snails that invaded after the front yard sprinkler system ran.... the butch t seedling doesn't look like its recovering although it wasnt completely fried yesterday... leaves still green but stem is shriveled. ...

Tomato buds starting to open....
Gave everything except the new seedlings a kelp spray followed by a kelp watering followed by a normal watering.... nothing new other than that....

Got the biggest tomato plant somewhat staked, better than before....
Bought some castor oil pellets, 24" bamboo stakes, a bag of vermiculite and a bag of soil....

Somehow and not sure whrn, "but gona work most of the vermiculite into the top layer of the brick beds.... mulch will finish it off, hopefully this weekend as lowes has some ob sale....

The bag of soil is going over the gro mulch in the cinder block beds.... considering breaking up the fourth brick bed, it blocks the gate coming into the back yard. ... I can squeeze some plants in between the three other brick beds so I'm not losing space or plants, really....
So a snail had nice midnight snack of one of the okinawan pepper plants.... no trails up to the plant, but you can tell a dnail wad there....

One strawberry plant has some pretty huge green aphids on it, got a few off, can't get to the rest withiut pulling the plant out.... guess I gotta do another oil spray....
Spent more than I was planning to at lowes today.... gonna be finishing up the cinder block beds this weekend.... got 3cuft kellogg garden soil, 2cuft amend and another bag of gromulch....

Gona work the amend and miracle gro soil into the layer of gromulch and worm castings already in the bed then top with the rest of the garden soil and mix in the vermiculite abd top with more gro mulch....

If theres any left, might work some of the amend into the brick beds when I mix in the vermiculite and do anlight layer od the gromulch....
You're really doing up that bed right! Hope it pays you back for your lowes bill! Haha, can't wait to see some pics of it all done.
They never do...mine made the mistake of sending me off to HD for pool supplies yesterday alone. Ummm...oh...lemme see, I'll take some some new plant stakes, pressure compensating drippers, some 1/4" barbed connectors, some plant food... :rofl:  :shh:
All I was supposed to get was a grill abd a book shelf, so....
Will try to get new pictures up today.... some of my mixed seed plants from ajijoe are startibg to develop buds.... they're not my babies so I thibk ill let them go.... since its all cloudy and cool today, gonna try to finish the cinder block beds and plant what I have thats going in thwm.... rocotto and a fatalli are more than ready.... since its more raised than the brick beds and further from the snail army's point of entry into the back yard, the smaller seedlings shiuld be fairly safe, provided the sun doesn't get too much for them.... which it shouldnt, theyve been sitting inside the bed in their cups....

Got some weeding to do in one of the brick beds, too....

Finished.... on the left is my fatalli and my rocotto amarillo is on the left....

More being planted in the next few days.... maybe some more tonight....
Got a pimenta de neyde in the cinder block bed, and a cgn hab and hot jamaican in the first brick bed replacing two pants I lost awhile ago....

Hard to see, but these are my aji limons, togarashis and peter pepper....


FRom the back right, clockwise.... purple flash x2, white hab, santa fe grande, serrano.... not sure if you can see the scotch bonnets on the left or not....


BAck side.... right scotch bonnet then a Jamaican mushroom...


On the right, three from a mix from ajijoe.... the other three, one is behind the tomato, are supers from a mix....
Not quite sure why.... the aji limon seedlings are the only ones that have survived moving to ground withiut any true leaves.... evwrything isin the same sun conditions as soon as they pop....

Its like they havent been watered but they're fine in the cups when the soil is dry....
I dunno man...too much fertilizer??? It's been really hot too, so maybe they're just burning up from that??? Hope you figure it out!