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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
So I recounted everything left to be planted and what is still germinating and my open spaces.... everything is planned out again for what is going where.... some will be planted today, others will be going in throughout the week....
So something ive been noticing.... my plants with side growth, it seens to be concentrated towards the center of the beds towarss the tomato plants but the top part of the main stem bends slightly away from the center....

tomatoes are about thw size of cherry tomatoes right now....

The seedlings in the miracle gro have had no root growth other than thw fatalli and rocoto....
Not sure if the coffee feeding was too much and just niw showing up or if the olants didnt like the oil spray.... new growth on a few plants and tomatoes are brown and other leaves have a wilted appea rance in spots....
Ants everywhere. .. I started pulling weeds from the cinder block beds and pulled one that was followed by tons of ants flooding out of the new hole.... I could not just walk away so I drenched the area in some raid.... the active ingredient in cythoflurinene or something like that.... same stuff housing uses for spraying for ants and spiders.... I'm pretty sure I read somewhere it was food safe, either way it was only enough to soak the layer of mulch and I have nothing planted in that section of the bed yet.... hopefully it works on the spiders or mites or whatever the tiny light brown spider looking things are crawling around at night all over the mulch....

Gonna be getting some more plants in the ground tonight, hopefully....
So I didnt get anything planted tonight.... gonna work on it tomorro

Pimenta de neyde, butch t, 7 pot primo, hot jamaican, okinawa hot, some unknown supers and possibly a pequin or two...
Got two butch t's, two pimenta de neyde, two 7 pot primos and two unknown supers in the cinderblock beds.... funny, I had a butch t growing under the soil in the cup with full cotyledons and completely green....
And provided these don't have to be pulled and put back in cups, ill be planting pequins and another super tomorrow, plus the unknown ornamental....

Doubt they'll do much but ill probably sow a few more strawberry seeds, too....
Thats on the agenda for tomorrow, as well....

Gotta trim the tomato plants, they're the only things that seem to be growing faster than the weeds.... and put down more slug and snail stuff, picked two off of plants just now....
Grabbed some pictures this morning, will be putting them up later today.... everything survived the night in their neew homes.... a few more are going in today....






The tomato is waist-high, I'm 5'6"....

The tallest pepper plant is 6".... the seedlings are hard to see....
Got a hot Jamaican in the cinder block bed.... deciding between seaweed or fish emulsion feeding tonight, the seaweed is weaker and shiuldnt have as much of an effect on the smaller seedlings, but its been awhile since they've gotteb the fish emulsion.
Decided to mix the fish and seaweed.... probably made it too strong, combined I probably did about 5 oz to a gallon of water.... I was shooting for between 3 and 4 oz.... mostly to the soil around the stems, I light foliar spray and I used the rest to try to get underneath the layer of mulch in the cinder block bed....

Really gotta get around to putting iut the castor oil pellets for the mole/gopher/underground ninja.... its starting to tunnel underneath the bricks....
Not sure whats going on.... the tomatoes looked like they havent been watered in awhile.... peppers, other than some of the browning leaves were looking healthy and happy this morning.... everything got fed last night, the tomatoes not so much as the peppers, but they still got to eat.... then I realized it had been raining really lightly for the last few hours... maybe they didnt like yhe rain, or the temp dropped.... everything was droopy but not wilted and if the branches were thin enough, they were twisting....

The biggest is about the size of a golfball.... beefsteak tomatoes....

I have other threada elsewhere aboiut a few issues.... sunburn/chemical burn/bacterial infection, mixed verdict....
Everything is still alive.... gonna do a light h2o2 spray later today.... also gonna get some pequins and another unknown super in the ground, today.....
Bet I'm gonna lose some over the night.... mounds and holes rihht along side the bricks of one of the beds....

Tomatoes have somewhat recovered.... for some reason, whatever I put in one side of the cinderblock bed doesn't want to survive.... probably gonna losa the pimenta de neydes, a butch t and I'm gonna go ahead andbpredict the pequins won't make it.... can't catch a break....
And I know bud and flower drop is normal for the first round on plants, but I'm getting impatient now.... and its worse with the issues ive been having....
My scotch bonnets and santa fe grande are the healthiest looking ones right now....
Maybe.... I watched a random stray cat pull a mouse-like thing out of the yard in the middle of the day shortly after we moved in.... but the size of some of these tunnels ive been digging into trying to get the yard set up for grass are huge for something that small....