• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!

There are no gardening mistakes,only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips

I love that quote and it will try my best to remember it through this new grow. So, I'm going with only 18 varities this year as we're looking at moving to a larger house if not buying this summer and I really don't want to have to try and haul a ton of plants when we do. the ones I've selected are:

1. 7 Pot Jonah---------------------------- Pic 1
2. Aji Lemon------------------------------- romy6
3. Chili De Arbol Negro------------------ smokemaster via SocalChilihead
4. Datil-------------------------------------- Pic 1
5. Fatalii------------------------------------ Pic 1
6. Gochu----------------------------------- Stickman
7. Red Savania--------------------------- Pic 1
8. Chocolate Habanero----------------- Pic 1
9. West Indian Yellow Habanero------ Pic 1
10. Jalabanero---------------------------- SocalChilihead
11. Jalapeno------------------------------- frydad4
12. Douglah-------------------------------- Pic 1
13. Peruvian White Habanero---------- ????
14. Scotch Bonnet Jamican Red------- Pic 1
15. Thai Short----------------------------- Lieban
16. Jamican Hot Chocolate------------- ????
17. Butch T-------------------------------- Pic 1
18. T Scorpion Yellow------------------- Pic 1

Here's the layout and they went into the dirt.



Alot of them are ones i started last year that never grew beyond a certain point and I'm pretty sure that a lot of it was my new grower mistakes. Since I really want to try them I'm giving them a grow again. Once again, thanks to everyone that helped me getting started with gifts of seeds and to all on here thanks for leaving your incredable words of wisdom that we can all learn from.

Cheers to a bountiful grow this year.
 Brother Bill. These summer days with  100 degree temps and 5000 percent humidity are gonna take there toll. Many of my plants look just like yours when I come home everyday :confused:  You can either pot them up and get them in the shade during the peak hours of heat or just let them suffer. The joys of container gardening in the Florida summer :hot: . Is it fall yet  ;)
Bill I agree with Jamie's assesment and have one that gets almost as droopy as yours from too much sun. I just give it a small drink when it looks too bad but it's still producing good. Also agree with Doc Brent, love the before and after shots ...
BTW nice mini harvest mon! Have a great weekend ^_^
So, 2 days after AACT and watering twice a day here's what I woke up to find

The Babies:


Thai Short Hot




Chocolate Douglah


Mystery, whooo this baby's hot to. Had a pod diced up into a Spanish Omelet this morning.


And here's the tomatoes



And just for fun I planted a Pineapple top


Ramon did yours start drying out at the edges like this of course it could just be the weather :)

So all I'd good at the old Launch Pad. Actually this is the last week we'll be here. This time next week it'll be an empty house.

Thanks fir stopping by and have a great weekend.
As long as the Pineapple is growing from the center you're good to go, those brown tips are from the old crown. When I was reading up on them a few years ago the article said they do fine in smallish pots and don't like wet feet. You'll enjoy growing the Pineapple.
Everything's looking good!
I didn't know you were moving so soon, summertime move, I feel for ya...
Your Thai Short looks great.  I spy at least one, if not three ripe pods there.  ;)
Everything else looks fantastic, as well.  Pineapple looks like fun to try to grow! 
Good luck with the move and enjoy the new home!  I'll be looking forward to pics of the new "launch pad!"
Excellent job on everything Bill!!!! Don’t worry about the drying edges, they are super resilient and impossible to over or under water from what I’ve seen. It's great that you have it potted for the move. If it gives you any slips let them get big enough and plant them, they’ll yield fruit in a shorter time frame if that’s a top.
I was watering this morning and while looking at the Fatalii it looked to me like this plant has a really great stalk on it. These plants were started last year and I don't know maybe its normal but looks good to me :cool:
