• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's Glog - Starting Second Season

Finally getting around to germinating my seeds to start growing some peppers. I took 14 varities out of the 42 in my seed library (Special thanks to everyone that helped out with seeds) and some of the old pill bottles I had saved (usually that's where I keep the screws I collect when I strip out an old computer system) then added 8 seeds to the bottles and filled with water. Going to let the seeds soak for 24 hours, then place on coffee filters and back into the bottles till its time to plant them. Here's a shot on the bottles:


The 14 I picked are:

1. Peruvian White Hab......................Pic1
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate...............Pic1
3. Douglah......................................Pic1
4. Fatalii.........................................Pic1
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T............Pic1
6. Datil...........................................Pic1
7. Red Savina Hab..........................Pic1
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet......Pic1
9. Chocolate Hab............................Pic1
10. Black Hab................................Pic1
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow...........Pic1
12. 7/Pot Red................................Pic1
13. Bhut Jolokia.............................Pic1
14. No heat Jalapeno.....................FyrDad4
*Thank you Gentlemen

I really wanted to get a nice cross section of heat levels and to grow some peppers that I hear alot of talk about but can't find locally. most of them will be going into sauces however if I happen to get a really good crop of peppers I might have to look into drying some and making some powders. This is the first year that I'm growing peppers from seeds. I've planted Jalapeno and Habs that I picked up from Lowes or Home Depot before but never really done the research and gotten the dirt under my fingers.
I thought about whether to use Peat Pellets or Rock Wool but right now i'm thinking about just going with some good soil or a seed starting mix and I already have a bunch of Red Solo Cups. I'm planning on 6 or 8 holes in the bottom of the cup so I can bottom water them and I might place some up and down the sides so that some air can get in.

I'm really looking forward to this and if it goes good I might even be able to convince the boss to let me take a section of the back yard and put in a garden. Might even put in a flower or 2, well so long as they're edible that is.

Thanks for stopping by and check back I'll be here.

Thanks for stopping by,
love the beerigation, but it seems kind of pricey for what benefits?? Either way when you said it and I saw the pic, I laughed and cracked a big ol' smile, so it's a winner in my book. (I've been one to overspend of bad ass ideas lol)

Grows looking good, glad to see things are working out for you. That growth on the plant looks crazy like warts or something. I will say that it is a leggy plant, and that when a plant strts growing in new growth like that, it usually is compact and bushy, but it does look really weird, keep us posted RM!!

I'm starting to like the beerigation idea more. Do you drink the beer
before you stuff the bottle in the soil? Is peeing an acceptable
watering strategy?
Wow, I get a little side tracked, take a look here and you'll see what else has been happening areound the Launch Pad:


and the next thing you knoe your 3 pages behind. Man, I have some catching up to do.

King, Paul the whole Beerigation idea came to me duirng a BBQ and after I had Beerigated my tonsels about 4 or 5 times. One of our friends ws checking out the rosemary plant there and dropped his beer. It landed like that and that was how I saw it but I had to push it in a bit to get the pic. Beerigation was the toast for the rest of the night. I do suppose that you could fill the bottle with ferts and stick it in there for a prolonged release system? But is was a fun idea.

Thanks as always for visiting and the great comments. King, that plant is a mystery to me and I think your right about it being leggy. I think if I repot it again Im going to place it deeper in the pot and see what happens. Keep checking and I'll keep putting up picture.

Have a great weekend, it's Friday Eve!!
Been reading alot on here about all the irrigation systems that are being set up. So I went to Lowes and was looking around at the differents setups they had from drip to low pressure heads that spray close to the ground and all. Came back home to get online and do some research about them all and how some systems allow you to add ferts and all and after all that I found the system I want to use:



Have a great day Y'all!! I gotta do some more research.

This is EPIC
Doing a quick update with some IPhone Pics. I'll get some good shots with the camera this weekend but there has been so much growth this past week the I want to get some up. Not sure is this has anything to do with it but I hit these babies last Saturday with some of cycadjungle's Coffee Juice and if you look at the last pic and these, WOW! So here are some quick shots:


Just look at that Beautiful Fatalii in the center. I just cant wait to taste of her fruit ;)

and a shot of the ones still in the trays. Guess I need to get them moved into some solo cups and to their new homes with some friends and family.

Have great day everyone, IT"S FRIDAY!!!
Finally a pictoral update. Not the greatest pics, had to use the IPhone Cam, but the babies are now toddlers.










I love the last shot of the Fatalii. Hope you enjoyed the pics. I really can't wait to get these into the ground but I may have to look for some 1 gallon pots to transfer them into as we are currently looking to buy a new house and I dont want to plant them here and leave them.

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

Glad to hear you're maybe gonna have more room to spread out and plant your toddlers. We're pullin' for you on this end. Cheers!
Man, drop out for a half a month to tend to hearth, home and family and BAM, your 5 pages back. It's really be a great time I have alot of catching up to do too reading all of your logs where y"all have been keeping it going. so we were looking at buying a house and I was delaying putting my plants in the ground so i could plant them at the new house. Eventually we decided to hold of a year and save a bit so we could build something that we really want. A friend had 7 1 gallon Nursary pots that she let me have and I've been asking around to find more, really only need about 20 or 30. This way i can save them for the new house and at the same time allow them to grow and possibly get a few pods this year. The weather here has been pretty wet but finally got around to doing a little potting up today. Here's a few shots:

Jalapeno, nice flower on this one

Peruvian White Habanero

Thai Short Hot Pepper



Triniday Scorpion Butch T

Beautiful Fatalii

The rest of the brood




Ok, so now I'm off to read and comment on your Glogs, ok so maybe in the morning after today I'm plum tuckered out. Thanks for stopping by and checking in. Oh, what do you think about the Butch T, does it look like a Butch T to you? It was mentioned before that they didn't look right for a Butch T.

have a great evening,

Edit: Pics are a little grainy, had to use my Iphone. I'll try to get the good camera out tomorrow.
Way to go RM. If you're going to "roll your own" when you get your new place, think about including renewable energy features. We bought a "near zero net energy" home two years ago and are LOVIN' IT!! The place was built extremely tight to keep out drafts, and has dense pack blown cellulose insulation, High-E double glazed windows on the south side and triple glazed windows on the others, house oriented for maximum solar gain in winter and solar panels on the roof for electricity and hot water. Part of the deal when we bought the house was an allowance for picking our own energy star appliances too. It's much cheaper to include these features in a house you build than to retrofit in an existing structure, and there are grants and tax breaks out there for people who include them in their homes. Something to think about anyway. We'll keep our fingers crossed for your potential new home and your grow this year. Catch ya 'round!
RM - 'member waaaaaay back on page one, when you were germinating your little seeds?
Well, you sure did inspire me! So I got to soaking, then made them sweet little coffee filter beds, and waited.
And waited and waited...
Then one started to grow a tiny little tail....then molded. hahahahaha

I'm not givin' up, mind you. But I AM going to Home Depot and buy lots of basil plants to make me feel better! hahaha :)

Congrats on your beautiful plants Dude! :D
Plants are looking nice RM. The rain has been taking it's toll on all of us but pepper plants are tough suckers so keep up the good work. As for the Butch T too soon to really tell but it does look a litle odd.
Thank you for the kind words. I'm doin what I can to keep them growing. Now here are a few more shots

odd looking Butch T










The soil I used was a mix of Black Cow and an Organic Garden Soil I found at Lowes along with some used coffee grounds and powdered Egg Shells.
I water them ever third day with a sprayer that has half water and half coffee juice. The seem to love it.
Have a great evening, it's Beer:30 and I'm opening the first one. see y'all later on the DC
Rm those babies look great.
I wouldn't be surprised if the ones you transplanted to bigger pots just take off and start pumpin out fruit with a quickness!
Awesome job!
Hey, wait a second..........

Is that a........

Sure looks like it, by golly I think I'm getting my first Pod. It's on the JalapeƱo.


Have a great weekend everyone.
Well, with 9.55 inches of rain over the last 30 days it's a wonder we haven't floated away yet. Peppers are safely tucked away on the back porch but the veggie and herb gardens are about to start treading water. Oh, and yeah, the lawn is going to need a trim!

:) RM
I feel your pain RM. Still raining here. We can no longer say we need the rain ;)

Plants are looking better and better everyday. :party: