• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's Glog - Starting Second Season

Finally getting around to germinating my seeds to start growing some peppers. I took 14 varities out of the 42 in my seed library (Special thanks to everyone that helped out with seeds) and some of the old pill bottles I had saved (usually that's where I keep the screws I collect when I strip out an old computer system) then added 8 seeds to the bottles and filled with water. Going to let the seeds soak for 24 hours, then place on coffee filters and back into the bottles till its time to plant them. Here's a shot on the bottles:


The 14 I picked are:

1. Peruvian White Hab......................Pic1
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate...............Pic1
3. Douglah......................................Pic1
4. Fatalii.........................................Pic1
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T............Pic1
6. Datil...........................................Pic1
7. Red Savina Hab..........................Pic1
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet......Pic1
9. Chocolate Hab............................Pic1
10. Black Hab................................Pic1
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow...........Pic1
12. 7/Pot Red................................Pic1
13. Bhut Jolokia.............................Pic1
14. No heat Jalapeno.....................FyrDad4
*Thank you Gentlemen

I really wanted to get a nice cross section of heat levels and to grow some peppers that I hear alot of talk about but can't find locally. most of them will be going into sauces however if I happen to get a really good crop of peppers I might have to look into drying some and making some powders. This is the first year that I'm growing peppers from seeds. I've planted Jalapeno and Habs that I picked up from Lowes or Home Depot before but never really done the research and gotten the dirt under my fingers.
I thought about whether to use Peat Pellets or Rock Wool but right now i'm thinking about just going with some good soil or a seed starting mix and I already have a bunch of Red Solo Cups. I'm planning on 6 or 8 holes in the bottom of the cup so I can bottom water them and I might place some up and down the sides so that some air can get in.

I'm really looking forward to this and if it goes good I might even be able to convince the boss to let me take a section of the back yard and put in a garden. Might even put in a flower or 2, well so long as they're edible that is.

Thanks for stopping by and check back I'll be here.

Thanks for stopping by,
Jesus, you guys get it at both ends with rain during the growing season don't you? And you get brutal sun at midseason. Never gave much thought before to how difficult it is to grow crops down your way. Is that why they grow more citrus trees and sugar cane than garden truck?
Well, with debbie happering us with winds and rain this year seems a little over the top. Wasn't like this that I remember last couple of years. Glad I didn't plant out though. If they weren't under the porch i'd be worried.
Now that's it's been a week or so since Debbie blew out of here I guess it's time to get some new pics up. I am glad to report that nothing was lost to her. In fact there has been some really nice growth and even some pods starting. This is just an IPhone update so sorry the pics may be grainy and the focus on closeups will be a little questionable. I have to get the good camera fixed as Coda the new pup knocked it off the table and busted the screen on the back.

Jalapeno from Frydad4

little pods forming

Peruvian White Hab from Pic 1

Datil from Pic 1

Fatalii from Pic 1

This is the TS Butch T that I've had comments about not looking true.

Douglah from Pic 1

Thai Short from an Army Buddy of mine

This includes some 7 Pot Red, TS Yellow, Jonah, Black Habs and Chocolate habs from Pic 1. I really need to find some more 1 gallon Nursary Pots.

There are a few more but they're not really looking very good and I wanted to put a pic of my new little buddy. This is Coda. He's a Puggle that my wife and daughter fell in love withbut he's MY little buddy. I know he's mine because the first 2 days he was with us he ate the leaves off of one of my Yellow Scorpions and I guess in the doggie world that make's him a K9 Chilihead. Now we'll see what he does when he meets a nice superhot pod.


Going to get these moved out along the fence. Not too far from the porch just incase a relative of Debbie's comes by for a visit but they'll get more sun there. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of THP for a visit. Have a great weekend everyone.

Edit: Pic 1 I don't think I've said thanks here yet. Thanks for the great seeds bro, near 100% germination and growing nicely. Now we'll see hoe well they like this Florida sun. :cool:
Looking good RM, have you got your chiles in partial shade or will you be needing a shade cloth soon? Boy, you know you're settled when you have the wife, house, kids and a yeller dawg! :)
Edit: Pic 1 I don't think I've said thanks here yet. Thanks for the great seeds bro, near 100% germination and growing nicely. Now we'll see hoe well they like this Florida sun. :cool:

Hey RM, thanks for saying thanks!

On a side note...... You may want to check out your photos, as there appears to be a few duplications.....

But it's such a cute little plant, I just couldn't help it. ROFL

Thanks Greg, I didn't even notice it when I put them up. Guess that's what I get for being in a hurry.

Beautiful plants RM!!! It's so fun...I remember them when they were just tiny little sprouts!!!!

If you get time, do post some pics of the kids' plants!!! Are they still enjoying the garden as much as when they were popping plants into the dirt?!!!!!
I'll get some pics posted in the other Glog if the ones that survived Debbie. She was a bit of a biotch though and some died either from the winds or the over watering they got.
Thanks for the advice Jamie, I was just considering whether to move them out into more sun or keep them on the porch where they are. Right now they get direct sun filtered sun, through a tree, from sunrise till about 9:30 or 10;00; then direct sun till around 1:00 or 2:00 and then indirect sun the rest of the day. The ones in the 1 gallon nursary pots I water when I see the leaves start to droop a bit maybe every other day and use a sprayer with half Coffee Juice and half rain water. The ones in the pan are bottom watered with the same and the rest are watered with the sprayer on the same schedule as the big nursary pots. And right now that's all i'm doing.
Yeah, I've been watching it. The leaves just dont look right. There are several flowers and if one goes to pod I guess I'll know.
What's a garden without a few mystery plants to keep things interesting!!! :D

I have something popping up next to my poblano...just seed leaves so far, but it looks almost like a cuke, or zuke.
'Cept I didn't sow any of those this year! hahahahaha I just loooove a good mystery! :)