• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Hey my brotha...hope the back is better. I forgot to mention before, if you can get a prescription for Flector Patches I highly recommend them. After one of my 50 mile runs I got a terrible spasm in my neck that sent shooting pains down my RT arm. Felt like someone driving a RR spike into my triceps. Doc gave me all kind of scrips, and finally those things. Amazing stuff! I have now used them during recovery from several more 50 milers and a 100 miler. There is no magic bullet, but they'll dull the pain and aid in healing. Feel like I should go into one of the drug commercial side effect rants now...may cause spontaneous combustion, uncontrollable flatulence, bleeding eyeballs, mismatched socks and your inlaws to visit...
Dang man, I know that feeling all too well as well, sucks! Glad to hear that your feeling better. You know our peppers are good for that too though, right? I got some Capsasin based rub and used it the last time mine went out and it worked wonderfully well and got a great burn, just not a mouth burn :)

Now about that little haul your son brought in, I said it before and I'll say it again, those aren't plants you have they're pod producing machines! Very nice haul and even some brocolli too. Aresome!
Dude! Just have your son harvest peppers from now on! Looks like he gets more than you do! :rofl:

Sucks about the back but at least your son eats hot peppers! :dance:
Brotha Shane, Thank you for all the tips. Not to happy with my personal Doctor so I will just keep hitting the chiro! That flector patch sound like the shiat though !!!! :onfire:

Andy, I appreciate the kind words. And who doesn't love a nice aji lemon:) :drooling:

Fernandooooooooooooo:) What is up my man. Glad you are enjoying the awesome powder wayright makes. Puts my powder to shame :party: Thank you

John . I have been making small harvest all year every 3 or 4 days but since I have been down and out that is over a weeks worth of pods. Thanks for the get well wishes. :fireball:

Jamison , Thank you. Always a pleasure having you visit my grow. :dance:

Rm. I might have to break down and rub a fresh brain all over my strain :rofl: No but thank you for all the props and now that the heat is hear not sure how often we will be seing harvest pics from me. But they are still producing so we will see :drooling:

Yo Seth , what be happening? JJ my boy seems to be good I mean great at everything he does. :dance: Oh and he won't even eat a bell pepper yet ;) But I have a feeling that will change in due time. Thank you bro!
WooOhoOooo.. Sanarda.... you get to win JMes special powder... :onfire: :mouthonfire: ....didnt you know.. i dont qualify since ive received a package from him within the last month....

denniz :clap:

I got the package today. I posted a vid and some pics on my glog.

Oh Denniz I am all out of my special powder but she will get a nice package of peppers and some powder from a few other members that make tastier powder than me. When I do make another batch of powder, I will make sure to save her a sample. Should be very soon. Freezer is filling up .

Congrats to Sanarda and Denniz for his understanding :onfire:

Thank you sooo much Jamie. I am in so much pain right now. I think I ate the barrackpore.
Oh that was a bad idea girl. Wait till tomorrow. It hurts even more better :rofl:

No seriously Pia I can't wait to check out the video :party:

On my way
Well well well the heat is on and I was finally able to get out in the garden and pick some peppers. It hurt so good :dance:

I did notice a few good things since I was down and out. First that white 7 pod that was found half dead might make it after all. I stripped it of all it's leaf's and repotted in a 1/2 gallon. Starting to see some new growth :fireball:

And it only took me on year to finally get some pods from this Donne sali. Very excited about this tatsy little pepper. It is like no other I have tried.


And a hole nother nice harvest.


First person to name 8 varieties on this cutting board and lives in the lower 48 USA will be this weeks lucky dog:) And has not received a package from me before:) :onfire: :party: :dance:
Well well well the heat is on and I was finally able to get out in the garden and pick some peppers. It hurt so good :dance:

I did notice a few good things since I was down and out. First that white 7 pod that was found half dead might make it after all. I stripped it of all it's leaf's and repotted in a 1/2 gallon. Starting to see some new growth :fireball:

And it only took me on year to finally get some pods from this Donne sali. Very excited about this tatsy little pepper. It is like no other I have tried.


And a hole nother nice harvest.


First person to name 8 varieties on this cutting board and lives in the lower 48 USA will be this weeks lucky dog:) And has not received a package from me before:) :onfire: :party: :dance:

Wah again 48states..any way nice.harvest

wild guess lol...Choco bhut,choco hab,red bhut,moruga,barrackpore,ts yellow,congo yellow,congo red
Here is my guess

Yellow 7
TS yellow cardi
Red Bhut
Chocolate Bhut
Chocolate Habanero
Red Brain Strain
Mystery annumm
You are the luckydog 7pod. I will shoot you a pm. :party:

Eric you missed a few. No morouga's those are 7pod brains and no congo yellow or red. Now get off the island and win some peppers ;)

Conor, I will send you some powder soon. Thanks for the seeds :dance:
Great harvest again, Jamie. Don´t worry about that 7 Pot White, it will bounce back. A lot of my plants looked like that when they suffered from the aphids and sunburn. Most of them got their leaves back within a month and are producing buds again. With the nice temperatures you got there it won´t be a problem, just give it some extra care :D
We gotta get you some glasses eric :rofl:

Thanks Andy. It is pushing out new leaves like no tomorrow now. :party:

Well brotha Shane not too happy with the plants right now. The ingrounders are doing fine but the container plants have had better days. But I am still getting tons of pods and very little flower drops.( aphids and shiat). I did manage to get a pick of a tasty steak dinner with my signature chocolate bhut( or any super) olive oil, garlic, dill , oregano, lemon pepper salt and parsly with some fresh broccoli condement.


This grill kicks ass. Even Shane could even cook on it ;)