• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Jamie, your harvests make me so jealous. You got it going on down there in FL. Just hope you start to dry up some. That meal looked awesome.
Eric , that rocks Denniz sent you some of my powder. Glad you and others are enjoying it. One of these days I will break down and send you a direct package of love :party:

Brian, funny you say strip it down I was thinking the same thing . Great minds think alike :fireball:

Sanarda, Thank you for the idea. I way just stick it in the ground and let it fight for it's life :shh:

Ken my Florida firend. Glad to see you survived that biatch Debbie that refused to leave. The strange thing about the white 7 is I had it on the porch with about 20 other youngsters so I am leaning toward pest . Not too much water.

Denniz, Vert tasty sauce but next time I am gonna add a dash of salt. What do you think?

Brother Shane. I sure hope it isn't a fungus but will check the roots. Thank s for the helo and kind words as usual.

Ty jamison

Fernando, that is so cool you got the winning package. Once you get hooked on wayright's powder you can't stop! Enjoy :dance:

RM, I am staring out the window loving the strange orange light in the sky. Tell your kids I said thanks for singing the rain rain go away song. WE owe them BIG :onfire:
My guess wouldn't be so much the roots, but the base of the stem. Kind of a big plant for it, but almost looks as though it damped off.

Glad the sun is finally shining for you guys! Gonna be HUMID down there! Stay cool!
I would agree Shane. This plant has been slow growing and took like 40 days to germinate. I can see why they say white is a recessive gene:) Gonna yake it out tonight and literally get the bottom of it :)
Bummer about that 7 Pod white - 40 days to germinate :shocked: - wow I hope that pulls through for you. If it does I have not doubts it will be tree sized by next year :)

That sauce looks awesome too, btw. Love the food pics.
Thanks Andy. I sure hope that thing pulls thru. I repotted it yesterday but could not find any pests so I think it was a case of dampening off like the pepper warlock( Wayright) called. Hopefully the new pot and differnent soil will save it.

On a whole nother good point I received some awesome powder from Brian ( justaguy) . It is some of the smokiest tastiest pepper I have ever had. The cherry love yellow sorp is the shiat. I ate a brisket sandwich covered in the love powder and it was amazing. The cherry wood scorp flavor gets you followed by a nice top of the mouth burn causing a major craving for more. It is some of the smokiest powder I have ever dabbled . Thanks Brian!!!


Oh and the next person living in the lower 48 that replies will get some peppers compliments of you know who?
How smoky is it? I brought some of yours to work a d are loving it. Gonna get me a smoker. Will also get a video of Indian dr at my wife's work eating your hybrid. Hilarious So she says
WooOhoOooo.. Sanarda.... you get to win JMes special powder... :onfire: :mouthonfire: ....didnt you know.. i dont qualify since ive received a package from him within the last month....

denniz :clap:
Oh Denniz I am all out of my special powder but she will get a nice package of peppers and some powder from a few other members that make tastier powder than me. When I do make another batch of powder, I will make sure to save her a sample. Should be very soon. Freezer is filling up .

Congrats to Sanarda and Denniz for his understanding :onfire:
Glad you like it bro. I like to lightly sprinkle on pizza. If done right it is all but invisible yet still definitely there. Put it on a plate and then do mine like always. "Hey dad that is a lot of powder and looks hot, is this piece for me?" "nom nom yeah nom nom nom"
Sharing is caring. Once I get a smoker and get riped peppers and figure out how you guys make these nom nom powders. Will be glad to share them. For now all I can do is roast Fresno and throw it with m steak. In 4 months I'll get started sowing. :). Learning how to TEA. :)
So I have tried the mango kiwi yellow 7 barrackpore sauce and I must say it is delicious. Very tasty not too hot but a perfect blend. I had a spectacular meal.


Had a sweet taste at first followed by a mild burn with a nice garlicy after taste. Glad I documented the recipe.


And on a sadder note yesterday I came home to find my only 7 pod white looking like it was on the verge of death. Have no idea why :crazy:


And to finish on a good note another typicical romy6 harvest.
dang it boy,,,,that looks awesome!!!! i need a plate of that. nice harvest also.
Thanks Brian, Denniz, Sic and Paul. Always a pleasure having you guys on my grow.

Been on the IR for the last couple of days. I have had back problems since my days of lifting tile and Sunday while playing basketball this guy ran me over and threw out my back bad. I could not walk for two days but two trips to the chiro I am on the slow road to recovery, I feel alot better and can even walk. My plants miss me and it sucks not being able to feed them. My wife will water them but she won't touch the ferts . I think by the weekend I will be able to give them some love.

Well my son JJ stepped up to the plate like he always does and harvested some much needed pods for me last night. Here are a few pics. My daughter was gonna help but decided it was too hot and too many mesquitos( she is a very smart girl). She is like me. A mesqiuto magnet. Unlike JJ who never get's bit.

JJ next to his harvest


Closer look at the poddage


And JJ eating a aji lemon. He is a chilihead after all ;) I am so proud of my kids :dance:

Maybe someday I'll have ripe pods and be cool like you...and almost as cool as JJ! That's a whole lotta pain on that table!

Hope you feel better soon brotha! Been there, and it sucks.
The chiro is my best friend too. Better then the knife. Hope you are feeling better bit by bit. Nice to have a champ like your boy willing to go pick for ya.
Hope your back is feeling better - and glad to see your son picking up the slack. And good choice on a pepper to chomp on - love the lemons!
Great harvest Jamie and awesome assistant hopefully your back on feet soon and with your plants. Thanks again for everything and house favorite powder has truly turned to that but they only sprinkle at a time so it is still a work in progress.
Look at that giant kid eating a banana!!! Looks like one of your biggest harvests so far Jamie. Hope the back gets better for you. A couple of car wrecks from my crazy days,and years of golf have caught up to mine. Back pain is no fun,and when it affects your work,family life,play time it is frustrating. Get well soon!