• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Jamie rockin hard as always. I love to see harvest pics like that and then read that your not too happy with your plants.. Too funny man. Grill pic looks awesome. Love me some corn on the grill! best thing with a nice steak! Not too sure about that condiment of yours... the the dill and super combo has my brain parts turnin on some things now.
Thank you Linda. The little red ones are my mystery annuums. If you can be the first to positively identify them you win a prize:) Nice to see you around and thank you again for all the awesome seeds you sent me last year. The red 7's and barrackpores are prolific :party:

Oh brother Shane I have seen your skills in the kitchen and on the grill. I wouldn't last long :shh:
But I did get your attention :dance:

Britt,always a pleasure to have you stop by. I know it sounds strange when I say I am not happy( with my plants) but you will see what I mean in the next video I do. Trying to rebound them and kill all the pests shouold be interesting. But it is full summer here so it doesn't suprise me . You wil love the super/ olive oil combo on the grill. Wife and I had the same last night we just with did it with asparagus and a brain. It was delightful. :fireball:
Jamie... are you kiddin' me?! Thank you so much for the package!!! :dance:
That absolutely made my day today!

It's the start of my weekend and the wife and I were heading out for a date, she had picked up the mail on the way out.. As we were driving and she was going through the mail I saw a package so I asked her what she had got.. She tells me it's for me, I responded "huh?? I didn't order anything." she tells me, "it's from florida" I paused for a moment and then proceeded to frantically grab the package off of her lap to see if by some CRAZY chance it just might be from the only man I know in Florida. Sure enough! MAN what a freaking suprise!! I was so freaking excited when I saw your name on that bubble mailer! I had to pull over so I could open it up and check everything out, I couldn't even wait til we got the to park 5 minutes away lol!

I haven't had a fresh super since your last package awhile back, I've been seriously dieing lately, It couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I can't thank you enough. We got home a little while ago and the first thing I did was eat half of the chocolate bhut and followed it up with a 1/3 of one of the brainstrains. Up until today, I've never had the honors to try one of your BS's, dude... those things are freaking smokin, my limbs went slightly numb from just a 1/3! I'm going to be enjoying every last pepper you sent, trust me!
Thanks again Jamie :)


btw, what are the smaller annum lookin red peppers?
Chsy 83. You can't go wrong with a lil EVOO and some fresh supers on the grill!

Brandon my man, glad I could hook you up. Couldn't think of a more deserving chilifriend. I will be honest the way I slow grow my peppers, if I lived where you do I would probably never have pods. But thanks to my weather I have been verry blessed. Especially this year:) The little red peppers are from my 7 foot tall mystery annuum. Nice taste and lots of overall mouth heat. Kinda of seedy but what can you do. It is my favorite plant . Here is a pic I took yesterday of it. Ain't she a beauty. :drooling:


My bhut hybrid always looks one day closer to death but just keeps out pumping out :hot: pods

My first ripe Donne sali :dance: What a tasty pepper. Too bad they are so tiny :party:

My chocolate bhut is at it again


Barrackpore :fireball:


My white 7 making a comeback


And I had to share this Brain. It is wicked looking

Looks like you got this pepper growing thing down Jamie. Love to see that brain strain when its ripe. Probably use it to scare away unwanted house guests.
Oh Jamie the pods just keep on rollin in for you huh?! You really got it down, regardless of the weather issues you run in to out in FL, the plants still love you, even that hybrid bhut! :) Glad to see the white 7pot coming back to life for ya, mine are barely starting to flower but the one my I gave my brother has lots of pods. He picked one a little premature sunday and when I went over he said let's try it out! Coming from my brother who is not a true chili head yet, I couldn't say no even if I was a little scared! Haha! He cut us some pretty large pieces, placenta included and I bravely popped it in my mouth and chewed it up real good. I have heard bad reviews about that one, some say the taste isn't great. But I loved it! Packs a punch but was tolerable, the left side of my mouth went numb! haha! But it wasn't a "bad" pain, and the rush you get makes it that much better! Let's just say I am more than ready to do some of my own reviews!! :)
Looking good Jamie, glad to see that White 7 is coming back. That's actually the first one I've seen. Looking forward to seeing it put some pods on.

Happy Friday Eve!
Your plants are lookin great man. That mystery annum is a beauty for sure. 7feet tall.. :rolleyes: whatever man. lol. jk. I'm gonna try one of those today, I've yet to grow annums, we'll see if it changes my mind ;) thanks again, I really appreciate the generosity. Peppers have been pretty slow growin around here, were finally seeing some 80 degree heat so thats been helpin out, still have yet to see anything above 82. It's pretty weird, everywhere else in the country is breaking heat records but here in the PNW weve had 3 straight verrry cool summers, which even here is out of the norm. It's gotten me to the point where I think I'm giving up on outdoor growin (atleast with supers) they hate it here lol. Once the garage is fully operational I think I'm gonna grow indoor year round. Maybe that way I'll have pods year round too ;) haha. Well here I go again rambling. Glad to see your plants are pumpin out some serious heat buddy, I know we all appreciate you sharing it :)

Gotta quit looking at other people's pics while I am away from mine! Grrrrrrrr. Yours look amazing. Even the Hybrid Bhut, kina yellow and beat up looking but all that red on there makes up for it!
Looks like you got this pepper growing thing down Jamie. Love to see that brain strain when its ripe. Probably use it to scare away unwanted house guests.
Thank you Patrick. Coming from you that is a huge compliment. I wish I had this growing thing down. Everytime I think I do mother nature throws me for a loop :confused:

Oh Jamie the pods just keep on rollin in for you huh?! You really got it down, regardless of the weather issues you run in to out in FL, the plants still love you, even that hybrid bhut! :) Glad to see the white 7pot coming back to life for ya, mine are barely starting to flower but the one my I gave my brother has lots of pods. He picked one a little premature sunday and when I went over he said let's try it out! Coming from my brother who is not a true chili head yet, I couldn't say no even if I was a little scared! Haha! He cut us some pretty large pieces, placenta included and I bravely popped it in my mouth and chewed it up real good. I have heard bad reviews about that one, some say the taste isn't great. But I loved it! Packs a punch but was tolerable, the left side of my mouth went numb! haha! But it wasn't a "bad" pain, and the rush you get makes it that much better! Let's just say I am more than ready to do some of my own reviews!! :)
Always a pleasure having you visit my grow Melissa. Thank you for all the love. I can't wait to try my first white 7. Gonna be quite a while with mine though. And I can't wait to watch your first review. :party:

Looking good Jamie, glad to see that White 7 is coming back. That's actually the first one I've seen. Looking forward to seeing it put some pods on.

Happy Friday Eve!

Happy Friday eve to you RM. Hopefully I will make it happen.

Your plants are lookin great man. That mystery annum is a beauty for sure. 7feet tall.. :rolleyes: whatever man. lol. jk. I'm gonna try one of those today, I've yet to grow annums, we'll see if it changes my mind ;) thanks again, I really appreciate the generosity. Peppers have been pretty slow growin around here, were finally seeing some 80 degree heat so thats been helpin out, still have yet to see anything above 82. It's pretty weird, everywhere else in the country is breaking heat records but here in the PNW weve had 3 straight verrry cool summers, which even here is out of the norm. It's gotten me to the point where I think I'm giving up on outdoor growin (atleast with supers) they hate it here lol. Once the garage is fully operational I think I'm gonna grow indoor year round. Maybe that way I'll have pods year round too ;) haha. Well here I go again rambling. Glad to see your plants are pumpin out some serious heat buddy, I know we all appreciate you sharing it :)

Brandon, I really repsect you Northern growers. I wouldn't stand a chance. Between my wife and mother nature I wouldn't know what to do . I will keep the heat coming as long as the chiligods allow:)

Gotta quit looking at other people's pics while I am away from mine! Grrrrrrrr. Yours look amazing. Even the Hybrid Bhut, kina yellow and beat up looking but all that red on there makes up for it!

Thanks Shane. You are a true friend :fireball:

So a small harvest could benefit a random chilihead. First person to guess how many peppers I picked today will recieve a small package from me. Same rules as always. Lower 48 only and have not received a package from me before. Here is the harvest shot

man do we have to hit it exactly, I've counted the pic 4 times and come up with a different answer each time.

Ok, my guess is, saying prayer, 72 or there about. :)
Mmmmmm donne sali. You have to love that instant zap of a frut. I am loading up on them this winter.My boonie crossed and isn't growing right grrr. I have a chuncho that is similar to the sali. Can't wait to start snacking on them. Have a good weekend bro.
Jon my man. The donne sali is a flavor like no other. I have some good seeds I could send ya.

Fat bag of powder designated for you Conner. Oh and you were right about the Florida Wild / Very hard tp germinate.
RM is th winner. 74 was the correct answer:) Thankyou RM for playing since nobody else other than Conner wanted some free peppers :rofl: