• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Lookin' great there Jamie! That whiskey looks pretty tasty too! I'm curious about those yellow primos also, bet they would be awesome.

Emon069 -Eric-
Eric, I only got a few seeds but when I get some pods I will make sure to send you some. I am not sure how stable this variety is but I will keep you posted. Thanks for stopping in. The whisky I was told was 140.00d dollars. Way too rich for my blood :shh:

UGHHH WHAT IS IT WITH ALL THESE SPIDERS PICS... STOP ITTT..... I dont want to talk about that game Jamie :neutral: ... that is all.....Sanarda has left the building :violin:
I really don't have much of a problem with spiders and insect but I have more of those little dang lizards than you can shake a stick at. Of course I also have a well fed Black Racer that lives under my deck to help with the lizard population too. His name is Rusty, Rusty the Racer. :)
Pia I feel your pain girl. Sorry I brought it up. Hey is that a spider on your leg ;)

Your ability to grasp nature at it's finest moment is sensational. I think national geographic called and they want you working for them :party:

So I though I would share my vittles from last night. I must thank 4 outstanding THP members for contributing to the meal. In no specific order.
1. Stickman for supplying the gochu peppers
2.Wayright for the smoked douglah powder
3.STC3248 for supplying the smoked yellow powder
4. Coheed196 for the tasty Fiery Fitalli sauce :fireball:

First I prepped the Gochu's for popping. Cream cheese,garlic powder, fresh dill , basil and some fresh smoked douglah powder



Then JJ (the grill master starting cooking and seasing the not so spicey food


Close up of the Gochu popper. They were most excellent and the wife and I ate most of them before they made it to the plate


Then I added some smoked yellow 7 and fiery Fatali sauce and got busy :drooling:


Thanks for stpping in peoples :dance:
MMMMmmmmmmm, Poppers!

How were the Gochu poppers? I think the non-heat liking family might like to be liking them as, if I remember Rick saying correctly, their not that hot. Looking good there Jamie.
Sorry Eric I just ate the leftovers. Gotta keep the buddha nice and firm :rofl:

Bill the poppers were superb. Next time i would most likely remove the skin but the bacon softened them up just enough. They wer still super tasty. Not much heat at all . But if you sprinkle some smoked douglah and splash a little fatalli sauce it is just right. :party:
Glad you liked the Gochus Jamie. Maybe next time we'll get you to try Gochu Jeon. You're right... hardly any heat if you take out the placenta and seeds, but it'll still creep a little. Leave in the placentas and I think they're at the low to middle of the Jalapeno range. I left them in when I processed last year's crop... only had 8 plants and got a pint of powder out of them. I used half of it to make about 6 pounds of kimchi, and it really lit me up!
First off, not fair. I am in the desert, no booze! lol!

I have been super busy but our good friend Bill roped me into jumping back on for a few minutes with a strategically placed PM. DAMN PM's! Things are going well here, just working pretty long hours, when they told me that I would be a Marine 24/7 I didn't take them seriously....next time....I should...But I have been meaning to jump on here and tell you a story about your powder, or should I say, the POWDER FROM THE DEVIL HIMSELF.

Well, I told you that I was gonna wait until I got into country before I opened it, and when I did, I wasn't expecting what came next. It was breakfast, and eggs were on the menu. You know, the bland, unimaginative eggs you would get at the cafeteria?? Yea, those eggs. So I thought this would be the perfect time to break out Romy's special blend. Now I have had your powders before, and while pretty damn hot, nothing to make me think twice about how many shakes my meal gets. This time was different, very different.

I go and eat with my Captain, and he has been dabbling in the "Hot Arts". I have made him some habanero poppers (from your awesome choco habs), he has had a few shakes of TPGM's smoked bhuts, and other than that he was still learning. So I told him to caution himself. Well, I should have cautioned myself. I sat down, opened the bag and have a few healthy shakes, passed it to him and he did a little less. He took the first bite, and before I could even get the fork in my mouth, I could see the sweat beading on his forehead. I chuckled a bit and maybe said something like, noob, and as soon as I swallowed I realized it wasn't a joke. That stuff is FIRE! We muscled through every tasty, hot bite and walked to our shop finishing a bottle of water each on the way. A 3 minute walk mind you.

Fast forward about 4 hours and by this time a few of my Marines were asking about the powder and wanted to smell it, etc. One made a stupid comment like, "That aint sh*t", or something along those lines. So I told him to give it a try. He grabbed the bag, licked his finger and stuck it in to the first knuckle and stuck it in his mouth. In a split second his eyes lit up like the fourth of July and he screamed WATER!!!! He then proceded to jump up and down, pacing back and forth and poured 2 bottles down his throat. He shortly realized that the water wasn't going to fix it, and ran for the milk, two boxes mind you. He downed those, and still hurting broke out the strawberry milk. 20 minutes later, he is still doing the sucking air through his mouth thing. I just smiled and told him never doubt Jamie.

Job well done. Job very well done man.

I just had two bowls of chili............but I could use a few of those poppers to go along with the 3rd,4th, and 5th beers!
Brother Matt. I have the biggest smile on my face right now :P . Gives me great pleasure to cause you guys so much pain ;) I am lucky to be your friend and I can't wait to start sending you guys some care packages. I have a feeling we (The Republic of the THP) will have the whole troop hooked on the powder in no time. :party: And the sauces. :fireball: So now that we know you can access the THP :dance: What seeds do you want me to send you to start the first Afganny chili log ? :shh: God bless you and all the troops representing for us!!!!!

Vincent, I am hooked on your sauces. Thank you so much :drooling:

Greg the grow master ! Gonna vaccuum pack you some right now and send your way ;)

I challenge you to throw a nice popper pornage on your grow this weekend :onfire: . I have a feeling you will put mine to shame :party:
Matt, toooo funny, your going to have to get Mess Daddy to stock up on Ice Cream so those noobs can put out the fire.

That would have been worthy of a video!
haha that is awesome! :)

Good to hear from you Mat! keep your head down and your food hot! I'd be down for contributing some seeds to the desert grow log *chuckle*. I'll have to see what I have, but I'd love to send that, and perhaps some powder (how much is shipping over there any way?!).

If there is going to be a box of stuff going, let me know, and I'll get some stuff out to whomever is coordinating...

Its kinda funny that as you leave NC, I move here hah.
jsschrstrcks, or anyone if you want to send anything to Matt there is a coordinated effort in place for him. Check out the Support Our THP Troops thread under The Lounge and get intouch with the vendors and we'll get you hooked up with whomever is sending the next care package.