• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Well Denniz I only watch college football but I will be watching tomorrow so look out.

Stefan, thank you for stopping by. Not Ikea never shopped there and never will :party:

Made a quick video update. Sorry the battery starting dying so I had to make it fast :party:

Also wanted to thank Vince Coheed196 for the nice sauce and super rare seeds he sent me. Vincent is class act and I am blessed to be his friend.

Just a fyi he didn't send the whisky ;)


And I found this strange honeycomb thingy On my aphid infested monster annuum. I nuked them hard after this pic. So much rain the ants just keep bringing them basturds back. Anybody know what created it.

cool care package... wanna send me some whiskey?? nice update.. a whole pod... are yuou friggin kidding me i guess its what i get for calling you out...... wow.. ill attempt a mini whole pod... or if im drunk enough.. ill def try again...
I found this strange honeycomb thingy On my aphid infested monster annuum. I nuked them hard after this pic. So much rain the ants just keep bringing them basturds back. Anybody know what created it.

Hi Jamie
It looks like something laid a bunch of eggs on the underside of the leaf and most of them hatched out...
Denniz, I will send you a pod and if you eat 1/2 that is fine by me. See you on the gridiron tomorrow. Go Tom Brady !!!!

Rick, I would agree. I may start another thread to see if somebody can give me a better idea what it is.

Have a good night to all and

yikes Jamie.. I wish I knew. start by searching comb makin insects is my best bet such as bees and wasps.. what ever it is i assume its related

looks like a black ant that makes a comb
Thanks Noah. I have millions of stink bugs but never seen one of these. It was destroyed after photo.

Hey Pia. Good idea . You getting ready to watch your boys play tonight?

Well just in my friend whom is an emptamologist just said it was a wasp of some sort. Now i feel dumb for sqaushing it :confused:
Nice harvast man and that is an awesome spider shot.
I think Texas played USC a few years back...hmmmm. Does anyone remember how that one turned out??? :rolleyes:
Nice one Shane :shame: , but it aight all I got to say is who has the most NFL hall of famers, most first round draft picks, 10 national titles should be 11 but that is bs, and just awesome USC :party: .
for the hi-jack Jamie
Ok Jamie, I started the kids singing early this time, on Friday, we'll have to see how it works out but so far it's not looking good. We may need for you to get your kiddos singing too. :)

Finally got the habs dried and powder made. Has a great smell and taste and the burn is a good hab level. Going to have to get a coffee grinder though. My Ninja just couldn't get it as fine as i wanted it to be. Is there one that works any better than the others or are they pretty much the same?
Thanks Kevin. I hate spiders so it was all I could do to take the pic without shaking too much. You should post a pic of your spider. Maybe we can get em together :rofl:

Noah and Conor. I could send you this one if you would like. Me not likey :shh:

Denniz I will have several soon for ya. Be on the look out :party:

Fernando, as lonng as it's football talk I do not consider it a high jack. Glad to see you guys struggled a little with Syracuse :liar:

Billster, Well your kids must have only been singing for me cause hardly any rain . We were excpecting tons . Tell them to keep up the good work. And my kids sing about like me so we don't encourage it :rofl:

I have only used one grinder but it works great for me. From what I have heard the two blade grinders work best. Or you can screw a mason jar on your blender and get great results. Here is the one I use. It was 20 bucks with shipping on Amazon.


I love it and it grinds the pods and seeds into a fine powder :drooling:
Great looking update Jamie! That brainstrain is a beast of a plant man! Everything looks healthy healthy! Where did you get the yellow primo seeds from?
Looking great Jamie! I just used my new coffee blender/pepper grinder last night for my first batch of powder and it worked great. I still had moisture left in my pods, so I'll have to dehydrate them more, but other than that it worked great.

Nice shot of that spider. Those things are nice when you can see exactly where they are. If you turned around after taking the pic and he was gone, that would spook me a bit.