• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
great job senor! i too am qiute jealous of what you have going on in your back yard! i cannot wait for all mine to start producing! and especially the "brain" as of right now there are 10 pods and tons of fowers! new camera comes in tomorrow and i cant wait ti take pics to update my glog
Shane. Thanks again and be prepared for some serous east coast heat. :flamethrower:

Paul, that is awesome you will be planting in the dirt so soon. I feel an epic season ahead.

Matt, hope you are feeling better from that food. I told you never eat hospital food :snooty:

Thank you Prodigal. Your plants are looking super sweet as well :halo:

Eric my man! Shouldn't be long your brains will be bright red. Can't wait to see the new camera in action.

Thanks Beehunter. I am thinking about 30 days I will have a super sweet harvest :eek:
Shane. Thanks again and be prepared for some serous east coast heat. :flamethrower:

Paul, that is awesome you will be planting in the dirt so soon. I feel an epic season ahead.

Matt, hope you are feeling better from that food. I told you never eat hospital food :snooty:

Thank you Prodigal. Your plants are looking super sweet as well :halo:

Eric my man! Shouldn't be long your brains will be bright red. Can't wait to see the new camera in action.

Thanks Beehunter. I am thinking about 30 days I will have a super sweet harvest :eek:

Love you glog! You grow some awesome super hot peppers! I ate 1/4 of that brain and it tore me up! :mouthonfire: Hottest pepper I've ever tried! The Bhut hybrid and barrackpore had a great flavor!!!
Man Jamie, your stuff is looking like the middle of my season!

Would you mind posting a couple of pics of your 7 Pot Barackpore pods? I'd like to compare them to some of mine Thank ya sir!
Thanks Jon. I am glad you are enjoying them. That Brain will light you up! :flamethrower:

Can't wait Eric. :halo: :halo: :halo:

Patrick. Nice to hear from you. I have one shot from about a month ago but it looks nothing like the one I just showed. They were much smaller and less ribbed. The seeds came from Linda roper2008 and they may have been some you sent her. The handwriting on the bag looks alot like yours.You sent me some seeds so I did a little CSI. It was done in pencil with masking tape. I will ask her where they came from.I got them from her around June of 2011. The plant struggled for about 6 months but now it is loving life.


I will take a few more pics tomorrow if I remember. :drunk:

looking great Jamie as always! interesting shape on ur barrackpore, the one I grew last year had more of an elongated fatali type shape to it. looks great though you will have to let me know how the flavor is :fireball:
They taste like most red 7's too me. Super hot but I have yet to try some of the newest pods. They look extra gnarly. Here are some oics for patrick I took today.

Barrackpore . I have about 10 pods here are 4 of them





And the plan is only about a foot and a half tall. Only in a 2 gallon pot so I can't wait to pot it up or ground it :eek: :halo: :halo:

Thanks for the pics Jamie! Those are definitely looking like 7 Pot Barrackpore pods now. Plants should be pretty good producers for you too. Only complaint I ever had of them is common to a lot of superhots, takes forever for the darn things to ripen.
Thank Paul. You will get to try some pods soon.

Patrick, I think they were insect ridden causing the strange looking pods.
Now that they are on the myko blast they are stronger and producing nice fat pods.

They taste like most red 7's too me. Super hot but I have yet to try some of the newest pods. They look extra gnarly. Here are some oics for patrick I took today.

Barrackpore . I have about 10 pods here are 4 of them





And the plan is only about a foot and a half tall. Only in a 2 gallon pot so I can't wait to pot it up or ground it :eek: :halo: :halo:

Very nice!!!! I love your glog!!!! :)
Geez...yeah 10 pods right now, but look at all those damn blooms! You're gonna be rolling in 'em in no time! Man I really can't wait to see your pics this Summer!
Hey Paul. Yes I mixed it with my soil. It is the shiat!

I'll be using some when I pot up to gallons! Picked some
up last weekend - thanks for the encouragement! I'm
looking forward to seeing the results. That aji lemon
hot sauce is making my mouth water!
That this is covered in flowers! Pods look great! Well by great i mean scary! Ill be keeping an eye out for some more pic updates!
Thanks Paul. Your plants will thank you. Make sure you don't have chlorine in your water. It will kill the fungi.

Beehunter, I sure hope half of the flowers bud. I would be stoked!

Chocolate Bhut hybris compliments Wayright !


7pod red hippyseedcompany.com via roper2008 thanks Linda
