The "source" told me he saved the seeds from a jolokia pod he bought online. Grew it last year and overwintered the plant.
Here's a video of the second pod. It was much hotter than the first pod. Definitely got more mouth burn, back of the throat and saliva.
Now before you watch the video, I have to give you the set-up. SalsaDude's younger brother came over for a visit, and when the boys get together, things can sometimes get a little crazy. Like the time younger brother did a rugby tackle, hubby tripped on a tree root and ended up with a broken collar bone.
So we went to a picnic Saturday and got home around 10:00. Watched several videos of eating bhuts both here on THP and on YouTube. One video was of a guy in Hawai'i who ends up curled in a ball on the couch for 30 minutes. Bro makes a reference to that in the video. After watching those other videos, Bro jumps up and says, "Alright, let's do it, right now! It can't be THAT hot". (I don't think the beer had TOO much influence on his bravery
Things to watch for- early in the vid, the 'Kid snorts pop and peppers out his nose, 'Dude gets the hiccups, Bro farts, and the language is quite strong.
My apologies for the language, but it is pretty funny~
Here's a video of the second pod. It was much hotter than the first pod. Definitely got more mouth burn, back of the throat and saliva.
Now before you watch the video, I have to give you the set-up. SalsaDude's younger brother came over for a visit, and when the boys get together, things can sometimes get a little crazy. Like the time younger brother did a rugby tackle, hubby tripped on a tree root and ended up with a broken collar bone.
So we went to a picnic Saturday and got home around 10:00. Watched several videos of eating bhuts both here on THP and on YouTube. One video was of a guy in Hawai'i who ends up curled in a ball on the couch for 30 minutes. Bro makes a reference to that in the video. After watching those other videos, Bro jumps up and says, "Alright, let's do it, right now! It can't be THAT hot". (I don't think the beer had TOO much influence on his bravery

Things to watch for- early in the vid, the 'Kid snorts pop and peppers out his nose, 'Dude gets the hiccups, Bro farts, and the language is quite strong.
My apologies for the language, but it is pretty funny~