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SalsaKid & Salsalady eat...a REAL BHUT!

The "source" told me he saved the seeds from a jolokia pod he bought online. Grew it last year and overwintered the plant.

Here's a video of the second pod. It was much hotter than the first pod. Definitely got more mouth burn, back of the throat and saliva.

Now before you watch the video, I have to give you the set-up. SalsaDude's younger brother came over for a visit, and when the boys get together, things can sometimes get a little crazy. Like the time younger brother did a rugby tackle, hubby tripped on a tree root and ended up with a broken collar bone.

So we went to a picnic Saturday and got home around 10:00. Watched several videos of eating bhuts both here on THP and on YouTube. One video was of a guy in Hawai'i who ends up curled in a ball on the couch for 30 minutes. Bro makes a reference to that in the video. After watching those other videos, Bro jumps up and says, "Alright, let's do it, right now! It can't be THAT hot". (I don't think the beer had TOO much influence on his bravery :lol: )

Things to watch for- early in the vid, the 'Kid snorts pop and peppers out his nose, 'Dude gets the hiccups, Bro farts, and the language is quite strong.

My apologies for the language, but it is pretty funny~
SalsaKid is too cool! The first time might have been because he didn't realize just how hot chiles can be - but to do it again? And an even bigger piece? He was still cooler than the brother despite the chile in his nose! :mouthonfire:

I'm not worthy :lol:
Too funny. Lots of :censored: :censored: :censored: going on but a great way to welcome salsabrother to the pain. I felt sorry for salsakid getting the pepper in his nose because I truely respect this little guy and how brave he is. He is not even the main part of the video he is so cool. That fart is gross even among friends. More goodies in the mail, salsakid is my hero! :onfire:
The second video had my laughing my :censored: off! I mean come on...he said his butthole was already sweating! :rofl: Wonder if you get him drunk again if you can get him to try a real Bhut? :eek:
Oh Yea! He's so fun to mess with!

I can't tell you how many times I would get him to taste some new concoction. He'd so "no-way! Your stuff is always too hot" I'd tell him "not this one, it's not as hot as the others" I'd take a taste and try like heck not to make a face, so then he'd take a taste....and it would be something nuclear :mouthonfire: . :onfire: . :hell: ...and he'd go running for the faucet, again....

Oh Yea! He's so fun to mess with!

I can't tell you how many times I would get him to taste some new concoction. He'd so "no-way! Your stuff is always too hot" I'd tell him "not this one, it's not as hot as the others" I'd take a taste and try like heck not to make a face, so then he'd take a taste....and it would be something nuclear :mouthonfire: . :onfire: . :hell: ...and he'd go running for the faucet, again....


I wanna hang out with you guys.
Any time, Pauly, any time....;)

standing invitation~

Stay tuned for more videos in a couple days. Peppers from Cappy are on the way......we are so in trouble!!!!
Oh yea- the heat is still spreading. 2 weeks ago at farmer's market, I found out that our piano tuner is a chile head. I brought a couple bhut plants to farmers market on Saturday, but they weren't there. Tuesday they came by and I sent them home with 2 bhuts, a Red Savina and a fuzzy mystery plant.

All was not lost at the market though as someone came up looking for some bhut peppers and I sold one of the plants and gave the other one to the people who have the distillery where we distilled the lavender. (see post about lavender distilling in Growing Other). The heat is on~~~
Just watched your videos for the first time SL. I think you two took it like champs! The second video was hilarious. It's like a car crash or train wreck. You know its hurting someone, but you can't look away. Nice job and I can't wait to see what PRF sends you.
I asked my 20 year old son if he wanted to come watch pepper eating videos, and he said "Mom, you sado-masochist!"

Interesting, you and salsakid followed the Hippyseedcompany model- but yo' blue collar menfolk (and I mean that with all the love of my heart) did the macho silence thing (I will not let him see I'm hurting, and if I have to express myself I will cuss).

Kudo's to the kid with the pepper up his nose. He still stayed in there and giggled at his uncle.

Now I'm plotting vid's with my soul sista's. I'll have to figure out how to use those camera functions!
Thanks JayT and Celeste. 'Dude was trying to talk but had the hiccups. Just watched Jayt's vid with Wheebz, will post over there and I'm looking forward to what Celeste can work up with sista.
Lol, great video. The kids reaction was classic. You guys have more guts than I do! I ate a Habanero the other day and it put one heck of a hurting on me! Hot peppers effect me way worse than hot hot sauces. I was able to eat a piece of chicken that was smothered in Dave's Insanity Sauce, but eating one Habanero was excruciating!!! Is this normal?

On a side note, how hard is it to grow some of these bad boys?
Well, after a couple days of trying to get the 12 minute video down to 10 minutes or into 2 videos, I gave up on trying to get the whole video posted and just went with the first 10 minutes.

What we had was a Trinidad Douglah from Pepper Ridge Farm. That thing gave me a gut ache until midnight, and we did the video around 5:00pm.

After a couple of bite of ice cream, the mouth fire subsided. I didn't get much flavor, definitely not any fruit or citrus. Maybe "earthy" could describe it a little.

Anyway, here you go-
Lol, great video. The kids reaction was classic. You guys have more guts than I do! I ate a Habanero the other day and it put one heck of a hurting on me! Hot peppers effect me way worse than hot hot sauces. I was able to eat a piece of chicken that was smothered in Dave's Insanity Sauce, but eating one Habanero was excruciating!!! Is this normal?

On a side note, how hard is it to grow some of these bad boys?

Everyone's reactions are different so I'd say that's normal. And growing peppers isn't too hard. If you can grow a tomato you can grow a pepper. Lots of Grow Logs and topics in the growing forums, check them out.
Wow! Salsalady that is one mean superhot pepper and I feel for you the whole time. Salsakid handling it like a champ is very impressive, even patting you on the back to make sure your alright. The stomach cramps are worse than the mouth burn because you can feel that peppers exactly where it sits inside you the whole time and it doesn't go away. I didn't think you would dive right in after seeing lazienfat eat the Douglah, but good job. The pepper you think is a Bhut in the video is actually a T. Scorpion without a defined tail, and those big brown pods are Guadeloupe Blacks. I want to say congratulations but that is like a slap in the face. That Douglah SR strain will be the hottest pepper in that box, other vids to follow? :mouthonfire: