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SalsaKid & Salsalady eat...a REAL BHUT!

No Way! Next one up... 7 Pod!

The kid put about a tablespoon of Ghost Fire hot sauce on his fried egg sandwich this morning...he can handle it~

Nice job SL :cool: Your a trooper for going the distance on all these trials. Gonna be a good time at the PNW party. Look forward to hanging out ;)
Thanks Mali- Me, too for the party! I MIGHT have a little surprise package to share the LUV with everyone...;)............... :twisted:

Here's one from today, with a new victim....I MEAN "volunteer"....
Post to follow-

In looking back at these videos, I start to wonder. Why does one chile light the mouth on fire, another make it feel like the throat is swelling shut and this last one just HURT! The one re-occurring word was "OW!"...and yet only one chile hit the gut.

This is purely musings....but does it matter if there is food in the tummy, or what was eaten before, or is it just up to the pod?

We usually eat the stuff in the afternoon after lunch, but it's strange the different reactions that we get. I never get hiccups, Salsakid got hiccups a couple times, Salsadude gets hiccups every time he eats a reasonable size piece of a hot chile (must be a male thing...;) ).

We have more peppers coming on in the garden so the journey will continue. Just one of those things that make you go ....HHHmmmmmmmmmm?!?!?!

Thanks for watching and we hope you enjoy the vids and maybe it will help learn a TINY bit about the chiles involved.
Reference Yellow 7 Pod.

Yeah, nice job SL. I have some of those, and they are HUGE! I should be trying one real soon.
Hehe...I got some choco Bhuts from pepper lover as well. They are pretty good! :mouthonfire: IMHO...the BEST remedy for the burn is a good STRONG Margarita!
Awesomeness, HSL!!!

As always....total entertainment!!


Thanks, Pauly, That one literally had me in tears. I had held on in the other taste tests and it burned or hit the tummy, but this one just hurt!

After about 15 minutes, and a few spoons of ice cream...everything settled down. No tummy worries at all....but it just HURT! OOOOOOWWWW!!!!

And the boys...they're FINE! They're playing video games with 'Dude.

Ice cream solves a multitude of issues for kids~~~ ;)
Reference Yellow 7 Pod.Yeah, nice job SL. I have some of those, and they are HUGE! I should be trying one real soon.

I'll be watching for it. Good Luck?!?!? heehee

Hehe...I got some choco Bhuts from pepper lover as well. They are pretty good! :mouthonfire: IMHO...the BEST remedy for the burn is a good STRONG Margarita!

Thanks Maligator, I'll make sure to try that next time, and if it's a big pod, I'll make it a double...what the heck ...make it a TRIPLE!

BTW- we FINALLY have a couple blossoms on the aji amarillo plants. I think they are too far behind to get any pods unless they seriously start to kick it in, but what the hey, It's All Good~
Reference Chocolate Bhut Jolokia:

I have some of those as well. It will be alittle while till I get to it though. Everyone has a different reaction to these peppers. Your a trooper SL.
Thanks Maligator, I'll make sure to try that next time, and if it's a big pod, I'll make it a double...what the heck ...make it a TRIPLE!

BTW- we FINALLY have a couple blossoms on the aji amarillo plants. I think they are too far behind to get any pods unless they seriously start to kick it in, but what the hey, It's All Good~

I hear ya, my amarillo plant doesn't have any flowers yet and the forecast for night temps is for low 50s to upper 40s this weekend. I plan on over wintering my amarillo plant along with a couple others to include my lime tree which is a necessity for me ;)

I've set up an example...pics in a couple minutes...usually the time it takes to make a post while leaving the wine glass unguarded and for the ariel vermin to destroy the glass of goodness.

be right back...
talk about multi-tasking!

cook dinner on the stove and grill
take photos
flip burgers
copy paste
turn green beans off so they don't burn



back to the burgers.....naw....POST!