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Same Sex Marriage - Now legal in all 50 States

With the high-reversibility of tubal ligation/vasectomy, I'm in favor of mandatory surgeries to get child support for more than one child ...
D3monic said:
Genetically engineered children ftw and mandatory 2 child per household limits! yay!
theres alot of very interesting studies and discussions on this issue... 
from what i recall reading, development and getting women into the workplace has the biggest effect on population growth trends. fewer children, and later in life is what i recall hearing.  for what ever reason, poor people just fire out kids like one of those nerf ball guns we all had as kids.

oh yea:
grantmichaels said:
Wow, so did I ...
But that's because I know what I'm getting when I click some QQ shit ...
Grant, tying the two topics of the day together, I was driving down to Lexington for work today, and what passed me but a late model Dodge Charger in orange paint with a "01" on the door. I didn't get a chance to see if there was a confederate flag on the top of the car, but everything else about the charger was meant to look like the General Lee so I bet there was.
I was laughing the rest of the way to Lexington about it.
ribbedturtleneck said:
Looks like a loss for democratic states' rights to me.
Glancing at the US Constitution a person would likely agree.  After all, defining marriage is not right specifically given to the federal government.  As such, a casual glance would cause a person to think the right to do so resides with the states and the people.  However, when you consider the HUGE number of laws that have been written specifically for married people the issues of equal protection come into play.  Now failing any law governing marriage, I would agree it is not the federal government's place to define the thing.  Ah, but the moment they started writing laws to govern marriage they made the institution a matter of equal protection.

In short, the government did it to itself.  They should have left it up to individuals and churches to decide and stayed out the marriage business entirely.
Grant, oh don't you worry they will come up with something new to divide us.  If they don't invent something, they wont have anything to argue about to get votes.  I am hoping for the cola wars to begin soon.
Back in the USSA. The Feds are supposed to supply an army and regulate interstate commerce. WTF is going on with this country? Wake up everyone, the issue isn't Obamacare, Gay Marriage, Asia Pacific Trade Agreement. The issue is what States died and left you incompetent buffoons the boss? Laugh it up, wait 'til they're telling you you can't grow Peter peppers cuz they're too bland. Jamaica is looking more and more better by the day. If I want to live in some corrupt government island I'd like to at least have nice weather and a cool ocean breeze.
Quick somebody get a turkey leg for hogleg, he's about to short circuit up in here.

Did none of you get the memo from Hillary on this one? Oh yeah, I forgot, she deleted that one.
I hope someone brings me some chiles in prison when I'm arrested for practicing 1st amendment rights of free speech and free exercise of religion. Fellow pastors in Canada have already been arrested for doing so.